"Thank you for your concern, ma'am. Everything is fine at home."

Madam Deng patted her hands, turned her head and whispered, "That's good. Don't be afraid today. These people are not important. Don't worry about offending anyone. I'm here for you."

Jiang Wancheng covered her lips and smiled softly: "Yes."

Thinking that Zhang Changqin was about to be promoted, and that Zhang Changqin worked for the Jinyiwei, an organization that everyone feared, Mrs. Deng was more confident.

However, after a while, everyone knew that Jiang Wancheng was the wife of a seventh-rank general.

In addition to being amazed by her beauty, everyone is more curious about where she was born.

When getting married, there were actually thirty-six dowries!

These are the things that women are interested in.

However, Mrs. Deng kept holding Jiang Wancheng, and no one rushed forward to inquire.

After a while, they started whispering and talking about the Wen Mansion again.

Speaking of this mansion, it was haunted in the past.

The discussion was so loud that even Jiang Wancheng himself heard it.

Seeing how she could sit still, Mrs. Deng showed a hint of admiration in her eyes.

It's no wonder that the lord values ​​the wife of his confidant. Although she looks young, she is a patient person.

Moreover, what she said before was not something an ordinary girl could say.

Something interesting.

Just then, the butler came and said that it was time to serve the meal.

So everyone immediately stood up and followed the host to the front yard.

The tables are all placed in the second courtyard. The space there is wide and people can sit inside or outside the house. It is also connected to the front yard, so twenty tables can be set up without any problem.

However, because of the separation of seats for men and women, women all sat at the back, with a roller curtain separating them.

Jiang Wancheng didn't dare to sit at the same table with Mrs. Deng anymore.

Madam Deng had to serve the old lady and accompany the wives of higher-ranking officials, so if Jiang Wancheng continued to stick to her, it would be too ignorant.

So the wives sat at the same table, and the young women also sat at the same table.

Jiang Wancheng was a young woman. Although she brought a little girl named Ya Jie'er with her, she had the closeness and support of Madam Deng. The other girls did not dare to look down on her because of her humble family background and they all sat down enthusiastically.

Those who were a step slower and could not sit at the same table with her could only pout and tear their handkerchiefs and sit aside.

Miss Cao was the first to squeeze over.

He also winked at Jiang Wancheng, and only expressed his gratitude and admiration when he sat down.

"Sister Jiang, you are amazing! What you just said is really good. Thank you for helping me."

Jiang Wancheng patted her on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. I'm just telling you the truth. And I'm telling you in secret that my husband was just a country bumpkin in the past."

Miss Cao covered her mouth in shock: "Really?"

Jiang Wancheng: "Of course, why would I lie to you?"

Miss Cao: "That's right."

After all, there are not many girls in this world who would be willing to talk about such a family background.

Miss Cao was deeply moved and felt that Jiang Wancheng had already treated her as one of his own.

However, she was puzzled. Why would a beautiful, gentle, considerate and talented woman like Sister Jiang be willing to marry a country boy?

What's so good about this country bumpkin?
In her opinion, a beauty like Sister Jiang would be qualified to be a concubine if the current emperor was not still young.

What a pity...

After the banquet, the opera troupe invited by the Zhang family finally started to perform with drums and gongs.

The female guests sat on the right and the male guests sat on the left. Although they were all in the open air garden, there was still a screen in the middle to distinguish between men and women.

Jiang Wancheng sat in a later seat and just as he was holding Yajieer on his lap, Wen Erlang came over. "Sister."

Now at home, Wen Erlang and Ya Jie'er have changed their way of addressing Jiang Wancheng and call her "eld sister-in-law".

But when they went out today, Wen Chaoyan and Jiang Wancheng specifically told them again that they should still call Jiang Wancheng "Ajie" when they go out in the future.

The two younger ones were naturally happy. After all, calling her "Ajie" was the most convenient and they were more used to it.

So, today they just treated Jiang Wancheng as their elder sister, and they kept calling her that since they walked out of the door.

Jiang Wancheng was a little surprised when he saw Erlang coming over, "What's wrong? Are you bored over there?"

Wen Erlang said, "No. Yang Hu came to say that something happened at home and hoped that Sister could go back quickly."

"Brother has already discussed this matter with Lord Zhang. Let sister go directly to Madam Deng and leave. Brother is waiting in the front yard."

What's so urgent?
The one who followed them out to drive the horses today was Erchui. Yang Hu has been following Jingniang to run the embroidery shop these days.

So, why is he here?

Jiang Wancheng didn't dare to delay, and immediately got up and took Ya Jie'er to Madam Deng's side.

After a whisper, Mrs. Deng immediately stood up and sent Jiang Wancheng and her two siblings to a quieter place.

"What's the hurry? Are you coming to the dinner?"

Jiang Wancheng was full of apologies.

"I don't know what happened at home, so I have to go back and take a look. Madam, please don't wait for us. I'm really sorry to have spoiled your fun today. Please apologize to the old lady for me."

The old lady was so engrossed in listening to the opera that Jiang Wancheng did not say goodbye to her in person.

"One day, my family will come to your house in person to apologize."

Mrs. Deng comforted Jiang Wancheng, "It's okay. If you are bored at home, you can bring your brothers and sisters to visit us. Just don't look down on us. I really like your sister, and this is your brother, right? Your family is really good-looking, like paintings. Come to our house more often, we like to see good-looking people."

Mrs. Deng's straightforward praise made Jiang Wancheng blush.

After saying goodbye, Jiang Wancheng had just reunited with Wen Chaoyan who was waiting in the front yard when he was stopped by Madam Cao who had caught up with him.

"Sister Jiang!"

It turned out that Jiang Wancheng left in such a hurry that he forgot to say hello to Cao Xiaonv's mother.

After saying a few more words, Miss Cao reluctantly let go of the beautiful sister she had just met.

Looking at their departing backs, it was not until this moment that Cao Nv Niang finally understood what was going on.

How can he be called a country bumpkin?

No wonder the beautiful Sister Jiang is interested in him, he is simply a male vixen in the mountains!
With such a handsome husband, it turns out that she doesn't need to be a palace concubine.

As she thought about this, Miss Cao clenched her hands tightly and looked at the direction where the family of four left with admiration.

After leaving Zhang's house, Erchui, who had already received the news, had already driven the carriage over.

The Zhang family was bustling at the moment. Except for Jiang Wancheng and his friends who left early, no one else was crowding with them.

The butler respectfully escorted them out the door, and when they were about to get on the carriage, they saw someone who had just arrived in front.

Jiang Wancheng didn't care. With the help of Wen Chaoyan, he bent down and got into the carriage.

I could vaguely hear someone outside calling "Madam".

In this era, only women with imperial decrees from the families of princes, ministers, nobles, or aristocratic families could be called "Madam."

Jiang Wancheng thought to himself: It turns out that the Zhang family invited a "madam" over today, why is she late?

After she sat down, she gently lifted the curtain and looked out.

Sure enough, it’s her?
If I had been a step later, wouldn’t I have bumped into him?

Jiang Wancheng curled his lips and let go.

After Wen Chaoyan was the last one to come in, Erchui shouted "Go" and slowly left Zhang's house. (End of this chapter)

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