Thinking of this, Jiang Wancheng pursed his lips and smiled.

But maybe he really wasn't used to it.

Jiang Wancheng naturally respected his opinion and prepared to pick a reliable nanny tomorrow.

Wen Chaoyan came back today and has not had dinner yet.

So Jiang Wancheng asked someone to bring in the meal.

"If you want to come back for dinner, just send a message in advance. The three of us will be waiting for you!"

Wen Chaoyan nodded in agreement, holding Yajie on his lap and taking over Jiang Wancheng's job of teaching the younger sister to read.

When Yajie felt tired, Huaer came in and took her back.

Jiang Wancheng accompanied Wen Chaoyan for dinner.

Wen Chaoyan mentioned the Zhao family.

"As I expected, His Majesty has agreed. Moreover, the Queen Mother summoned me this afternoon and gave me a token, asking me to investigate the matter thoroughly."

Jiang Wancheng became nervous.

He poured a bowl of soup for Wen Chaoyan and handed it to him: "Then you want to go back in person?"

Wen Chaoyan shook his head: "Remember, I went to the farm once and you came back injured?"

Of course Jiang Wancheng remembers!
That time, the two of them had a fight because of Yun Nian’s matter.

Wen Chaoyan did not hide it from her: "In fact, I have been investigating a pearl case in the past few months."

"The last time I went to Bishuiju, it was because of this case that I fought with someone. There are already many clues and clues to this case. I am the person in charge of this case. The captain and the queen mother have high hopes for me. This is also my chance. So Cheng'er, I can't leave now."

Jiang Wancheng understood.

What he has to do is not only for his own future, but also to be able to use his own hands to find out the injustice of the Wen family in the past and return to Dajin with Erlang and Yajie.

So, he really can't miss any important opportunity.

Jiang Wancheng: "What about Mo'er..."

Wen Chaoyan drank the soup in one gulp: "I entrust everything to Li Yan at this moment."

Jiang Wancheng's eyes lit up: "Li Yan? Is he willing?"

Wen Chaoyan: "Why not? This is also a chance for him to show his face in front of His Majesty. Besides, if he goes, he is indeed more suitable than me."

"He has lived in Fujun for many years and has been involved in the underworld since he was young. He has more tricks than me and is more flexible. More importantly, his face is more suitable for Qingyang than mine."

After all, Wen Chaoyan had faked his death in Qingyang and Fujun. If he went back rashly, it would inevitably cause a lot of suspicion and trouble.

Moreover, Li Yan's skills are only slightly worse than Wen Chaoyan and Gu Tingzhou.

Therefore, ordinary people who practice martial arts are no match for him at all!

Jiang Wancheng smiled and said, "Great. I will tell Mo'er about this tomorrow."

Wen Chaoyan was happy to see the sad look on her face finally disappear and she smiled.

"Don't worry, Li Yan has grown a lot through experience. He also has the Queen Mother's token in his hand. Unless King Yu shows up in person, no one will be an obstacle to him."

Jiang Wancheng was completely relieved.

Because she was grateful for Wen Chaoyan's kindness, she was unusually proactive and enthusiastic that night.

So much so that even after the incident was over, Wen Chaoyan was still savoring it and felt unsatisfied.

Jiang Wancheng had just come back from the shower and was lying down, thinking she could sleep, but Wen Chaoyan turned over and pressed her under him again.

Realizing his intention, Jiang Wancheng panicked: "You! Why are you... again?"

Her eyes widened, but the man did not give her the chance to refuse. He held her little hand and clasped it on the pillow, intertwined their fingers, then bent his head and kissed her.

"Cheng'er, you started it, it's my turn this time."

Jiang Wancheng:...

So, she can't take the initiative at all, right?

You can't resist, so you might as well just go with the flow and enjoy it.

Wen Chaoyan was young and strong, with inexhaustible energy every day, and he had never eaten meat in the past 21 years.

Now that I’ve gotten the hang of it, I can’t stop.

In fact, he did manage to control himself to some extent every day, otherwise it is possible that he would make trouble all night long.

He felt sorry for Jiang Wancheng's frail body, her first experience of sex, and her exhaustion from running household chores during the day.

That's why I couldn't bear to make her too tired by tormenting her over and over again.

However, when he was in Fujun before, he had trained the three of them to practice every day. After being lost for so long, Erlang has persisted every day. Now it’s time for her and Yajie’er to pick it up.

If not for anything else, it would be just to make our physique stronger, so that if we get into trouble again one day, we can run away faster.

Wen Chaoyan didn't let her go until midnight.

As a result, Jiang Wancheng woke up late again the next day...

As the mistress of the house, she sleeps until the morning of July 1 or 11 o'clock, which is really embarrassing.

But in this whole family, after the master spoke, no one dared to call Jiang Wancheng to get up.

There was no one in charge, so Jiang Wancheng was exhausted every night and slept without any worries...

But looking at the bright sun, Jiang Wancheng thought: I can't do this again tomorrow! I must go to bed early and get up early, otherwise, how will the people below talk about the two heads of the family?

He turned over, and Fuxue immediately came in with Yihua and a little maid to serve him.

After dinner, Jiang Wancheng hurried to meet Zhao Jingmo.

When Zhao Jingmo learned that her petition and the affairs of their Zhao family had been reported to the current emperor, tears of excitement filled her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you... Thank you and Dalangjun, Cheng'er, thank you... Otherwise, I don't know how much I would have to go through to achieve this by myself..."

Perhaps, she would have died before it came to this!
Jiang Wancheng wiped Zhao Jingmo's tears and said, "But, there is one thing I have to tell you. Ah Yan can't get away. Not only can he not leave, but as you know, he can't go back because he is faking his death. However, he asked a brother who has a life-and-death relationship with us, and his name is Li Yan."

"He is a skilled martial artist, a careful thinker, and a member of the Imperial Guard. It will be safe for him to accompany you back to investigate the case. What are you worried about?"

Zhao Jingmo hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Since you have received the imperial order to help my Zhao family investigate this case, what should I worry about? Naturally, I trust you completely."

Jiang Wancheng saw through her thoughts and asked, "Are you worried that the difference between men and women will make it inconvenient for you to act?"

Zhao Jingmo seemed to have made up his mind, his eyes firm: "It's already this time, what does it matter if you are a man or a woman? As long as I can redress the injustice for my Zhao family, I will comb my hair myself and never marry again in my life, and I will not tarnish the reputation of the Zhao family."

Seeing Zhao Jingmo's attitude, Jiang Wancheng felt relieved.

"You don't have to be afraid. Li Yan is a gentleman, upright and generous, and he keeps himself clean. He can become a life-long brother with A Yan, so you can trust his character. Therefore, he will definitely protect you and won't let you take that step."

There was a hint of curiosity in Zhao Jingmo's eyes. Who was this person who received such a high evaluation from Cheng'er? (End of this chapter)

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