Jiang Wancheng really admired her.

She used to do business in Dajin.

However, because he had lived in seclusion in the inner house for a long time and had difficulty traveling, even with his mother's dowry and shop, it was difficult for him to run the business well.

First of all, there is no one around him who is as talented in business as Jingniang.

Secondly, although she had more business ideas thanks to her modern memory, she did not use them very well. So although the annual profit amount was indeed not small, it was also because of the huge base.

An idea suddenly came to Jiang Wancheng's mind.

"Jingniang, do you want to stay in Shangjing to do business?"

Jingniang's eyes lit up: "Of course I did. To tell you the truth, I came to Beijing this time, in addition to giving you money, I also wanted to seek refuge with you and start a new business in Shangjing!"

Jiang Wancheng smiled, "What a coincidence. I just happened to have two shops ready, and I plan to open them for business soon. Do you want to invest in them?"

Jingniang laughed heartily, "So, am I just dozing off and a pillow hits me?"

The two of them clapped their hands vigorously and became business partners.

However, no matter how good the friendship is, in order to avoid hurting and destroying this precious relationship in the future, they still have to make some vows.

For example, Jingniang is still fully responsible for Fujun's business, and Jiang Wancheng only needs to wait for counting money and dividends as before.

The business in Beijing will now start from these two shops.

However, Jiang Wancheng had invested a huge amount of money in the early stages, so Jingniang was only willing to take 20% of the profits.

Jiang Wancheng still followed her original idea, using one shop as a cloth shop and the other as a restaurant.

All the ideas were her own. She could run the shop however she wanted, and Jingniang just helped run it.

Once they were on the road and their shop was going well, they would invest money together to open a new shop in the capital, and then split the profits of the new business 50-50.

Jingniang needs a Jinyiwei official like Wen Chaoyan as her backer.

Jiang Wancheng needed someone like Jingniang who had a natural business mind and means, and a partner whom she trusted deeply. The two parties hit it off immediately and had no objection to the partnership.

The two of them immediately wrote a contract and put their fingerprints on it.

When Jiang Wancheng happily returned to Cangcuiyuan with his package on his back, he realized that it was already late.

"Oh no! What time is it?"

Jiang Wancheng was shocked to realize that he had left Wen Chaoyan alone in the new house and had completely forgotten about him.

Fuxue also replied tremblingly: "Miss, it's the first quarter of the evening..."

Jiang Wancheng covered his forehead, "It's over, it's over! Quick, I'll go to the bathroom first, you should go back as well."

Fuxue thought of her son-in-law's usual stern face, and looked at her with some concern: "Miss, don't you want me to serve you?"

Jiang Wancheng: “No need.”

She waved her hand and slipped into the bathroom through the side door of the wing.

In addition to Fuxue and Qingmei, there are now two maids in Cangcuiyuan who are responsible for cleaning and boiling water.

As soon as Jiang Wancheng came back, they immediately poured hot water into the bathroom.

Jiang Wancheng tiptoed from the bathroom into the bedroom and saw that the bed curtains had been drawn and the figure on the bed seemed to have really fallen asleep. He first placed the package containing the tickets on the small table and then took his pajamas.

Just when she had soaked in the bathtub and breathed a sigh of relief, a big hand suddenly touched her little face from behind.


Jiang Wancheng screamed in fright.

Wen Chaoyan covered her little mouth with his hand, "Shh! Don't be afraid, it's me."

Jiang Wancheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice.

However, thinking of her current situation, she immediately covered her body in embarrassment.

"Why are you here? But I woke you up?" Wen Chaoyan leaned over from behind, pinched her jaw with his big hand, and laughed angrily: "Woke you up? I haven't slept yet, I've been waiting for my wife to come back."

Jiang Wancheng looked guilty and didn't dare to look at him, "I was so engrossed in chatting with Jingniang that I forgot that you were still waiting for me..."

"Oh, by the way, A'Yan! I haven't told you that I have two shops that are about to open for business. Also, do you remember that I gave Jingniang a hundred taels of silver? She used it as capital to start a business. The silver notes and shop deeds in that package are her share of the profits!"

"It was only a hundred taels at the beginning, but now she has so many. She is simply a business genius!"

"So, I left her in Shangjing...ah!"

Jiang Wancheng was talking so excitedly that he didn't notice that the person behind him had swiftly stripped off all his clothes and then jumped into the bathtub with a bang.

Jiang Wancheng was frightened again and reflexively turned around and tried to hide.

The person behind her came up and hugged her.

"Where to run, huh?"

Jiang Wancheng got goosebumps all over his body and couldn't help begging for mercy, "Don't do it here, please."

Wen Chaoyan bent down and kissed her.

"Why can't it be here? What's wrong with this place? Tell me."

Jiang Wancheng stumbled and blushed with embarrassment.

How could she say it?
Moreover, he felt so hot as if he was on fire. She was afraid that she would not be able to escape from this pleasure in the bathroom.

Half an hour later.

Jiang Wancheng was carried back to the dormitory, feeling exhausted.

After putting her on the bed, Wen Chaoyan first applied medicine on her, and then sat gently at the head of the bed to wipe her wet hair.

"Will it be better tonight?"

He asked gently, lowering his head.

Jiang Wancheng half opened his eyes, and because he was extremely tired, he looked at him helplessly, "Can you please stop asking..."

Wen Chaoyan smiled, "If I don't ask, how can I know how well I've done? Are you satisfied?"

Jiang Wancheng's pretty face was so red that it seemed like blood was almost dripping out.

What did she say?
They say he is young, so he really has good physical strength?

That although he was a novice, he was always making her nervous because of his exploratory spirit and boldness?

That he is so talented! ?
Seeing that she didn't answer, Wen Chaoyan lowered his head again, and was about to kiss her again. Jiang Wancheng hurriedly shouted: "Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied! My husband is so satisfying tonight!"

Only then did Wen Chaoyan curl his lips and let her go.

Jiang Wancheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She really couldn't afford to go through so much trouble anymore!

Looking up and glancing at his naked upper body, Jiang Wancheng thought: This guy's muscles are not built in vain, his strength is really terrifying!
However, he was clearly a little awkward last night, so why did he become so powerful today?

There are so many ways, she feels embarrassed when she thinks about them.

Wen Chaoyan: "Brother Gu gave me a book about sex and palace. It's really interesting and fresh. Cheng'er, do you want to explore it with me?"

Jiang Wancheng was startled and quickly covered his mouth.

Did she just speak out everything that was in her heart?
Looking at his expression, it's true!

Jiang Wancheng suddenly felt regretful, ashamed and annoyed, and wanted to pinch himself!
Wen Chaoyan smiled, turned around and pressed her under him.

"It seems that my wife is really satisfied with my body. If so, why not explore it further..."

As his murmurs were once again swallowed up between Jiang Wancheng's lips and teeth, the moonlight outside the window was also covered with a layer of faint ambiguity.

The night is still long, and their happy married life has just begun... (End of this chapter)

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