Chapter 477 They are all fragrant buns

"Brother, did you find something?" Xu Muhua came back to his senses and asked.

Xu Rui nodded, "Yes, once I saw a person in a small town when I was out on patrol. That person looked very similar to the person we caught in the mountains last time! I followed him at that time, But he got lost!"

The other party seemed to have noticed that he was following him and got rid of him.

After realizing that he was missing, he returned to the town, found a store where the man had been, and asked the store owner.

But the store owner didn't know much. He only said that this person would come to town occasionally. He didn't know where he was from or what his last name was.

"Later, I asked someone to draw a portrait of this man. It took a long time before someone recognized him and said he was from Pishan country."

Xu Muhua raised his eyebrows.

Pishan Kingdom, isn’t that fake the saint of Pishan Kingdom?

If you put it this way, the man they captured at the mountain stronghold was also from the Pishan Kingdom. Was he the same as the fake? When she wrote the letter to Shanzhai, it was not to do business, but most likely to be a superior, and she was his superior.

If you put it this way, this person would have died in prison, and it probably would not have been suicide. It's only right that he was silenced.

"We also sent people to Pishan Country, but we didn't find anything special."

So they let it go.

Even if that person is a relative of the person they captured, there is no evidence to prove that the other person was also involved in the incident at the cottage, and there is nothing they can do against the other person. Now that the person is dead, we can no longer send troops to attack and provoke a war between the two countries just because of this matter.

Unless they can prove that the other party is really a spy hiding in Dayong for other purposes. They have already handed in the relevant evidence, and they haven't heard any relevant news for such a long time.

Nor can they act beyond their authority. Even if you want to investigate, you can only quietly send your own people to investigate.

After hearing Xu Rui's words, Xu Muhua cursed in his heart: You will definitely not be able to find out if you go to check. They have all been discovered. Others will definitely be wary. Who doesn't know the two father and son over there...

Xu Muhua just wanted to confirm whether the woman who deified her elder brother in the book had appeared. Since she didn't, she could rest assured for the time being.

"But brother, you must remember what I reminded you, and you must not take it lightly!"

Xu Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, I will remember it and I will never forget it!"

Not only will he never forget it, but after being fucked like this by her, he can't help but feel scared when he thinks about women! I reflexively thought of what she said and wondered if the other party was careful.

Xu Muhua changed the topic, "Dad, my eldest brother is not young anymore, haven't you ever thought about getting married?"

At this age, the eldest brother is considered the oldest leftover man in Dayong!

Of course, in modern times, Brother Xu is still very young and has not graduated from college!
General Xu was also a little worried.

Xu Rui is the eldest son, the crown prince, and will inherit the Duke's palace in the future. He is not yet married at this age, so of course the father is worried.

"I said Mu Hua, you asked me to be careful about women and not to let women get close to me, but at the same time you asked me why we haven't gotten married yet. Don't you think you are going too far?"

Xu Rui looked at her suspiciously. He had every reason to suspect that his sister was deliberately making things difficult for him and wanted to make him uneasy.

Xu Muhua was embarrassed for a moment, then stiffened his neck and said, "How can this be the same? There are still many good women in the world. I just asked you to be on guard against the bad ones, not the good ones!" "Then how do I know who is good and who is bad?"

Xu Muhua immediately caught the problem in his words, "Brother, this is your fault. You are an adult and a famous young general, how can you not even have this ability to distinguish?"

"The wife you married is our eldest sister-in-law, and will be the future mistress of the Chengguo Palace! Of course, eldest brother, you need to choose carefully! I am also taking precautions for you in advance, eldest brother, lest you meet a white man one day. Lotus, you’ve been fooled!”

"White Lotus?"

Xu Jiang and Xu Rui jointly raised questions.

What does the lotus have to do with what they are talking about now?
Xu Muhua felt that this was an opportunity for them to learn!

Not just the eldest brother, but also her father!

Her father is actually not very old. In modern times, he is just a handsome old man, only in his early forties! In addition, in the military camp, probably because of the regular training of soldiers, he has a good figure.

Although his skin is a little rough and his complexion is a little darker, he has a good-looking face! Returning to the capital, putting on fancy clothes and going out on the streets is also very attention-grabbing.

Maybe one day some pretty widow, or even a young girl who has not yet left the court, will fall in love with her father and want to become his second wife!
Not to mention her eldest brother, both of them are delicious!

Xu Muhuazi carefully told Xu Jiang and Xu Rui what white lotus was, what green tea was, and what a man bitch was. He also carefully gave examples to help them understand which women and behaviors in their lives fit the bill. Remind them to stay away from such women in the future.

Otherwise, at least the family will be uneasy, at worst, the future will be ruined, and the family will be destroyed!

After hearing what she said, the two father and son had complicated faces and looked at her with strange eyes.

"Mu Hua, you...where did you learn this nonsense!"

What a strange argument this is, I have never heard of it! I have only heard that some women are fierce, some are dignified and gentle, some are as gentle as water, and some are jealous and vicious, but I have never heard what she said!
Could it be that she was telling lies and wanted to scare them?
Xu Muhua said without blinking, "I read it in a book."

After finishing speaking, he added without waiting for them to speak: "It was a book in the bookstore. I just looked at it casually, put it back after reading it. It has been so long, someone must have bought it!"

The father and son were dubious.

"Dad, brother, I am a woman. Of course I know women better than you. Also, don't underestimate women. I don't know how many men have fallen into the hands of women. I don't want you to be like this."

Xu Rui said with a sullen face, "How can I dare to get married if you act like this?"

Marriage matters are all dictated by the parents and the matchmaker. Before getting married, it was impossible to say that they knew each other well, and they had not even met in person. Not to mention knowing the other person’s character.

If he really found a woman like she said, wouldn't he have a hard time in the rest of his life?

Xu Muhua thought for a moment and said, "If you can trust me, I'll help you keep an eye on me in the capital!"

There are still many noble ladies in the capital.

Xu Rui said cheerfully: "Then it's my sister's fault!"

It was only after Ying Wancai that he thought slowly, is this wrong? How can a younger sister worry about her eldest brother’s marriage? My mother is still here!

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