Jiang Wancheng murmured: "How... could this happen...? Mo'er, what on earth is going on!?"

Jiang Wancheng thought about the days in Zhaojia Village, and how the Zhao family helped her a lot.

Especially Doctor Zhao, the old lady who was very kind to her, and Lang Ge'er.

How come they are all dead?
Seeing Zhao Jingmo crying like this, she felt sad and her tears flowed uncontrollably.

Liu Jingniang wiped her tears silently, and together with Jiang Wancheng, she helped Zhao Jingmo up.

Zhao Jingmo felt limp all over and could only lie down on the couch beside him.

She cried uncontrollably and couldn't speak a complete sentence.

After her breathing stabilized, she covered her red and swollen eyes and slowly said, "First, my uncle was invited to the Wang family's palace to see a doctor because the old lady was seriously ill. The old lady was obviously getting better and better, but somehow, she suddenly took a turn for the worse and lost consciousness. No matter what we did, we couldn't wake her up."

"The old lady of the Wang family passed away just like that, so naturally, my uncle was outraged. The Wang family sent people to the pharmacy to cause trouble all day long, saying that my uncle was a quack who killed people. Even though many people in the town believed in my uncle's medical skills, they didn't dare to go to the pharmacy because of the trouble caused by the Wang family."

"My uncle was so angry that he went to the Wang family to argue. Who knew... who knew that my uncle was beaten to death in front of the palace gate by the palace servants!"

"Not only that, we had just buried my uncle's body and had not had time to go to Fujun County to file a complaint, but the people from the county office came first and said that my uncle's pharmacy sold fake medicine and people died after taking it, so they wanted to arrest my uncle and take him back for interrogation."

"After my uncle died, they arrested Lang Ge'er."

"After grandma knew about these things, she couldn't bear the shock and fainted."

"My eldest aunt had never experienced these things. When she arrived at the county government office accompanied by my parents and my brother, Lang Ge'er... Lang Ge'er could not bear the torture and died..."

"My aunt was also carried home and laid up, but she had lost both her husband and her son, so she couldn't hold on any longer and soon passed away."

"But the matter is not over yet. The county government determined that my uncle's pharmacy was selling fake medicine, so they not only closed the pharmacy, but also confiscated all the property in the pharmacy."

"The officials also came to Zhaojia Village and wanted to take my parents away as well. They said that this matter implicated the whole family. Since my uncle and Lang Ge'er were both missing, they wanted my father to pay a fine of 100 taels of silver."

"Let's not talk about whether my father can come up with a hundred taels. Even if he can, my father loves money like his life. How could he be willing to let these corrupt officials take advantage of him?"

"My father resisted for a few times, but they killed him."

"How could my brother see my father like this? He rushed forward like crazy, wanting to resist and rescue my father, but he didn't expect that he would also..."

"In order to protect us, my mother didn't dare to cry out to the heavens. She secretly hid me and my nephews and nieces in Sister Piao'er's house, and she returned home because she was worried about grandma..."

"I was so worried that I wore men's clothes and smeared my face with black paint. But when I stood at the back wall and secretly looked into the yard, I saw my mother... and my sister-in-law... They both... had also hit their heads against the wall and died!"

"My grandma howled a few times in the house, and then there was no more sound."

"Cheng'er, has our Zhao family really done anything that is against the will of heaven and earth? My uncle is a doctor in Qingyang. He is not the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, but he has cured countless patients. My father, mother, and grandma have never hurt anyone in their lives. Why did our Zhao family suffer such a catastrophic disaster!?"

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all things as gullible dogs. The saints are unkind, and regard the common people as gullible dogs!"

"The lives of us poor people are just straw dogs, aren't they worth mentioning?"

"Is there any law in this world?!"

Jingniang covered Zhao Jingmo's mouth with her hand.

"Oh my God! Mo'er, no matter how much resentment you have in your heart, this is Shangjing! Although we are all family, there is no impenetrable wall in this world! We can't harm Cheng'er and Dalangjun because of our words and deeds. No matter how many grievances you have, we can't... can't curse here..."

Zhao Jingmo cried so much that his eyes were swollen like walnuts. Even his handkerchief was soaked.

Liu Jingniang only knew that someone had died in her family, but she didn't know the real story.

Hearing how tragic it was at this moment, I felt the same way and was heartbroken.

But even so, she was more rational than Zhao Jingmo, so when she heard her say some crazy words, she immediately covered Zhao Jingmo's mouth.

Jiang Wancheng's eyes were also red from staying up late.

She could never have imagined that the Zhao family would encounter such an absurd tragedy!

At this moment, she covered her eyes and regained some clarity: "It's okay, this is my home, even if they hear something, they dare not say anything nonsense."

Then, she turned around and asked Zhao Jingmo: "Mo'er, let me ask you, when you went to Beijing, did you intend to file a complaint with the Beijing government? Did you prepare a complaint? Did you bring any evidence of their persecution and coercion of your Zhao family?"

Zhao Jingmo had cried so much that his mind was dazed and the grief in his heart was beyond words.

There are not many people in this world that she can trust now.

Jiang Wancheng is definitely one of them.

After a while, Zhao Jingmo calmed down a bit, and then he answered, "I asked the village chief and Brother Zhao Liang to help me write a petition. After handling the funeral of my grandma, parents, uncle, aunt, and Lang, I entrusted my nephew to Sister Piaoer, and then I went to Beijing in disguise."

"If I hadn't met Jingniang and Third Brother Bai on the way, I might not have been able to come to the capital so smoothly, and I wouldn't have known that you, Cheng'er, were here too."

"But seeing that Dalangjun is still alive, I am also happy for you. The most important thing is that I can catch up with your wedding, Cheng'er...it's me, I'm sorry to bother you."

There was guilt in Zhao Jingmo's eyes.

But I am also very fortunate.

If it weren't for Jiang Wancheng's blessing, it would have been fraught with difficulties for her, a single girl, to go to Beijing!
It was such a coincidence that I met Jingniang and the others.

More importantly, Dalangjun is not only alive, but also became a Jinyiwei!
This undoubtedly lit up a ray of light for Zhao Jingmo, who was in the dark abyss.

She knew that the couple would definitely not ignore this matter!

Jiang Wancheng certainly wouldn't just ignore it.

Putting aside her friendship with Zhao Jingmo, the Zhao family had also been kind to her family in the past.

Therefore, even for this favor, she would not be the indifferent person who stands by and watches!

"Mo'er, you don't have to be polite to me about this matter. The unjust murder and injustice that has befallen your Zhao family is truly outrageous to all! The eldest son is definitely not an ungrateful person."

"However, I need to explain this matter to you first."

Zhao Jingmo nodded nervously.

She didn't know what Cheng'er was going to say. Was it that Dalangjun would be embarrassed by this matter? Or was she trying to persuade herself not to fight with powerful officials?
Jiang Wancheng said, "This county magistrate of the Beijing government office may look like a fool, but in fact, he is a man who seeks profit and avoids harm. He is an absolute shrewd man. If you bring a case to the Beijing government office, you may be beaten half to death by him with twenty sticks before you even present the complaint."

"He must know that behind this matter, there is no simple interest in the interests of powerful officials, so he will definitely protect each other and even pass on the news to the Fujun County Magistrate."

"So, Mo'er, you can't go to the government office in Beijing." (End of this chapter)

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