What Wen Chaoyan said was not simple, and he was naturally referring to Zhao Jingmo's cousin, Zhao Chuanbai.

Jiang Wancheng thought to himself: This person must be extraordinary since he can work for Prince Yan.

But she was more curious: "He's not in the Ministry of Justice, so how did you find him?"

Wen Chaoyan: "Not only the Ministry of Justice, I checked the entire list of public officials in the court. Although there are indeed several people named Zhao Chuanbai, after a few days of investigation, I found that none of them met the age and height requirements."

"So, I guess he changed his name."

"So he drew a portrait of Zhao Qinglang and had his subordinates look at it for two days. Then he carefully investigated and finally found a very similar person among the guards beside the King of Yan!"

Jiang Wancheng understood: "This person is a close attendant of the Prince of Yan, so he is not registered in the list of court officials! Have you confirmed it?"

Wen Chaoyan: "He used the alias Mu Bai. Who else do you think it could be if not him?"

White wood refers to cypress!
"This man... has been the King of Yan's man, so he hasn't been back to his hometown for several years. He rarely writes letters home, and because he left a false identity, he still doesn't know that his family has suffered a disaster."

Jiang Wancheng sighed.

Then he asked Wen Chaoyan: "Then Ayan, will you give him Mo'er's letter?"

Wen Chaoyan: "Why not? No matter what happens to the Zhao family, whether he wants to care or not, his parents and brother are dead, he should know."

Jiang Wancheng looked at Wen Chaoyan and always felt that he had other plans in mind.

Well, since Zhao Chuanbai has already waded into this muddy water in Beijing, it was his own choice.

Whether or not to redress the injustice for his entire family is indeed his own decision.

Two days later, Wen Chaoyan came back and said that he had secretly put the letter on Zhao Chuanbai.

Moreover, Zhao Chuanbai didn’t know who stuffed it into his pocket.

The person who secretly observed Zhao Chuanbai came back and said that when this person started reading the letter, he thought it was just someone's malicious prank.

But gradually, he seemed to recognize his cousin's handwriting. After all, many of the family letters in the past were written by Zhao Jingmo, so he should be very familiar with this handwriting.

After confirming the contents of the letter again and again, Zhao Chuanbai staggered back to King Yan's side.

But he still pretended to be fine. Although he was dazed several times, which made King Yan angry with him, he did not behave out of line in the end.

But that night, Wen Chaoyan came back and told Jiang Wancheng, "He's out of town."

Jiang Wancheng: "Who? Zhao Chuanbai?"

Wen Chaoyan nodded, "To get the King of Yan's approval to leave the city, Zhao Chuanbai must have given the King of Yan some support. If King Yu can be involved in this matter, the King of Yan will definitely be happy to see it happen."

If the King of Yan could catch the King of Yu doing something wrong, how could he let him go?

Therefore, it is inevitable for Zhao Chuanbai to return to Qingyang.

Wen Chaoyan sent a carrier pigeon to Li Yan, telling him about Zhao Chuanbai's identity and that he had left Beijing.

As for whether Li Yan should tell Zhao Jingmo, it is up to Li Yan to decide.

Jiang Wancheng felt sorry for Zhao Jingmo.

It would have been bad enough if the whole family had been killed, but it was so hard to find a brother still alive in this world, but his identity was so complicated.

However, no matter how worried he is, Zhao Jingmo has to face it all on his own.

Jiang Wancheng only hopes that she can keep her life safe on this trip.

That night, Wen Chaoyan went out again in the middle of the night.

When I came back, my body was covered with frost.

It was already extremely cold in October in Beijing.

Jiang Wancheng had already asked Yihua to go to the embroidery shop and prepare two sets of autumn and winter clothes for everyone in the mansion.

In her spare time, she made two sets of close-fitting underwear for Yajie and Erlang, and Wen Chaoyan naturally also had some.

They are masters now and have four new sets of clothes every season. Jiang Wancheng can't make them, so he asks Yihua to measure the size and then goes to the cloth shop to make them with several embroiderers.

Wen Chaoyan waited until his hands and feet were warm before lying down in bed.

Jiang Wancheng was woken up by him, and felt the cold air. He asked dazedly, "You went out?"

He was a member of the Imperial Guards, so it was normal for him to leave early and come back late. It was also normal for him to be away from home for four or five days before returning. However, in the past month since his wedding, perhaps because of the understanding of the Qianhu Lord, Wen Chaoyan returned home almost every day.

Wen Chaoyan hugged her, patted her and coaxed her, not forgetting to reply: "Yeah. I went to meet someone."

Jiang Wancheng's mind cleared up a little, "Who is it?"

Wen Chaoyan didn't say his name.

It's not that I don't trust her, but sometimes, it's safer for her to know less.

"One of my former subordinates."

Jiang Wancheng woke up completely.


Wen Chaoyan tapped her nose and said, "Yes. He was a subordinate given to me by my father when our Wen family was still around. He managed to escape death and survived, and now he is also in Shangjing."

Jiang Wancheng couldn't help but worry, "Then he..."

Wen Chaoyan: "Don't worry, our relationship is very secret. It's just that our marriage this time attracted the attention of Prince Duan. Prince Duan sent him to investigate the two of us, but he also sent someone else to monitor him from behind. It's obvious that he is a little suspicious of him."

"But it's okay. He has already dealt with the matter."

Jiang Wancheng's heart almost jumped, "You mean... he is Prince Duan's man?"

Wen Chaoyan lowered his head and stared at Jiang Wancheng, "Cheng'er, sometimes... you don't have to be so smart."

Jiang Wancheng rolled his eyes, "You've made it so clear, I'm not a fool!"

However, the two did not continue the conversation.

Wen Chaoyan didn't want her to know too much, also for her safety.

But Jiang Wancheng was just guessing wildly, who was it next to Prince Duan?

His attendants were all arranged in order of generation: black.

Black one, black two, black three...

Last time, Hei Er died at the hands of himself and his master.

Prince Duan did not recognize her identity at that time. If he had known, he would probably hate her to death!

However, no matter who it was, at least I didn't kill him by mistake last time.

On the second day, Jiang Wancheng actually received a post.

How strange.

She opened it and saw that the post said Zhang Mansion in Qilin Lane.

Three days later, the old lady celebrated her 60th birthday and invited her to her house to celebrate.

Jiang Wancheng quickly guessed that this Zhang Mansion must be the home of Zhang Changqin, the captain of their Northern Pacification Division, whom Wen Chaoyan had mentioned.

Sure enough, when Wen Chaoyan came back in the evening, Jiang Wancheng handed him the post and he said it was true.

However, he only learned about this today.

Wen Chaoyan also received instructions from Zhang Changqin at the office during the day, asking him to bring his entire family to Zhang's house that day to join in the fun.

"Then shall we all go?"

Wen Chaoyan took out the chessboard and asked Jiang Wancheng to play with him.

When Jiang Wancheng was young, he felt that time was boring, so he thought a lot about chess, just to kill time in this ancient world.

She had played chess with Wen Silang when she was a child, but this was the first time with Wen Chaoyan.

After each of them had made a dozen moves, Wen Chaoyan continued the previous topic.

"The position of deputy commander has been vacant recently. Zhang Changqin has not received any reward since he came back from Guangzhe last time, so I guess that our Northern Pacification Office's Pacification Envoy, Lord Cao, may be promoted to a higher level this time."

"And Zhang Changqin will definitely serve as the pacification envoy!" (End of this chapter)

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