In the evening, Wu Da, who had gone out with Wen Chaoyan today, came back and asked the mansion to prepare two tables of banquets for a guest reception.

Jiang Wancheng immediately thought, could it be that Li Yan is coming?
Sure enough, Wen Chaoyan brought Li Yan back after he got off duty.

Not only Li Yan, but also Gu Tingzhou, Cui Jinzhi, even Lin Xueyan and Lin Baiwei came back together today.

It's been a long time since we've had such a lively time.

There are so many people now, so we need to set up two tables to accommodate everyone.

After three rounds of drinking, Zhao Jingmo felt a little drunk and got up to go back.

Because Jiang Wancheng had to take care of Yajie'er and Jingniang who was in high spirits and drinking, he could only ask Yihua to help support and send the person back.

Yihua had just taken Zhao Jingmo out and had just walked into the garden when a dark shadow came towards them.

It was Li Yan who had just come out to sober up and go to the toilet.

When Li Yan saw Zhao Jingmo, he immediately bowed and greeted her politely: "Miss Zhao."

Although this was their second meeting, it was their first proper greeting.

Zhao Jingmo also saw her immediately.

During the meal, Cheng'er pointed him out to her and said that he was Lord Li Yan.

Only then did she remember that she had actually seen this person!

Last time, when Jingniang and I came out of Cheng'er's new room, we accidentally bumped into this was him!

At that time, his eyes seemed to be fixed on her.

Zhao Jingmo naturally avoided it in panic.

Since she was a child, she has been the target of scrutiny because of this face.

Although the man's eyes were direct, they did not make people feel disgusted. Moreover, he seemed to be just admiring her appearance without any other ill intentions.

Zhao Jingmo's avoidance at that time made him immediately realize that he was being rude.

So, he immediately bowed and apologized.

Zhao Jingmo thought that the encounter with this young man was just an accidental one, but she never expected... that he would actually accompany her back to Qingyang to investigate the person who had committed the blood feud with her Zhao family!
"Master Li!"

Zhao Jingmo turned sideways and bowed.

Well, this person really seems to be an upright gentleman as Cheng'er said.

Under the moonlight, she was so beautiful that she was as stunning as the moon and flowers, and her beauty made Li Yan's heart beat wildly.

Both of them knew that they were going to travel together, but they kept it to themselves and did not mention it.

Two days later, Li Yan finished the tasks at hand and prepared to set off.

He rode a horse to the Wen Mansion to pick someone up.

Jiang Wancheng had received the news a day earlier, so he had already packed Zhao Jingmo's luggage.

In addition to giving her fifty taels of silver notes and some change, there was naturally also a lot of dry food.

Knowing that Li Yan had arrived, Jiang Wancheng and Jingniang sent Zhao Jingmo out the door together.

Zhao Jingmo wore a long veil hat, and the three of them said goodbye reluctantly.

Jingniang: "Be careful on the road. Don't be reluctant to spend the banknotes I gave you. Live and eat. You two sisters have money now, don't you know?"

Although the two of them were Jiang Wancheng's best friends before and didn't even know each other, this does not affect the friendship between the three of them now.

Perhaps worried about Zhao Jingmo's safety on the way, Jingniang turned around and wiped her tears.

Jiang Wancheng was much calmer.

After all, the person who accompanied Zhao Jingmo on this trip was Li Yan.

In Jiang Wancheng's mind, this person is still quite reliable.

"Mo'er, write to me when the time comes, okay? There are some clues about your brother's matter. But there are too many people with the same name, so A Yan has to check them one by one."

"Once we find your brother, A'Yan will pass on the letter you left to him, don't worry." Zhao Jingmo bowed deeply: "Thank you, Jingniang. Thank you, Cheng'er, and Dalangjun! I will never forget the kindness you two have shown me. Cheng'er, if I have the chance, I will definitely repay you!"

Jiang Wancheng held her and said with a smile: "I'll be waiting for the day when your Zhao family's injustice is avenged."

Then, she turned to look at Li Yan again: "I'll leave her to you."

Li Yan nodded: "Don't worry, sister-in-law. I will definitely handle this matter and protect Miss Zhao."

Jiang Wancheng: "Someone, bring the horse!"

Yang Hu quickly brought up the horse that Jiang Wancheng had prepared.

Zhao Jingmo didn't know how to ride a horse, so Jiang Wancheng gave her some expedited training in the past two days.

Now I can sit still and not fall.

After Li Yan leads her horse away, and they train for another two days on the road, there shouldn't be any problem.

"Sister-in-law, let's say goodbye now."

Li Yan bowed to Jiang Wancheng from under the horse, then climbed onto the horse, holding the reins of Zhao Jingmo's horse with his left hand, and the two of them left.

Zhao Jingmo kept looking back and waving until he disappeared from sight. Then Jiang Wancheng and Jingniang turned around and went into the mansion.

Just five days after Zhao Jingmo left, Jiang Wancheng's two shops opened with great fanfare.

Because her decoration and furnishings were relatively novel, she did attract quite a few customers at the beginning.

The ready-made clothes and cloth sold in her cloth shop were all in the Dajin style, which was naturally more trendy in Shangjing. In just a few days, it set off a new trend in Shangjing.

The restaurant also sold dishes that were different from those in other restaurants in Beijing, and it also became a success.

Jiang Wancheng also got good news.

That is, the peppers she had always wanted were finally brought back to her by a foreign trade ship!
Although she was only given a handful, after taking a bite, she immediately confirmed with the other party that this was what she wanted.

And we agreed to bring her a certain amount next time.

However, always relying on imports and foreign trade is not a long-term solution.

So, Jiang Wancheng took the peppers back home, prepared to find an empty yard, and then open up a few acres of vegetable land to try to grow some himself.

The Great Shu Kingdom in this time and space also has peppercorns. If all goes well, in winter, people in the capital can make spicy hotpots.

Perhaps because he had been living a life of luxury for a while, Jiang Wancheng felt so tired and his back and waist ached on the first day of the land reclamation.

When Wen Chaoyan came back in the dark, Jiang Wancheng had already fallen asleep.

After asking the maid, I found out that she had gone to hoe the fields today.

Wen Chaoyan tidied himself first, ate and took a bath, then went to the bedside, lifted the curtain and asked her.

"Fell asleep?"

How could Jiang Wancheng sleep?

Maybe I was too tired, but I felt a little more energetic.

Just lying there and not wanting to move.

"No. Have you eaten?"

Wen Chaoyan: "I just went to your little study next door to eat."

Wen Chaoyan's study is in the front yard, but in Cangcui Courtyard, Wen Chaoyan also specially set up a small study for her.

It was filled with Jiang Wancheng's own books, including all the account books for her business and the affairs she handled on a daily basis.

If you want to meet a man from outside the family, you can go to Wen Chaoyan's study in the outer courtyard.

Jiang Wancheng wanted to do business and had great ambitions, but she was deeply touched by the strong support of Wen Chaoyan.

After all, few men in this world would like their wives to be so capable.

Wen Chaoyan never cared, but was relieved and happy that she could find something she liked to do. (End of this chapter)

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