Chapter 344 Shameless

"What? Who are you talking about?" Mrs. Pei was stunned for a moment.

Did she hear it wrong, or did she misunderstand it? The Young Master Ling he was talking about was probably not the Young Master Ling he thought he was, right?
Of course Mrs. Pei still remembers what happened at the banquet at the Princess's Mansion, and she was deeply impressed. But it was because of this that she doubted what she heard.

Because in her opinion, no one with a sense of dignity and self-awareness would have such ridiculous thoughts after that incident.

Are all three of their family accustomed to treating others as fools?
Mrs. Pei's facial reaction was too obvious. Mr. Pei couldn't even hypnotize himself to ignore it. Moreover, the disbelief and doubt in her words were so obvious that he could not help but darken his face.

"You know who I'm talking about! I'm talking about Young Master Ling Hongge Ling of the Eldest Princess's Mansion!"

Mrs. Pei felt that she had overestimated his shamelessness.

He can still speak!
Mrs. Pei smiled half-heartedly, "Does the master plan to send Pei Zhen as a concubine?"

Master Pei said angrily: "What do you mean by being a concubine? She is a real wife!"

Then Mrs. Pei smiled and sneered unceremoniously: "You also know that is Mr. Ling from the eldest princess's residence. Who is Mr. Ling? Not now, but before, he was just the adopted son of the eldest princess. Pei Zhen was a once-in-a-lifetime son. A concubine who has been reprimanded by someone sent by the Empress is not qualified to be his wife."

"Not to mention that he is the only biological son of the eldest princess. What kind of noble daughter can he want? How dare Pei Zhen, a concubine, want to be his wife and the daughter-in-law of the eldest princess?"

"Pei Zhengyang, have you been blown away by Aunt Zhao's pillow wind too much, and your brain is not working well? Aunt Zhao has long hair, short knowledge, and doesn't understand anything. Having such an idea can only mean that she is big-hearted."

"You are an official of the imperial court. You have been in the officialdom for so many years, but you can't even see clearly this important relationship? If so, you'd better resign as soon as possible and come back to live happily with your Aunt Zhao!"

To avoid making a joke one day and embarrassing her children!
"You, you are so presumptuous! How did you speak? Can you speak? Is there any mother like you?" Mr. Pei's face was ashen and he glared at Mrs. Pei.

"Am I the one who is presumptuous or you? A little concubine dares to pretend to be the only son of the eldest princess, who gives you the face?"

Lord Pei blurted out: "My daughter is the crown princess!"

Mrs. Pei's eyes turned cold, and she stared at Mr. Pei with coldness and hatred. The coldness in her eyes made Mr. Pei subconsciously dodge his eyes.

"A Rong became the Crown Princess on her own merits. What does Pei Zhen have? There is a mother who rode on the mistress's head and acted wildly and was demoted as a concubine! Based on this, even if she wants to give birth to Master Ling You’re not even qualified to be a concubine!”

Master Pei's face turned red and blue.

Mrs. Pei's words woke him up hard.

Aunt Zhao is still an aunt in name in the Pei Mansion, but in reality she is a concubine.

Even if the eldest princess's son is a useless person, there is no way he can marry the daughter of a cheap concubine and become his wife! Not to mention that Ling Hongge is doing very well now!

Does Mr. Pei really not understand? No, actually he understands it, he understands it better than anyone else! But she just couldn't resist Aunt Zhao's tears and pleas!
Of course, he also secretly hopes that his favorite and most beloved daughter can find a good home.

The eldest princess's son is indeed the best candidate.

The eldest princess is famous for her good temper, being reasonable and never bullying others. Be affectionate and have a good relationship with your consort.

I used to think that the consort was dead, but now that the couple is finally reunited, there is a high probability that they will pay more attention to the relationship with the consort in the future. Even if their son gets married, the eldest princess will not have much thought about teasing her daughter-in-law.

The population of the eldest princess's mansion is simple. If his daughter marries into it, she may not have to do anything to serve others, let alone be subject to rules.

And what about Ling Hongge himself?
He is handsome, modest, and well-behaved. I heard that he is an extremely talented person. Who wouldn't want such a person to be his son-in-law?
He was indifferent to Pei Shaorong, his legitimate daughter, but he truly loved Pei Zhen, his concubine, and thought of her wholeheartedly.

So even though I knew it was impossible, I still couldn't help but come over. I just wanted to test the attitude of my head wife.

But before he could reveal his purpose, she ruthlessly tore off the mask of disguise.

Mr. Pei gasped, his face flushed, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: "Zhen'er's origin is not a problem. As long as she is recorded in your name, she will also be the legitimate lady of the Pei Mansion!"

"Besides, her biological sister is still the Crown Princess. With her connections, it is not impossible for the Eldest Princess' Mansion to accept her!"

Mrs. Pei was really shocked by his shamelessness.

"You want to remember Pei Zhen under my name and make her a legitimate lady, and you also want to use the name of Crown Princess Arong to facilitate her marriage to Ling Hongge?"

Now that everything has been said, Mr. Pei is willing to go out and say, "What's wrong with this? If this thing happens, it will be a good thing for A Rong, and there will be one more person who can help her." people."

Seeing that he was so shameless and taking it for granted, Mrs. Pei was so angry that she picked up the tea cup on the table and threw it at him!
Master Pei saw a black shadow coming towards him and instinctively dodged. The tea cup brushed against his shoulder and fell on the screen behind him. He also got water splashed in his face!
"Are you crazy?"

Mrs. Pei was almost extremely angry, her face became a little ferocious, and she could no longer hide her hatred and disgust for him, "You really disgust me! You have the nerve to say such things! A bitch concubine, a bitch concubine is born. Is your bastard worthy enough to touch my A-Rong’s glory?”

"She helped A Rong. She didn't suck A Rong's blood because she was so kind-hearted! In the past, I was stupid, couldn't think of it, and was too self-righteous to bother talking to the two of them. But now I can't!"

"I tell you, you'd better tell Aunt Zhao and Pei Zhen to be honest. Otherwise, as the mistress of the Pei Mansion, I have a hundred ways to deal with them! If you have the ability, you can treat them Take the girl to the Yamen!"

"Let everyone in the capital see how much you, Mr. Pei, dote on a concubine. You wish you could become conjoined twins with her! If word spreads, maybe the world will praise your great love!"

"In this way, Pei Zhen's social status will be increased, and no one will laugh at her for her humble background!"

Mrs. Pei has never said such ugly words, and this time she was really angered by Mr. Pei's shamelessness.

How could he have the nerve to say that he would put Pei Zhen in her name?

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