Outside Zhang’s house.

Musk Moon looked at the carriage going away and turned around.

Why did she have the illusion that someone was staring at her in that carriage just now?

For some reason, she felt a creepy feeling in her heart!

Nanny Chu supported her and whispered, "Take out your money as a marquise. If you embarrass the marquis, you will never have the chance to go out again! Do you understand?"

Musk Moon answered yes, but her heart was full of doubts.

How could she know why the Marquis suddenly showed mercy and released her today?

It was as if he had just remembered that her, the marquis's wife, was still imprisoned in the side courtyard, and today he was willing to let her out for the social event.

It was just the birthday of an old lady from a small Jinyiwei captain's family, but it was worthy of her, a lady from a marquisate, to come and visit!

It has to be said that the Meng family is really in decline.

Compared with other marquisate mansions, it has no face at all in Shangjing.

I followed him into Zhang's house, but for a long time I didn't see the master of the house come out to greet me.

Musk Moon's face changed. If it weren't for Nanny Chu's support, she would have almost fallen unable to stand.

When a maid came out to lead the way, she could still hear the maidservants beside her mumbling.

"Does she really think she's some kind of noble lady? Isn't it said that she's locked up in the side yard all day? Even Lord Meng treats her so contemptuously, how dare she walk around outside?"

"She doesn't look like a marquis' wife at all. She is even worse than a concubine."

Mammy scolded softly, "What nonsense are you talking about!? Shut up!"

Although she scolded him, she didn't punish him. She just turned around and politely explained to Sheyue, "I'm sorry, Madam Nanping. Our wife is really busy right now, and I don't know if you are willing to come. My wife asked me to entertain you well. Please forgive me if I am not good enough."

Musk Moon had a gloomy face. Thinking about her current situation and the situation of the entire Meng family, she could only grit her teeth and swallow her anger.

At this point, after walking out of Qilin Alley, there was no one else in the carriage, so Wen Chaoyan said, "If I'm not mistaken, that was the carriage from Nanping Marquis's Mansion."

Jiang Wancheng looked at him, unexpectedly, he paid attention to these things.

It seems that you are quite concerned about Nanping Marquis Mansion?

Jiang Wancheng curled his lips and said calmly: "I know."

However, there is no rush to meet.

Although, she couldn't wait any longer.

But today is the old lady’s birthday party, so it’s better not to disrupt other people’s happy events.

Seeing that she was scheming, Wen Chaoyan stopped mentioning the matter.

Jiang Wancheng remembered the reason why they left the house and asked quickly, "By the way, what happened at home? Why are you in such a hurry? Will Master Zhang blame you if you leave like this?"

Wen Chaoyan said slowly and calmly: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I was afraid that the three of you would be bored, so I just found an excuse to take you home."

Jiang Wancheng:? ? ?

Wen Erlang was completely confused. "But brother, didn't Yang Hu really come here?"

Ya Jie'er had already dozed off leaning on Jiang Wancheng.

As expected, the one who knows her best is her eldest brother.

"Well, let's all go home and take a nap. These banquets are really boring anyway."

Sitting with a group of unfamiliar people was extremely uncomfortable and Jiang Wancheng felt uncomfortable all over.

As they spoke, the two looked at each other and laughed.

However, Jiang Wancheng couldn't take a lunch break.

Because something did happen at home, Yang Hu's trip was not in vain.

It just doesn't need to be dealt with too urgently.

It turned out that the person Lin Xueyan had helped Jiang Wancheng find two months ago had finally been found again. Moreover, Lin Xueyan was reliable and the person she entrusted with her help also did his best to complete the task.

Even Jiang Wancheng didn't expect that this time, not a few people were found, but dozens!
At the beginning, Jiang Wancheng gave Lin Xueyan a detailed list.

Moreover, the person was sold from Fujun. Lin Xueyan had been in Fujun for many years, so she must have some information no matter how hard she tried.

Sure enough, when Jiang Wancheng rushed home, he saw dozens of people standing in the front yard.

She looked at them with a trembling expression, and her steps seemed to be filled with lead, making it difficult for her to move.

When these old servants looked back and saw that their master, whom they had been thinking about day and night, misunderstood, resented and even hated, had been forgiven, and now they knew that the sudden and unexpected sale in this foreign country had nothing to do with the girl and that the girl was also a victim, they all couldn't help crying.

One by one, they fell to their knees, covering their faces and crying.

"Girl! Wuuwuwu...wuuwuwu..."

"Girl, we miss you so much, woooo..."

"Girl, you are willing to find us back, but we have always misunderstood you and blamed you in our hearts. Now, now the truth is finally revealed! God will not let us down!"

"Seeing that you are fine, we old slaves are relieved!"

"Girl, I never want to leave you again!"

"Young lady, there is still me. I don't want to leave you anymore..."

Everyone knelt down and came forward to pour out their heartfelt feelings.

There are those who feel wronged, and naturally there are also those who express their loyalty.

Anyway, everyone was talking at the same time and crying.

Ya Jie woke up rubbing her eyes, and Wen Erlang looked up at his brother beside him with a confused look on his face.

"Brother, where did my sister come from?"

Wen Chaoyan: "Brother has not told you yet. Your sister and I, in fact... have known each other since childhood. Our mothers were once close friends."

Wen Erhe was shocked for a year: "Ah!!!?"

Wen Chaoyan seemed to have found a bit of evil fun and smiled with a smug look on his face.

Jiang Wancheng's eyes were red as he helped them up one by one.

She knew all these people.

After all, when she left Dajin, she had selected the roster herself.

Although it still looks like something is missing, this is already 80% of what can be recovered.

Tingfeng and Fuxue came forward, both with red eyes.

Ting Feng said, "Miss, I have asked. Three of the maids are married. They don't want to leave their current home. I listened to your instructions and didn't force them. Two of them... died because of the plague in Guangzhe. Some also lost their lives because they resisted the violent tyranny of the master. And Wang Da's family was separated and sold. Two of them could not be found, but all those who could be found were found."

Jiang Wancheng looked at the tearful eyes in front of him with guilt.

"It's my fault that I failed to protect you and made you suffer!"

As she spoke, she bent down and greeted these so-called servants, but in reality most of them were old friends who had been with her since childhood.

Everyone below was flattered and rushed forward and knelt down again.


"Miss, please don't do this. We servants can't stand it!"

"My slave, everything is determined by fate. You can still remember that you went through so much trouble to rescue me. We are so lucky to have met a conscientious master like you, and that's why we can wait for this day!"

"Yes. Slaves are just objects. If they are lost, they are lost. Who else in the world, besides the girl, would be willing to take such pains to find them back?"

"Miss, we have returned willingly. We just hope you can seek justice for the injustice we have suffered."

"Miss, I am waiting for justice!" (End of this chapter)

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