Zhao Jingmo's face turned pale, and he was completely at a loss.

Jiang Wancheng comforted her and told her to stay calm.

"You guys go back to the courtyard and wait for my news. I will tell the eldest son about this matter. When the time comes, he may ask you about the situation. You can report it to him truthfully."

"Mo'er, don't be anxious. Now that things have come to this, what we have to do is to make those evildoers pay with blood! Pay the due retribution for every life that has been killed in your Zhao family!"

"If we can't go to the government office in Beijing, we can file a complaint with the Ministry of Justice. If that doesn't work, we can go and beat the drum to file a complaint! If that doesn't work, the eldest son will also find a way."

Zhao Jingmo's heart finally calmed down a little.

"Yes, Cheng'er, I will listen to you."

Jiang Wancheng went forward and hugged her tightly again, and Zhao Jingmo seemed to have finally found some courage, enough to face the long and endless days to come.

Before Zhao Jingmo went to Beijing, he entrusted his young nephew and niece to Liu Piaoer for care.

After Liu Piaoer settled in Zhaojia Village, she lived a secluded life and was in mourning for her husband, so everyone was more caring towards her on weekdays.

Especially Zhao Jingmo, because of Jiang Wancheng's instructions, he often went to Liu Piaoer to talk and relieve his boredom.

After a few interactions, the two became close friends.

Now that the Zhao family is in trouble, Liu Piaoer thinks of her own experience and hates these brutal bureaucrats.

Therefore, when Zhao Jingmo came to Beijing to seek justice for the Zhao family, she fully supported him.

If Zhao Jingmo didn't have a pair of young nephews and nieces for her to take care of, she might have come along as well.

Jiang Wancheng sent Zhao Jingmo and Liu Jingniang back to the courtyard where they lived now. She didn't even have time to visit and appreciate the garden scenery of the new house, and she hurried back.

Coincidentally, I ran into Wen Chaoyan and his sister who were bringing Sister Ya at the gate of the courtyard.

When Wen Chaoyan saw her, he had a gentle smile on his face: "Erlang hasn't come yet, Sister Ya is anxious to see you first."

When Sister Ya saw Jiang Wancheng, she rushed over with sparkling eyes, "Sister——"

Jiang Wancheng immediately half-knelt down and hugged her.

Thinking of his past experiences in Zhaojia Village, and the strangeness of the house where he now lived, where the entire Qi family had been tragically murdered, Jiang Wancheng felt an inexplicable chill all over his body.

Wen Chaoyan: "What's wrong?"

He naturally noticed the slight change in her expression.

Jiang Wancheng raised his head with a serious expression and met his gaze: "Ayan, I have something very important to tell you."

Huaer, Fuxue and Qingmei were playing hide-and-seek with Yajie in the corridor.

There was laughter and joy outside, the autumn weather was clear and the breeze was gentle.

The room was depressing and the atmosphere was solemn.

Jiang Wancheng and Wen Chaoyan were in the house. They occasionally glanced at the garden and talked about the Zhao family's affairs.

Wen Chaoyan frowned, clenched his fists, and his eyes were gloomy.

"The Zhao family's affairs are really strange. Cheng'er, I want to see Miss Zhao."

As he was speaking, Wen Erlang arrived.

"Brother! Sister-in-law!"

Erlang bowed and saluted towards Jiang Wancheng and Wen Chaoyan.

Jiang Wancheng pulled himself out of the solemn atmosphere, stared at Wen Erlang and smiled, "I'm really not used to you calling me like that."

Wen Jilang scratched the back of his head, "Actually, I'm not used to it either."

Jiang Wancheng: "Why don't you just call me sister? We can just call each other by our own name."

However, Wen Chaoyan, who always agreed with Jiang Wancheng, rejected this statement outright.

"No! You and I are now a real couple, how can we keep calling each other brother and sister?"

It seemed that he cared a lot about his status. Jiang Wancheng and Wen Erlang looked at each other and gave up.

Jiang Wancheng changed from elder sister to sister-in-law, and the change of identity was just a change of title. During the meal, Wen Chaoyan also emphasized correcting Sister Ya.

"You can't call me sister anymore. You have to call me sister-in-law or sister-in-law. Do you hear me?"

Yajie pouted her lips in grievance.

"But, Sister is obviously Sister..."

Wen Chaoyan stared at his younger sister seriously and said, "A sister can marry someone else. But a sister-in-law will always be a member of our family and will never be separated. Do you want her to be a sister or a sister-in-law?"

Ya Jieer immediately shouted: "Sister-in-law!"

Jiang Wancheng:...

Sure enough, Dalang still knows how to control the two little ones.

The new sister-in-law Jiang Wancheng took out two gifts that she had prepared long ago and gave them to Ya Jie'er and Wen Erlang.

Erlang is a jade pendant.

Ya Jie'er got a silver necklace.

Jiang Wancheng: "This is a gift from my elder sister as she becomes the eldest sister-in-law. Please accept it!"

They were both very happy.

Erlang said he wanted to make the jade pendant into a pendant and wear it around his neck.

Ya Jieer immediately put the collar on for him to see, "Second brother, take a look, does it look good?"


The family of four had not sat together and had a reunion dinner for several months.

Although everyone was having a great time eating, they couldn't help but think of Mr. Feng.

"It would be nice if Master Uncle was here."

Ya Jie'er propped up her little head and spoke first.

Wen Erlang paused with his chopsticks in his hand, "The old man will come back."

Jiang Wancheng sighed: "I don't know what happened to Master. He didn't even send me a letter. He must be mad at me and doesn't want to care about me anymore."

She still felt very sorry that Mr. Feng did not attend the wedding.

Wen Chaoyan comforted them with a few words.

After dinner, Wen Erlang and Ya Jie'er went back to their respective yards to rest. Jiang Wancheng first asked Bai Yi and the others to come to the yard and put the boxes in the warehouse.

Then let Tingfeng and Fuxue go to the warehouse together to register.

The two of them grew up with Jiang Wancheng, who taught them how to read and recognize accounts. Naturally, this task was no problem for them.

Once the boxes that occupied the entire yard were moved out, the yard immediately became much cleaner and fresher.

Jiang Wancheng was temporarily too busy to take care of the rest of the minor tasks, so he could only let Wang Chu and Tingfeng arrange them.

Here, Zhao Jingmo was invited to the study room of the Second Hospital.

Jingniang consciously avoided it, and after sending Zhao Jingmo over, she went back.

Wen Chaoyan had a stern look on his face. After Zhao Jingmo sat down, Jiang Wancheng poured a cup of tea for each of the three of them and then sat down next to Zhao Jingmo.

Wen Chaoyan bowed first, "Mrs. Zhao. Thank you for taking care of Cheng'er and my two younger siblings in Zhaojia Village. Now that your Zhao family is in trouble, I will certainly not stand idly by. Cheng'er has told me roughly everything, but there are still some things I need to ask you so that I can know more clearly how to redress the grievances for your Zhao family. I hope you can try to recall more things and answer some of my doubts."

Zhao Jingmo stood up with red eyes and bowed deeply.

"Yes. Thank you for your generosity, young lady!"

Jiang Wancheng quickly grabbed Zhao Jingmo and said, "Mo'er, there's no need to say this. Ah Yan, go ahead and ask."

Wen Chaoyan was no longer polite and asked, "Your great uncle was beaten to death by the Wang family. But what a coincidence, right after your great uncle passed away, the pharmacy discovered the shocking incident of selling fake medicine and killing people. Is this also related to the Wang family? Do you have any doubts?" (End of this chapter)

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