The next day, Wen Chaoyan got up early again and went back to work before dawn.

Jiang Wancheng also began to take care of the affairs in the rear house.

She first sorted out her treasure boxes.

The jewels were placed in the storeroom, the silver and money were placed in the secret compartment under her bed, and the accessories were placed on the dressing table.

These things were locked and Jiang Wancheng kept the keys himself.

Fuxue still takes care of the trivial matters of the main courtyard, and is mainly responsible for Jiang Wancheng.

Huaer still follows Yajieer and Zhibao as before.

After Mr. Liao came back, Wen Erlang resumed his teaching routine, and Erchui continued to follow his daily life.

However, Jiang Wancheng planned to buy him a little servant to do some of the intimate and tedious tasks that were inconvenient for Erchui.

After Lin Xueyan returned to Beijing, she went out all day long, and she made it clear that she didn't want any maid to serve her, so Qianzhu went back to Cangcuiyuan.

Qingmei adapted for two days and began to take care of the flowers and plants in Cangcuiyuan.

Tingfeng and Wang Chu officially became the housekeeper and chief steward of the entire mansion.

The two of them have been training in Bishuiju for so long, and now they do things in an orderly and methodical manner, without any mistakes.

Jiang Wancheng handed over the kitchen matters to Nanny Zhao.

Now there are several maids in the family, and Jiang Wancheng has done his job in settling them down.

Two days later, Jiang Wancheng finally sorted out all the trivial matters in the mansion.

However, at present, for such a large yard, there is still a severe shortage of manpower.

So, Jiang Wancheng asked Yang Hu and Madam Zhao to go to the human dental clinic together to select more good people.

Those who work in the kitchen, sweeping the floor, the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard, as well as the flower and plant supervisor and the yardkeeper of the main courtyard.

If there were no one to take care of it, such a big and beautiful garden would soon become deserted.

It was not until dark that Nanny Zhao and Yang Hu brought the person back.

However, Jiang Wancheng looked at the number of people and found that it was not enough.

Moreover, they both looked a little angry.

Jiang Wancheng asked: "What happened? Look how angry you are."

Yang Hu: "Madam, when the people at the Human Dental Clinic heard where we are from, they avoided us as much as possible and refused to give us the good ones! It's really infuriating!"

Jiang Wancheng was indeed surprised: "Why?"

Aunt Zhao sighed, "My dear Madam, it's all spread out there, saying that our house is haunted. And they also say..."

Nanny Zhao hesitated, as if she was afraid of scaring Jiang Wancheng.

Jiang Wancheng laughed and said, "It's been going on for seven or eight years? I know about that. But, have you encountered any supernatural things in the past few days?"

The two of them naturally shook their heads.

Fuxue and the others who followed behind him looked at each other in confusion. Is it haunted?

How come they haven't heard of it?

In fact, the few maids that Wen Chaoyan bought into the mansion in advance had all received strict education, and they had been in the mansion for a month first. Their daily task was to clean every corner of the mansion and leave it spotless.

So, even though there had been rumors of ghosts in the past, they were afraid at first, but they hadn't encountered anything strange in the month since they moved in, so they were naturally not afraid anymore, and they didn't dare to talk about it.

This matter did not spread in the inner courtyard.

Now that Zhao Ma and Yang Hu were treated differently outside, they brought back this news. Jiang Wancheng: "Isn't that enough? If this house wasn't haunted, we wouldn't be able to live here now. But we got a bargain. Before we moved in, the master had already invited a Taoist temple to perform a ritual, so there won't be any haunted things anymore. You can live here without worry."

Jiang Wancheng would not tell anyone about the Qi family's affairs, lest they become even more frightened.

Moreover, Wen Chaoyan also said that the truth about the haunted house would not be revealed to the world for the time being.

The loyal servant and his family were now settled by him in the small courtyard where he had lived before. The family did not run around because they still hoped that Wen Chaoyan could help them find out the truth of what happened back then.

However, this is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two, and now all we can do is to keep each other safe.

By the way, the house now has a plaque that reads "Wen Mansion". The Human Dental Institute is so well-informed that they actually know that the Wen Mansion is the former Qi Mansion?

However, although the Human Dental Bureau was also afraid that the house was haunted, they could not resist the fact that Zhao Ma and Yang Hu were carrying large sums of money.

With a little more persuasion, I managed to find some useful people.

"There is a family named Wei. The old man can grow some flowers and plants. His wife can cook, his daughter can take care of things, and his son-in-law helps take care of the flowers and plants and plant trees. There is also a little granddaughter who is only six years old now."

However, although this family are all useful people, few people are willing to buy this family right away.

Some were willing to buy only a girl, or some were willing to buy the old man. But this family wanted to die together, and they also gave bribes to the manager of the dental clinic, so they have been waiting for several months and have not been separated.

If they wait any longer, I'm afraid the Human Dental Clinic will tear them apart alive.

Nowadays, some people are willing to buy the entire family at once, so how could the human dental clinic be unwilling?

The head of the family made the final decision and sold the family's death deeds to the Wen family for fifty taels of silver.

The rest included two little maids, a few servants, and three maids, and there were no more people.

But it is estimated that the manpower is still not enough.

Aunt Zhao: "Madam, how about we go again tomorrow?"

Jiang Wancheng shook his head, "Forget it. Since they are afraid of the haunted things, they won't be willing to give out many good things if you go there. So just wait a little longer. When the haunted things are no longer spread in Beijing, the people from the Human Dental Clinic may come to your door on their own initiative."

"Thank you for your hard work. If you work harder every day, I will raise your wages."

At this point, no one had any objections.

In the evening, Wen Chaoyan came back and Jiang Wancheng was pointing out words to Ya Jie'er.

When Fuxue saw her master coming back, she hesitated whether to go forward to help change clothes, but was scared back by Wen Chaoyan's cold eyes.

Forget it, she should just leave quickly.

Jiang Wancheng held back his laughter and stood up.

"Come on, I'll do it."

She took the duster and brushed off the dust on Wen Chaoyan's outer robe before taking it off for him.

"How about letting Yang Hu follow you? He's quite smart. He can follow you to work every day, and then follow you back. And let him serve you when you get home?"

Since he is not used to the proximity of maids, he should bring a servant with him.

Wen Chaoyan frowned and asked, "That Yang Hu, is he a living indenture?"

He was worried about the indentured slaves following him.

However, he really should have someone around him, because sometimes he didn't even have anyone to pass on messages.

Wen Chaoyan: "Let's go with Wu Da. He has nothing to do all day, so let him follow me. But, just let him come to the backyard, and you can choose a nanny to serve him."

Jiang Wancheng thought: He doesn't want a young close friend, he only wants Mammy, but is it to make her feel at ease? (End of this chapter)

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