Chapter 345: He is always a waste

In the past many years, he always regarded her as his legal wife and gave her the respect that a legal wife should have. Just give a little more care to the children she gave birth to. As long as Aunt Zhao and her daughter are restrained, there is still room for discussion on this matter!
"You, you are simply... a shrew! You have no education. Where is your tutor? Is this how a woman from your Chen family becomes a mistress?" Mr. Pei was furious.

"Bah! You have no right to say such a thing! No matter how hard we try, our Chen family has never taught a vixen who is willing to be a concubine and has no regard for superiority or inferiority! We have also not taught a man who spoils his concubine and kills his wife!"

If the Pei family hadn't still had their father-in-law here, they would have dispersed long ago! Is this kind of family tradition worthy of becoming a famous family in the capital? Pooh!
"Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you, a shameless person like you. Go away! If you have the ability, you can tell your father-in-law about this yourself. If your father-in-law agrees, I won't say anything!" Mrs. Pei said sarcastically. As he stared, the ridicule and contempt in his eyes penetrated straight into Master Pei's heart.

Mr. Pei was so angry that he jumped up and down, his face turned black, but there was nothing he could do.

He just knew that it was impossible for his father to agree to this matter, let alone agree to it. He was afraid that if he mentioned it, his father would kill him. That's why he thought of coming over to persuade her to agree first and let her talk about this matter.

As long as she says it, dad will most likely agree!
He knew that his father had always been satisfied with his wife here.

Unexpectedly, before he even finished speaking, this woman broke out with him.

Finally, Mr. Pei rolled up his sleeves and left.

Mrs. Pei simply ordered her servants to stop him directly if he comes again in the future!

So as not to dirty her territory!

Mrs. Pei is not worried at all that Mr. Pei will cause trouble.

My daughter is now the crown princess, and if nothing unexpected happens, she will definitely be the mother of the country in the future. This is not only the daughter's happiness, but also the rise and fall of the entire Pei family.

She didn't believe that he would risk the entire family's future for Aunt Zhao and Pei Zhen!
Naturally, what happened in the main courtyard spread quickly, and Pei Shaorong just smiled coldly after hearing this.

She had long since given up any expectations or hopes for this father.

I want Pei Zhen to be remembered as a legitimate daughter in her mother’s name, dream! Even if her grandfather agrees, she will not agree!
She turned around and revealed this to her grandfather.

When Taifu Pei heard about this, he thought at first that the couple had quarreled again. It's not surprising that the relationship between the two couples is running out, and the quarrel proves that there is still a chance to save it. There is no hope if there is no quarrel.

But when he heard about Lord Pei's purpose of going to the main courtyard, he became furious.

He called Mr. Pei to the study at night, and directly used family methods to whip him severely!
After he was done with it, he immediately put down his cruel words, saying that if he was not clear-headed again in the future, he would rather his son die for the sake of Aunt Zhao and her daughter.

Anyway, his direct grandson has grown up slowly, and he can still hold on for a few more years until his grandson becomes a man of talent.

He is a waste to begin with, he will be gone if he is gone, it will have no impact!
Master Pei was so frightened that his heart trembled.

When she returned to her yard, Aunt Zhao had been waiting for her.

In the end, there was not a word of concern. When he heard that things were not done, he started to complain endlessly.

The anger in Mr. Pei's heart finally found a channel to vent, and it was all directed at Aunt Zhao.

Aunt Zhao was scolded so badly that she was kicked out for the first time!

Aunt Zhao looked confused and cried heartbrokenly.

The eldest princess's mansion has been busy all day and now it has finally calmed down.

Xu Muhua just recognized the eldest princess and her consort as foster mothers and father-in-law today. The eldest princess also specially prepared an exquisite courtyard for her in the eldest princess's mansion for her to live in occasionally.

So she stayed at the princess's mansion for the night tonight.

The people in the Chengguo Palace have known this for a long time and have no objections. Anyway, it was just an occasional one-night stay, which proved that the eldest princess valued and loved her, and of course they were happy to see it happen. It was Xu Muhua who was a little worried about the uncle and Hu Zai.

The eldest princess also proposed to take the uncle and Hu Zai over, but Xu Muhua was so frightened that she quickly refused.

She had a hunch that if the uncle and Hu Zai were taken over, the eldest princess and the consort would definitely ask her to continue living in the eldest princess' mansion!

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse!

No matter how luxurious and wealthy the eldest princess's mansion is, it is not as comfortable and comfortable as her Fenghua Garden!

The eldest princess even made a special trip to this yard before going to bed.

"How about it, do you still like these arrangements? If there is anything you don't like, just bring it up and change it. Now that we are mother and daughter, you can't be too open-minded."

Xu Muhua thought for a while and said honestly: "Your Highness, let me tell you the truth. It was really difficult for me to accept this change of status for a while. You are the eldest princess, but now you have become my adoptive mother. I may It will take some time to adjust to this change.”

The key point is that the eldest princess looks very young, so asking her to call her mother or something like that is really difficult. In modern times, it is not too much for her to call the eldest princess sister.

The eldest princess couldn't help but laugh, "Just keep your heart in your heart! I understand that there will be a long time to come, and I and the consort will not be anxious about this moment."

Xu Muhua felt this sincerity and remembered it.

"Then you go to bed early. You don't have to worry about anything the maids serving in the courtyard did wrong. Just teach them what needs to be taught." People's hearts are the hardest to control. Although the eldest princess has tried her best to choose what she thinks Good maids will come over, but there is no guarantee that no one will be willing to do so.

Xu Muhua nodded and smiled, "Do I look like the kind of person who suffers injustice and endures it silently?"

Not to mention that she is now the adopted daughter of the eldest princess. Even if she is a guest, if a servant dares to be disrespectful to the guests, she will still have to be taught a lesson. She's not the kind of person who swallows her anger.

"I feel relieved when you say that. It's getting late, so prepare to rest. I'm going back too."

Xu Muhua stood up, "Okay, I'll escort the foster mother out."

The smile on the eldest princess's face deepened when she heard the word "adopted mother".

Xu Muhua was worried about the uncle and Hu Zai, so he didn't let Shiliu and Wu'er stay, but Nanny Qian did.

Aunt Qian was very happy that her young lady had such an opportunity.

In this way, the lady has one more backer.

After waiting for Xu Muhua to wash up, Xu Muhua sat in front of the window and dried her hair.

Aunt Qian was extremely helpless when she saw this.

"Miss, how many times have I told you, it's winter now, don't open the windows, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

Others are eager to close the doors and windows tightly so that they can stay warmer. The lady is good. No matter how cold it is, she always likes to open the windows and says she needs some ventilation.

In her opinion, if she caught a cold, she wouldn't be able to breathe!

"Where can I catch a cold? The floor heating in this room is too warm!" That's why she opened the window to cool down.

"Then you can't open it so wide. The girl's body is very delicate, so you should take good care of it!" said Aunt Qi, and she was about to go forward and close the window a little smaller.

Just when he put his hands on the fork pole and was about to lift the window, several black figures suddenly rushed towards him! Terrified, Nanny Qi loosened her grip and the window closed with a loud bang.

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