Chapter 426: Will Bai Xiaosheng still be open in the future?

"You can't do it, what do you mean?" Xu Muhua looked at Feng Laosan in surprise.

Feng Laosan said truthfully: "Boss, I took the ink pad to show it to the craftsman. The craftsman said that the key seems to be specially made. It is best to find the craftsman who made the key to make it again. It is not impossible for outsiders to do it. It takes time and may go wrong.”

If something goes wrong, the key won't open the lock. So it would be easier to find the original craftsman.

He was embarrassed when he heard that.

How did the key come about? If others don't know, how can he not know?

This key was simply stolen from others by the boss in a way that ordinary people could not imagine! How is it possible to find the original craftsman to make a new one?

Thinking of dealing with a monkey, Feng Laosan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The boss is really extraordinary, he can even drive monkeys living in the mountains and forests to do things!
Even those buskers who specialize in this industry may not be able to do this! Not to mention that in addition to monkeys, the boss can drive other animals with ease.

The boss is indeed the boss! Not everyone can do it!

He can't!

Neither can the eldest brother or the second brother!
To sum up, following the boss is the most correct thing!
Just ...

"Boss, there's something we want to ask you..." Feng Laosan said tentatively.

Attention, it’s us. This meant that the three brothers, the sister-in-law, and even the nephew all wanted to know, so they asked him to ask.

Xu Muhua didn't even raise his eyelids, "You ask."

"That's it...Boss, you are going to enter the palace and become a concubine. Then...then our store..." Do you want to do it? Will the boss be like most women, who concentrate on raising their husband and children after getting married?
"What happened to the store? Does it have anything to do with my marriage?" Xu Muhua glanced at Feng Laosan inexplicably.

Seeing that the boss didn't seem to understand what he meant, Feng Laosan had to be more straightforward, "What I mean is, boss, if you enter the East Palace, let alone the future, can you still open this store?"

He felt that whatever the boss did in the future, he would be able to get a noble concubine. It seems that the dignified concubine no longer needs to work hard to open a shop among the people. Will the boss quit?

If they quit, what will they do?
It usually looks like the three brothers are working, but in fact there would be no Bai Xiaosheng without a boss. Bai Xiaosheng cannot survive without his boss! They don't have the skills to be a boss.

Although they have saved a lot of money now, who would have too much money? Of course, the more the better!

Xu Muhua looked at Feng Laosan with a look that looked like a fool, "Let me ask you, is there any conflict between the two? I started a business with such difficulty, why should I stop doing it?"

Feng Laosan was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "But you are married..."

"Tsk! What's wrong with getting married? Who said that a married woman can only stay in the backyard to look after her husband and raise children? Everyone in the world says that women are not as good as men, so look at me..." Xu Muhua smiled, "You think that I am not as good as men? ?"

Feng Laosan shivered and felt that the boss's smile was a bit scary.

He felt that if he couldn't answer this question well, his boss would probably give him a hard blow.

His life-saving instinct made him quickly say: "Of course not! Boss, you are better than many men!"

What he said was not to flatter the boss, it was true.

"In this case, there is no need to ask such stupid questions anymore!"

It sounded like she wanted to hit someone! Feng Laosan firmly shut his mouth, but he felt happy because he didn't have to worry about the future.

"Boss, what should we do about the key now?"

From the boss's tone before, he was quite anxious about this matter, so he couldn't wait for other craftsmen to take their time. But if you take the key and go to the original craftsman, what should you do if others find out and are suspicious?
Besides, they don’t know who got the key!

"Slow down for now. Wait for news. I'll go back and check."

As soon as Feng Laosan heard this, he knew that the boss was planning to find the original craftsman and ask him to get a new key.

He had no doubt about it!
As long as the boss wants to look for it, he will definitely find it!
When Xu Muhua went back, he asked the uncle to go out and look for him.

The uncle shook his big tail and said lazily, "Let those three stupid birds go!"

It’s such a hot day, don’t be too hot to go out!

Xu Muhua saw through his mind at a glance and didn't give it any chance to refuse. "Uncle, it's time for you to make a move. This is your chance to show off. You must cherish it and not miss it. If you continue like this, your business ability will be ruined." It’s gone down, let alone doing things for me, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to catch a mouse!”

The uncle is lazy, but he will never tolerate others questioning his abilities!
It jumped up immediately! The flesh on my stomach trembled, like water waves!
Xu Muhua couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw it.

Fortunately, the uncle has long legs. If he had short legs like Corgi, his belly would be dragged to the ground!
"You dare to look down on me, I will go find it for you right now!"

"Go on, let me see if I have raised you up to be a little loser who only knows how to eat and drink."

The uncle was angry and went out to do errands despite the high temperature, regardless of the scorching sun outside.

Xu Muhua: I can’t control you even though you’re a demo!

"Miss, will it be too hot if I go out now?" Pomegranate was a little worried.

Wu'er said with a smile: "Pomegranate, you don't have to worry about me. I enjoy it better than anyone else. If it feels uncomfortable, it will find a shady place to cool off!"

That is to say, Pomegranate worries all day long that her uncle is cold, overheated, not eating enough, or not drinking enough. Pomegranate didn't even think about it. Before coming to Fenghuayuan, the uncle lived a comfortable life in the kitchen, and the food was better than the two of them!
Everyone may wrong themselves, but not the uncle!
"I just think it's too hot outside." Pomegranate looked like an old woman.

Wu'er joked with Xu Muhua: "Miss, I think if Pomegranate gets married and has children in the future, she will definitely be a doting mother!"

When Pomegranate heard this, she stopped and said, "Hey, Wu'er, what are you talking about? I tell you, I am going to serve you by your side for the rest of my life!"

Xu Muhua said quickly: "No!"

Her indifferent expression made Pomegranate sad, "Miss, you, don't you want to be a slave?"

"Yes, but if I keep you by my side forever and don't let you get married, someone may want to settle a score with me!"

Pomegranate's pretty face suddenly turned red and she stamped her feet, "Miss, what are you talking about!"

"It's time for male students to get married, and it's time for female students to get married. You've reached your age, and it's normal to miss spring!"


Pomegranate couldn't bear it, and ran away with her hot face in her hands.

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