Chapter 476 There isn’t even a female fly around

And Zhao Chengye's being able to accompany Xu Muhua home in person today is already giving her face, and he cannot stay in Chengguo Duke's Mansion for too long.

So Zhao Chengye talked with General Xu and Xu Rui in the study for a while, and they also talked about border issues. After sitting for about half an hour, I left.

He didn't go to Xu Muhua before leaving. He just asked the chamberlain beside him to stay and inform Xu Muhua.

By the time Xu Muhua came to look for the two father and son, the prince had already left. She was not surprised, and she no longer had any unnecessary emotions. Originally, he accompanied her home today just to show off to outsiders.

Now that the play is in place, it's time to end.

When Xu Jiang saw her coming, he didn't think much about it at first and asked her about her life in the East Palace these two days.

Men are not as careful as women, let alone men like Xu Jiang who only know how to fight. Xu Muhua looked in good spirits and had a rosy face. He was smiling when he mentioned the past two days, and there was nothing unusual in his words, so he didn't think much about it or ask questions.

"Dad, brother, did you encounter anything special at the border?" Xu Muhua quickly got to the point and asked.

The two were stunned for a moment, and Xu Rui asked: "Something special? What are you referring to?"

"Well, it's just something different from your usual life."

Xu Rui thought for a while and shook his head, "No!"

Life at the border is far less interesting than in the capital. Since they have this status, they spend most of their time patrolling and training in the military camp, which is very monotonous and boring. The most interesting part is probably when I go to the city to relax every month during the holidays.

However, apart from going into the city to buy necessary supplies, he and his father rarely left the military camp. So nothing really happened that could be called special.

This is true day after day, year after year.

If there is anything special, the enemy is coming. But in a place like this, occasional offense is common and not worth mentioning.

"Brother, do you know anyone? Especially women!" Xu Muhua asked seriously and tentatively.

According to the timeline of story development in the book, the woman who harmed the eldest brother appeared this year. The specific time when it appeared is not mentioned in the book. After all, the story takes place in the capital. Even if other places are involved, they are mostly mentioned in passing and rarely discussed in detail.

By the time things happened, it was almost the end of the year. Judging by the time, it should be around now.

Xu Rui immediately laughed when he heard this. He still remembered that the last time he came back, she seemed to be worried that he would be snatched away by some woman, and repeatedly told him to be careful.

"No! I still remember what you said last time! There isn't even a female fly around me!"

General Xu also smiled and said, "Yes, Mu Hua, I can help your elder brother prove that what he said is indeed true."

Xu Muhua frowned and asked again: "Dad, do the generals you trust have this kind of situation?"

General Xu couldn't help but feel strange, "Mu Hua, tell me honestly, do you know something that's why you asked this?"

After asking, I felt like it didn’t make sense. Mu Hua had raised this issue when she came back last time. It was impossible for her to know anything at that time. Could she really predict the future?

As for what Xu Muhua said back then, Xu Jiang didn't take it seriously at all.

If a child has a dream, it cannot be taken seriously.

"Dad, how can I know anything? Didn't I tell you last time? I just had a dream. I thought it was too real. Maybe it was a warning from God! Besides, I would rather believe this kind of thing. If you do, don’t believe it doesn’t happen. It’s better to take precautions.” What can she do? She can’t say that she is not his daughter, but a person who came from thousands of years later. It is said that their current world is actually a world constructed by others, right?
If she really said that, they would probably have to consider her an evil person.

Xu Jiang looked at her suspiciously, not quite believing this argument. But he couldn't find a more suitable explanation, so he could only suppress his doubts in his heart.

No matter what, there is no malicious intent.

"You, don't worry so much. Now that you have entered the East Palace, live a good life. The East Palace is no better than your own home. You have to be more cautious in everything. You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Do you understand? "General Xu warned.

Xu Muhua nodded.

"By the way, there's something..." Xu Rui said, but he remembered something, "If there is anything special, probably this thing can be called special."

Xu Muhua assumed a posture of listening attentively.

"Mu Hua, do you remember the person we caught in that copycat when dad and I came back last time? Later we handed the person over to the Criminal Department, but the people from the Criminal Department said that this person died in prison. It seems It's like he committed suicide by taking poison. Nothing came out of the interrogation."

Xu Muhua nodded.

Of course she remembered it. After all, she was involved in this matter. How could she not remember it?

At the beginning, this matter was related to the fake.

After getting rid of the fakes, she also wrote a letter to her father and eldest brother, asking them to go to that small country to check. My father and eldest brother later wrote back and said that they had not found any valuable information.

And the saint of their country is still alive!

This is not right.

Of course, she suspected that the living saint was probably a fake. Something happened to the real saint, but they couldn't let anyone know, so someone pretended to be a saint to stabilize the situation.

And when the fake sent the letter to the village, it proved that the two of them knew each other, and maybe he was also from that small country. It's a pity that he died too quickly and didn't have time to find out.

Thinking of what happened back then, Xu Muhua couldn't help but think of Bao'er.

The child who suddenly disappeared on the way back to Beijing.

Okay, when I woke up, the person was gone! After asking everything, a little guy who came out to play in the middle of the night said that he was taken away in the middle of the night. The person who took him sounded like he was sent by his relatives.

She also said that Baoer left her a letter before leaving, but she didn't see the letter. As they were about to leave, they were informed that the letter had been destroyed by the person who had taken Bao'er away.

She understood as soon as she heard this.

Ba Cheng was worried that Bao'er had revealed some information in his heart, so he destroyed the letter.

Since Baoer voluntarily followed the other party, as an outsider, she naturally has no right to say or do anything. After all, it was a chance encounter.

I suddenly remembered this incident today. When I returned to my relatives, Bao'er must have grown a lot taller now, right? He shouldn't be as skinny as he was on the mountain.

It's a pity that his relatives didn't find him sooner. If she had been found earlier, Bao'er's mother might have survived.

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