Chapter 502 Brothers and Brothers Respect
Xu Muhua didn't care about their relationship. She was so happy that she could go home tomorrow that she kept smiling.

When Grandma Qi saw it, she couldn't help but asked curiously. I thought the prince was staying over tonight!

"Mother Qi, get ready and go back home tomorrow!"

Madam Qi was stunned, and it took her a while to react, "Returning to the mansion? Returning to the Chengguo Mansion? Madam, are you going back to your parents' home tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'm going back to my parents' house tomorrow!"

"Why... why did your mother-in-law suddenly want to go back to her parents' home? This matter..." Aunt Qi was in a dilemma.

The young lady has been married into the Eastern Palace for less than half a month. She has already returned to her parents' home before, and now she wants to go back to her parents' home again?

"Madam Qi, don't worry. I have already informed the Crown Princess about this matter and got her permission. Besides, there are only two or three women in the Eastern Palace, so there is no need to follow the rules."

Although she said so, Nanny Qi was still a little worried and advised, "Forget it this time. In the future, you must not go back to your parents' home too often, or you will be criticized!"

Xu Muhua nodded perfunctorily: "I know what's going on, don't worry."

What does it mean to go back to her parents' house frequently? She hasn't gone back in half a month!

Even Nanny Qi couldn't do anything about her.

Although she said this, Aunt Qi also showed that she was very happy through her actions.

The time spent living in Duke Chengguo's Mansion was far less than that in the palace, but it was countless times more comfortable and comfortable than in the palace! Aunt Qi also has a special affection for the Chengguo Palace.

Because he can go home tomorrow, Xu Muhua slept well that night. He was always smiling in his dreams.

He got up early the next day, had a quick meal, and went home with his people!

Zhao Chengye, the husband, only then received the news and heard that his concubine had returned!
Zhao Chengye: Why didn’t anyone mention this to him?

Although he and Xu Muhua have a cooperative relationship and neither one is interested in the other, they are a couple in name anyway, and they have special status, so they should say something no matter what!

See, even now that someone mentioned it in front of him, he was still confused.

"Fifth brother, I heard that Concubine Xu from the Eastern Palace returned to Duke Cheng's Mansion today." The fourth prince Zhao Chengyi came over. "Fourth brother knows that you have a good temper, but a concubine is still a concubine after all, you can't spoil her too much. She has only been married to the Eastern Palace for a few days and she has returned to her parents' home. What will outsiders think when they see her?"

"What needs to be said must be said!" He originally wanted to reach out and pat Zhao Chengye's shoulder. But as soon as he raised his hand, he remembered his identity and put it down again.

Zhao Chengye was also full of questions.

Xu Muhua returned to Chengguo Mansion? Why didn't anyone tell him about this?
This was what he was thinking in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face.

"She's still a young girl, and she's not used to getting married yet, but it's okay. The Duke Cheng's Mansion is in the city, and she won't waste any time or work if she goes back."

Zhao Chengyi laughed out loud, "I didn't expect that the fifth brother who used to be pure and stoic would know how to love others after getting married."

Zhao Chengye smiled and said, "I still need to learn more from Fourth Brother. By the way, I haven't congratulated Fourth Brother yet."

Zhao Chengyi was stunned for a moment, "Where does joy come from?"

"Isn't Fourth Brother's concubine happy? Isn't this a happy event?"

After he said this, Zhao Chengyi suddenly remembered such a thing and suddenly realized, "Oh, you said this! It is indeed a happy event."

He changed the topic and said, "You are the prince now, so you should put your heirs first!"

What Zhao Chengyi said was so earnest and heartfelt.

Zhao Chengye's face flashed with helplessness, but he quickly cheered up again, "I hope I can get some blessing from my fourth brother!"

Zhao Chengyi thought for a moment and said, "How about this, I'll ask Concubine Pei to visit the East Palace more often when she's free. Maybe the Crown Princess will get pregnant soon."

"Thank you, fourth brother, for your thoughtfulness."

"Why are you being so polite? You are the crown prince. Everyone will feel at ease if you give birth to a legitimate son as soon as possible." Zhao Chengyi didn't talk much with him and left soon.

Zhao Chengye looked at his departing back, snorted, and left in another direction.

At this time, Xu Muhua had already returned to Duke Cheng's Mansion!

She came back suddenly without informing the people in Duke Cheng's Mansion. Everyone in Duke Cheng's Mansion was stunned when they heard the report from the servants.

"Who? Who's back?" Xu's mother was so surprised that she stood up suddenly.

"Madam, it's the eldest lady - no, it's the crown prince's concubine who is back!"

Xu's mother and Xu Jiang looked at each other with blank eyes.

Before he could react, he heard his daughter's voice, and he suddenly woke up completely!
Xu's mother was shocked and panicked.

Suddenly came back, could it be...

Xu Muhua felt that there was no need to wait for others to report back to her home, so she came in directly!

Seeing her, Xu's mother walked over quickly and asked nervously and worriedly: "Muhua, have you been wronged in the East Palace? Were you chased back by the prince?"

Xu Muhua: "..."

No, why would her mother suspect that she was driven back by the prince? Is she that bad? What caused her to have such a wrong perception?
General Xu frowned tightly and said in a deep voice: "Tell Dad, did the prince bully you? Dad will help you vent your anger!"

His daughter became his concubine, how dare he bully her? Don't think that he is afraid just because he is the prince!

Xu Jinyu, who had come running over with her skirt lifted up the moment she heard the news, blurted out, "Big sister was driven back by the prince?"

Xu Muhua: "..."


She looked at her family in silence: "Do you have no confidence in me, the Crown Prince, or the Duke Cheng's Mansion? How can you have such a ridiculous suspicion?"

Even if she was no longer favored, the prince wouldn't dare to step on the Duke's face so blatantly and drive her back not long after they got married, right?


Xu's mother calmed down and felt that it was true, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Then why did you come back so suddenly?"

Xu Muhua said to Xu Jinyu, "Jinyu, go back to your yard first. I have something to tell my parents. I will come back to you after we finish talking about the business."

Xu Jinyu pursed her lips unconsciously, showing her unwillingness.

"Be good and go back first."


She reluctantly left.

General Xu and his mother became even more confused.

So mysterious, what is Mu Hua trying to do?
"Dad, Mom, where's my eldest brother?"

"Your eldest brother went out to meet some friends. It's a rare opportunity for him to come back. He said he wanted to meet up with some familiar friends."

Time is precious, so Xu Muhua stopped talking in circles. He sat down and asked, "Father, mother, have you considered eldest brother's marriage?"

The couple was questioned.

The boss’s marriage?
Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone!

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