Chapter 425: A matter of wealth and life
"What do you know!" Master Huang was upset because the key was missing. When Cui said this, he immediately became angry.

Ms. Cui was stunned on the spot when he yelled.

After coming back to his senses, his eyes immediately turned red, feeling angry and aggrieved, "You scolded me, and you scolded me again! Something like this happened today, and I was heartbroken to deal with the aftermath. But it turned out to be good for you, just for a key... …”

Master Huang took a deep breath, stretched out his arms to hold her over, and patted her back, "Okay, okay, I shouldn't yell at you so loudly, it's my fault. I know Madam has worked hard today, and I also I feel very sorry for Madam.”

"I lost control of my emotions just now. That key is not an ordinary key. It is not only important to me, but also to our whole family! Now it is gone. Of course I am anxious and want to find it back as soon as possible!"

Ms. Cui raised her head and asked with doubtful eyes: "What key is so important?"

Mr. Huang still didn't elaborate, just said: "In short, it is very important. The less you know, the better for you! I won't lie to you, this key is related to the safety of our Huang Mansion!"

Seeing his solemn expression with a hint of anxiety, Ms. Cui believed what he said and no longer cared about his attitude just now. She comforted him: "It's okay. It should have been during the chaos in the front yard that I accidentally dropped it." Where is it?”

Mrs. Cui thought of something and hurriedly said: "Didn't your clothes get loosened by that damn monkey earlier? Could it have been that time?"

After Cui's reminder, Mr. Huang felt that it was very possible!

As for why he didn’t suspect that monkeys took it away, who would have thought that those monkeys came for his keys?
Moreover, the situation was so chaotic at that time, and the Monkey King took advantage of the chaos to steal the key. The person named Huang also didn’t expect that someone would let a monkey steal something!
The two of them couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly went to the front yard to look for it.

I just searched but couldn't find the key he mentioned!

"Look, keep looking. Even if you search the entire Huang Mansion, you have to find the key for me!" Mr. Huang yelled at his servants angrily.

Mrs. Cui also urged: "Quick, quick, quick, find more people, hurry up!"

The servant didn't dare to delay any longer and started looking again.

A pair of children who had already returned to their own yards also rushed over after hearing the news.

"Mom, what are you looking for?" Huang Zhilan asked with a frown, feeling very irritable.

Originally, today was her day to shine, but now it has become like this! She was so embarrassed! Whose birthday party comes with so many monkeys? It's like a bad omen!

I don’t know how others will laugh at their house in private!

Dad is still looking for the key like crazy!
Why is a key so important? Even if it is made of gold, a key is not worth much. Is the Huang family still short of this little money? Shouldn't dad think about how to deal with the aftermath?
At this time, I'm afraid the joke about today's Huang Mansion has been spread outside, and dad still hasn't thought of a solution yet!

Ms. Cui shook her head at her, "This key is very important to your father. Now that it is gone, your father is already very upset. Please stop saying these things."

Huang Zhilan pursed her lips and stopped talking.

"Mom, what is the key that dad is looking for? Let's help find it too!" Cui's son said.

Mr. Cui explained the characteristics of the key, and he soon joined the team looking for the key.

Huang Zhilan saw that the situation was not good and she could no longer stand, so she had to go looking for him.

The master and servants of the Huang Mansion were all under the sun. They wanted to turn over the land to look for it. They were sweating profusely and their clothes were stuck to their bodies. Huang Zhilan was so angry that she cried in the end. She couldn't understand why a wealthy lady like herself had to endure such hardship.

Just when she was about to give up, there was a sudden flash of light in the sun. She took a closer look, her face lit up, and she quickly walked over, bent down and picked up something from the grass. "Dad, Dad, is this the key you are looking for?" She asked excitedly, holding the key high.

Mr. Huang walked over quickly, took the key and looked at it carefully. A smile finally appeared on his face, "Yes, this is the key!"

It’s finally back! Scared him to death!

After hearing that the key was found, both the Cui family and the servants breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally found it, otherwise people will get heatstroke if this continues!
Ms. Cui felt that she had never suffered like this in the first half of her life! She actually made herself miserable in the sun like a peasant woman!

She really couldn't stand it anymore, "Just find it, just find it, everyone should disperse!"

She also had to go back to the yard to clean up!

Without even being in the mood to ask her husband what the key was for, Mrs. Cui hurried back to her yard to wash up!

Huang Zhilan and her brother also felt that they could not bear the sweat, so they hurriedly bowed to Mr. Huang and left.

Master Huang also felt sticky, but he had more important things to do than cleaning himself up.

He went to his study and asked his servants to guard outside and not allow anyone to approach the study.

He closed the door and used the key to open the secret room that was related to his life. When he saw that everything inside was in its original position, his heart truly relaxed.

It seemed that I was overthinking it and this was an accident.

Previously, he had wondered if someone knew something and was here for the key. The purpose of getting the key is for the contents of the secret room.

Now it seems that what happened today must have been an accident, and I was overthinking it.

He sat down behind the desk in the study, rubbing the keys unconsciously in his hand, his face a little cold. I carefully reviewed everything that happened today in my mind, but couldn't find anything suspicious.

Except for that group of monkeys that suddenly appeared!

A group of monkeys suddenly appeared, which seemed suspicious.

Why did so many monkeys suddenly appear in the city?
He has already sent someone to check. Next, let’s look at the information found.

He tied the key firmly around his waist again and let out a breath.

There must be no mistakes in the things in the secret room. Otherwise, not to mention his official career, his life will not be saved, and his whole family will die!

This key was specially made by him. It can be used in conjunction with other mechanisms in the study to successfully open the secret room. For so many years, there had never been any accidents. Today, it happened suddenly, which made him feel frightened.

Hope it was just a false alarm!
He leaned on the Taishi chair and slowly dozed off his eyes. He recalled everything carefully and made sure that nothing suspicious had happened recently.

It seems that he will have to be more careful in the future.

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