Wen Chaoyan took off his coat and got on the bed.

He reached out and grasped Jiang Wancheng's legs, kneading them for her: "What's wrong? I heard that you went to hoe the fields today, why didn't you let them do it?"

The garden scenery in the mansion is now becoming more and more vibrant after the careful care of old Weitou and his son, and it has almost been rejuvenated.

Jiang Wancheng takes Yajie and Erlang for a walk in the garden every day, and they are always in a good mood.

Therefore, Wen Chaoyan thought that the things that Old Wei and his men were used to doing should be left to them.

Jiang Wancheng said, "I just got a treasure. I'm not sure if it can survive. So I want to take care of it myself, and I have to start with hoeing the land. And how would I know? When I was in Wushan and Zhaojia Village, my body was not so delicate!"

Sure enough, once people live a life of luxury, it is not easy to go back to the way they were before.

Wen Chaoyan touched her head, "Does your waist hurt? Turn over and I'll rub it for you."

Jiang Wancheng: "Then I won't be polite."

In fact, Fuxue had already massaged her at that time.

But perhaps it was because Wen Chaoyan's strength and hands were more powerful, Jiang Wancheng closed his eyes comfortably and soon started to hum.

After she slowly fell asleep, Wen Chaoyan flicked out the candle with his hand.

That night, he had no other improper thoughts, he just held her gently in his arms, feeling deeply distressed.

The next day, when Jiang Wancheng got up, he felt even more sore all over.

It's even more sour and refreshing than the wedding night.

After she finally got up, she took her time to wash and eat, and then when she went to the vegetable garden, she found that all her land had been hoed?
This, how is this possible?

Jiang Wancheng rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Not only the area she had originally planned, but the entire yard was turned over.

Even though there was still some detailed work to be done, this... this had already surprised her.

Although he had already guessed it, Jiang Wancheng still asked, "Who did it?"

Nanny Li, who usually took care of Wen Chaoyan, came over and said, "Madam, it was the master who got up at 3:30 in the morning to hoe the land."

This of course surprised all the servants in the Wen Mansion.

Yesterday, when the delicate lady was working with a hoe in an orderly manner, everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect that the lord who now serves in the court and is known for his decisiveness in killing people would actually be able to hoe the fields!

Moreover, he was not only good at hoeing the ground, but also had such brute strength and skill that he had finished hoeing the entire yard in just a few hours! !

The master is so outstanding, does everyone know it? !?
Jiang Wancheng knew it was him.

Suddenly I felt a little sad.

She didn't even notice that I got up so early.

In fact, it wasn't just this morning. Every morning when he got up, his hands and feet were very light and Jiang Wancheng had never been woken up by it.

Looking at the land in front of him, Jiang Wancheng felt both moved and surprised.

So, after doing the work more finely, Jiang Wancheng took out the seeds from the peppers and sprinkled some.

Although this season is not the right one for growing peppers, it is because the autumn and winter in Beijing are too cold.

But she could use some methods, such as building a straw hut, covering it with a straw quilt, and burning a brazier to keep warm.

After Jiang Wancheng focused on these peppers for a few days, Jingniang also got the hang of helping to manage the two shops.

When she came back one day, she ran to Jiang Wancheng and praised her: "You really made the right decision to open these two shops! In Shangjing, there is no other shop that sells clothes more beautiful than yours. There are customers coming in an endless stream every day. The tailors and embroiderers are almost going crazy. Hahaha."

"Also, your restaurant serves all Dajin dishes, but it also incorporates the flavors of Daliang. These guests who love fresh food always praise it every day."

"Well, I think it is very necessary. We need to speed up and prepare to open a branch!"

Only then did Jingniang realize that Jiang Wancheng also had some talent for running a shop.

So I decided that from now on, she would come up with ideas, and I would run the business and take control. The two of them, one inside and one outside, would definitely be able to have a foothold of their own in Shangjing soon!

Jiang Wancheng let her do it.

The two shops had only been open for half a month, but the account books she received every day already surprised her.

If this continues, it will be really impressive.

And Yihua is still the main tailor in her cloth shop.

Li Chunjun is still staying at the farm to cultivate his body and mind.

Jiang Wancheng plans to open an embroidery shop to give Li Chunyun full play to her talents.

So, when she told Jingniang that she had the idea of ​​opening a large embroidery shop and that she had a very talented needlework master on hand, Jingniang was more excited than Jiang Wancheng.

"I will go to choose a location tomorrow! Since we are going to open this embroidery shop, it can't be small. We must make it big!"

Jiang Wancheng held her down and said, "Be careful and don't let anyone fool you. I'll let Yang Hu accompany you to go out every day. He knows more about Shangjing than you do. Also, ask Brother Shi to go out with you. He's good at fighting, and even if he stands in front of people with that physique, no one will dare to fool you."

Unexpectedly, Jingniang's face suddenly turned red for no apparent reason.

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

After saying that she ran away.

Jiang Wancheng sensed something strange.

It's very abnormal for Jingniang to be like this... Why is she blushing for no reason?

Could it be because I mentioned Brother Shi Yi?
But recently, every time Jingniang went out to the shop, she was escorted by Yang Hu.

Brother Shi Yi, have you ever had contact with her?

Jiang Wancheng touched his chin, trying to stop himself from thinking too much, but he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

Jingniang married the wrong person in the past, and although she is now focusing on her career, if she really meets a good match again and can start a new life in a good marriage, that would naturally be a good thing.

It’s Brother Shi Yi’s body…

His drug addiction has hardly recurred in the past few months.

However, epilepsy requires lifelong medication to control.

If Jingniang knew about this, would she still be willing?

Also, what does Brother Shi think?
However, all this might just be Jiang Wancheng's wishful thinking. Maybe Jingniang didn't mean that at all?

It seems that I have to find some time to test Jingniang properly.

That night, when Wen Chaoyan came back, he brought a message to Jiang Wancheng.

"The identity of Miss Zhao's cousin has been confirmed. However, he is not in the so-called Ministry of Justice at all."

Jiang Wancheng was making a purse in his hands and was a little surprised to hear this.

"What? Where does he work?"

Wen Chaoyan: "You can't imagine it. Why don't you take a guess?"

Jiang Wancheng's heart skipped a beat. "No, it can't be. Is it a eunuch?"

Wen Chaoyan smiled and tapped her head: "Don't guess! Let me remind you, who is the most powerful person in the court now?"

Jiang Wancheng's face turned pale. "Yan... King?"

The regent is a man of utmost power, one who has to please even the empress dowager and the young emperor.

It's not him. Who else could it be?
Wen Chaoyan did not deny it.

Instead, he looked at Jiang Wancheng quietly and said, "This person is definitely not a simple person." (End of this chapter)

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