Wen Chaoyan’s current position as the general flag bearer sounds respectable, but he is only a seventh-rank official.

But he had no way out. It was already a great achievement for him to be promoted by Zhang Changqin and assigned to the Northern Pacification Office.

The Zhenfu Division is of the fourth rank and is Wen Chaoyan's immediate superior, so they all really have to go to this birthday banquet.

Wen Chaoyan sighed, "Cheng'er, I'm afraid you will be wronged."

Jiang Wancheng smiled and said, "Why are you feeling wronged? Don't worry, you hold a low position, and I am not one of those noble ladies in the capital. If I go, no one will recognize me. I will just stay in a corner and take care of myself and Sister Ya. Others probably won't bother to answer me."

Wen Chaoyan smiled and shook his head.

He knew that she was just comforting him and trying to give him peace of mind.

As the legitimate daughter of the Jiang family of the Great Jin Dynasty, she lost her mother at a young age and was unloved. She had been immersed in the inner house since childhood and had probably seen much more filth than him.

When he was young and went back to the capital with his mother, how could he not have seen these scenes, the intrigues and secrets in the inner house?
The more prominent a person is from a high-ranking family, the more likely he is to flatter the powerful and look down on the weak, to change his attitude according to the situation, and to serve the people he likes.

They were an unknown couple in the capital, just an ordinary and humble couple.

But sometimes the more inconspicuous you are, the more others will think you are an easy target for bullying.

How could he bear to let her suffer any injustice?
"Don't worry, I will make sure this matter is properly arranged."

Wen Chaoyan made another move and then realized that he had actually lost.

He couldn't help but laugh, and he didn't feel ashamed. Instead, he bowed and said, "My wife is a good chess player. It's really as good as my fourth brother said. I admit defeat."

When talking about Wen Silang, the two never felt embarrassed, but instead felt a sense of nostalgia.

Jiang Wancheng smiled and humbly bowed, "Thank you, my husband. Next time?"

Wen Chaoyan threw the chess piece: "Come!"

Soon, it was three days later, the day of the old lady Zhang’s birthday.

Wen Chaoyan got up early and went to visit the Jinyiwei first. After returning, he met Jiang Wancheng and his two siblings at the gate of the mansion.

Jiang Wancheng handed him a robe and said, "Hurry up and change into it."

I'm going to a banquet today, not a public office. If I wear this flying fish suit, it will attract attention.

Wen Chaoyan was also very obedient. He took off his cloak and coat and changed into a black robe.

The robe is embroidered with silver thread patterns and is padded, so it is both beautiful and warm.

Look at Sister Ya again.

Today she was wearing a pink, thin quilted jacket and skirt, two pearl flower ribbons on her head, and embroidered shoes on her feet were made of silk.

How can the Yajie today look even a bit like the little country girl she once was?

It is so exquisite that it looks like a doll in a painting. Anyone who sees it will love it to death.

The same is true for Wen Erlang.

At a young age, he had already shown outstanding intelligence and was extremely handsome. At only eight years old, he was already so handsome that people could not take their eyes off him.

My brother and sister-in-law are both very good-looking. Whenever they appear, they always make everyone else pale in comparison.

When this eye-catching family of four appeared at the Zhang family's gate in Qilin Lane, others naturally couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know. Could it be some new rich man? I've never seen him before."

"Look, they all look very good. That little girl seems to be very well behaved."

"I think that young master is also very good-looking..."

"What are you looking at? She's just a child. You'd better look at the young man."

"That gentleman already has a wife to accompany him, so it's useless to look at him."

Someone sneered, "So what if you have a wife? Even if she's pretty, she's new now, but after a while, she'll get tired of you, won't she?"

"So, you want to be someone's concubine?" "Go to hell! Don't you even know who he is..."

Jiang Wancheng:...

Do these people think that others are deaf?
She looked up at Wen Chaoyan helplessly and snorted, "Look, when you go out, someone wants to be your concubine!"

As she said this, she pushed him lightly in anger.

Wen Chaoyan smiled and quietly held her hand.

He joked with her: "I am just a small general of the Jinyiwei. No one looks up to me except you."

Jiang Wancheng: "That's possible."

As she spoke, she took Yajie'er's hand, stepped forward to hand over the invitation, presented the gift, and registered.

Jiang Wancheng received the post so quickly that he had no time to prepare anything.

So, she just hurriedly sewed a headband by hand.

The materials are all made of the best fabrics from the cloth shop, and are sewn with crane patterns representing longevity.

Although it looks simple, it took some thought.

In addition, Wen Chaoyan also painted a picture of cranes by himself.

Wen Chaoyan knew how to paint in the past.

Although he is not as good as Wen Silang at chess and his piano skills are average, he has also been good at calligraphy and painting since he was a child.

After presenting their gifts, the two followed him into Zhang's mansion.

When going out today, Jiang Wancheng was low-key and honest. She didn't want others to think that she, a lady of a small seventh-rank general banner, was too ostentatious when going out, so she didn't even bring a pair of earphones.

With the post, it will be easy to get in.

In fact, this Zhang Mansion is not as big as the Wen Mansion, and it is not as grand.

It was just a small courtyard with four entrances, and was actually about the same size as Jiang Wancheng's Bishuiju on the farm.

If it is just an ordinary family living there, it is quite spacious.

If it is just used for a banquet, and there are quite a few guests, it will still be a bit crowded.

At the second gate, Jiang Wancheng parted ways with Wen Chaoyan.

Wen Erhe was already eight years old. In ancient times, boys and girls did not sit at the same table after the age of seven, so he was naturally taken away by Wen Chaoyan.

Outsiders were not allowed to enter the backyard at will, so Jiang Wancheng took Ya Jie'er with him and followed the maid's instructions to the pavilion in the backyard.

"Madam, please sit here."

The maid also knew that she was just an ordinary minor official's wife, so she only took Jiang Wancheng to the farthest corner.

Jiang Wancheng didn't mind because she had expected this to happen.

As soon as I pulled Ya Jie'er to sit down, someone brought her tea and a small plate of snacks, so she didn't feel particularly neglected.

However, after tasting a small piece of the dessert, Ya Jie threw it away and stopped eating.

A girl sitting next to Jiang Wancheng and her sister saw this and asked in confusion: "Why don't you eat? The cook in the Zhang residence is famous. She has her own set of skills in making dim sum, which ordinary outsiders can't eat."

The girl was holding a plate and eating with relish, obviously enjoying it.

Therefore, when I saw Sister Ya wasting food and not knowing how to appreciate it, I couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken.

Ya Jie looked up, feeling a little nervous but not afraid.

I just followed my sister's instructions before she left home, not to make loud noises and to be polite.

So, he first leaned forward in a formal manner, then leaned against Jiang Wancheng's legs and whispered, "But I don't think it tastes good." (End of this chapter)

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