Zhao Jingmo had a bitter face and shook his head and nodded.

"To be honest, I did suspect the Wang family. But I... I have no basis for suspicion."

Wen Chaoyan: "According to you, there is something strange about the death of old lady Wang?"

Zhao Jingmo: "I can't really explain it. It's definitely getting better day by day, but these words were said by the apprentices following my uncle. I haven't seen it myself."

"He said that Mrs. Wang's illness was not serious, and that my uncle had said that the old lady would live another three to five years. But after my uncle returned that day, the old lady's condition suddenly took a turn for the worse, and she went from looking alive to looking dead."

"When my uncle went to the Wang family to see the patient again, he was already unconscious and could not be woken up no matter what we did."

Wen Chaoyan narrowed his eyes: "Can you still find this apprentice?"

Zhao Jingmo: "Yes! After the incident, I was afraid that he would be implicated, so I asked him to return home and hide."

Zhao Jingmo still has some brains.

I didn't completely lose my mind because of the suddenness and badness of the incident.

Wen Chaoyan nodded and asked, "Do you have any doubts about the fake medicine? During that time, did your uncle's pharmacy and the herbal medicine merchants have any dirty fights?"

Zhao Jingmo hesitated for a long moment before answering, "To be honest, my uncle, the herbal medicine merchant who has business dealings with me... is the father of my fiancé."

Jiang Wancheng's eyelids jumped heavily. She held Zhao Jingmo's hand tightly and asked, "Mo'er. I remember you said that this family was a herbal medicine merchant who had business dealings with your uncle. Your fiancé is the second son in the family. After you got engaged, did you give all the herbal medicine business of the pharmacy to them?"

Zhao Jingmo nodded, "Yes. My uncle thought that it would be best if the family had more money to keep, so he entrusted all the medicine business of the pharmacy to them."

"Cheng'er, you may have forgotten that the wedding was originally scheduled for October, but now our Zhao family is almost empty..."

Zhao Jingmo pressed his handkerchief to his eyes and choked up several times before continuing, "After the incident, the Fan family only sent servants to offer condolences and gave some money. Cheng'er, can I not understand what they meant?"

What happened to the Zhao family was a tragedy that almost wiped out the entire family!
But the Fan family only sent one servant over.

Even Zhao Jingmo's fiancé, who should have come to visit him, never showed up from beginning to end, not to mention the other people in the Fan family.

After what happened to the Zhao family, I’m afraid the Fan family would not be willing to go through with this marriage at all.

However, it would be really unpleasant to say that the engagement was cancelled at this juncture, so the Fan family would never agree to it for the time being.

Sure enough, Zhao Jingmo immediately added: "I originally wanted to cancel this marriage, but the clan disagreed."

"I asked someone to ask for the engagement letter, but the Fan family, perhaps because of their face, refused to give it up."

"But I have to observe mourning, so this marriage can only be postponed."

All the people with the surname Zhao in Zhaojia Village are from the same clan.

After all of Zhao Jingmo's parents passed away, Zhao Jingmo himself could no longer decide on his marriage, and the elders in the clan had the final say.

Fortunately, the people in Zhaojia Village are relatively united and kind, so even if someone needs to support Zhao Jingmo in the future, the village chief and others will probably not force her to marry off.

Zhao Jingmo was not very worried about this matter, but she didn't know when the Fan family would break up with her.

Jiang Wancheng suddenly thought of an idea, "Mo'er, could it be that the Fan family has some conflict of interest with your uncle, so... could they have done something about this?"

Zhao Jingmo was confused for a moment, then she understood what Jiang Wancheng meant. She was horrified and trembling all over.

"You, you mean, the herbs may have really killed someone, but the one who tampered with it was... the Fan family?"

Wen Chaoyan: "I can't rule out this possibility. Is your uncle's pharmacy still there?"

Zhao Jingmo shed tears. "After my father and mother were forced to death, the officials left after seeing that someone was killed. But when I went to the town a few days later, I found that the pharmacy had been sealed. The pharmacy was owned by my uncle and his family. I don't know how the county government will deal with it."

Wen Chaoyan: "This incident happened in Qingyang, but Qingyang is a long and remote place. If we investigate this case in Shangjing, I'm afraid there will be no results."

"So, we still have to go back to Qingyang to investigate this case."

Zhao Jingmo was at a loss, "Even in Shangjing... it's not possible?"

Wen Chaoyan then revealed the inside story, "Do you know who is the backer of the Wang family?"

Jiang Wancheng looked at Zhao Jingmo. Zhao Jingmo, who grew up in Qingyang and was sold to the Wang family as a maid when she was young, also shook her head.

"I only know that the Wang family in Shangjing does have a noble backer."

"I remember that when I was still in the Wang family and on duty in the young master's courtyard, a young master in his twenties came to the capital. He said he was passing by Qingyang, so he came here to play and rest for a few days."

"This young master was only accompanied by a servant and a guard, but the entire Wang family still ran to the door to greet him respectfully. Moreover, everyone treated him as a distinguished guest, even the old lady was very respectful!"

"The Wang family mobilized all their resources to provide the best courtyard, the best food and wine, and the best silks and satins to serve this young master. At that time, I was also temporarily seconded to the young master's courtyard to serve as a maid who made tea."

"But I don't know the identity of this nobleman. I only know that his surname is also Wang."

Jiang Wancheng tried hard to recall the entire Wang clan in Shangjing.

But there are too many.

Wang is a common surname, and there are many prominent families and noble families in the capital, so it is really difficult to guess.

Jiang Wancheng: "The Wang family is the only powerful family in Qingyang, they are simply local tyrants. Moreover, when Qingyang was robbed and ravaged by those gangsters, they were the only one who remained unscathed, which is really strange. And... I always feel that even the county magistrate is afraid of the Wang family."

"Who is the backer of the Wang family...Ayan, do you know?"

Wen Chaoyan is now on duty at the Northern Pacification Office, so it is not difficult for him to know the inside story.

"The biological mother of the current King Yu was surnamed Wang."

Jiang Wancheng's eyes widened in surprise, "King Yu?"

What he meant was that the Wang family of Qingyang was related to King Yu! ?
Jiang Wancheng thought about other Wang nobles in Beijing, but he never guessed this high!
The young emperor's fifth uncle, the fifth son of the previous emperor, is also the man who now commands an army of 300,000 in the Daliang Dynasty!

This news shocked Jiang Wancheng no less than in his previous life, when Jiang Wancheng learned that the current empress dowager was actually the niece of the late emperor.

After all, she was in the inner palace at that time, and she thought she had just traveled through time, so she was extremely shocked by the unethical level of inbreeding in ancient times.

"But...if their Wang family is related to a prince, why would they be so low-key?"

According to the Wang family's character, shouldn't everyone in Daliang know about this? (End of this chapter)

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