Chapter 503 She Has the Right Person

"Why are you suddenly concerned about your eldest brother's marriage?" asked Xu's mother.

"I'm already married, but there's still no sign of eldest brother's marriage? The burden of the rise and fall of our Chengguo Mansion is on eldest brother's shoulders. How can we talk about inheritance if he doesn't get married?" Xu Muhua said it with great righteousness.

General Xu sighed, "Your mother and I are also worried about this matter, but..."

How can the eldest brother marry a wife when he follows him to the border? There has been no suitable candidate at the border, and the eldest brother's wife must be approved by the emperor. Otherwise, the emperor has a hundred ways to make the marriage fail.

"Ahem!" Xu Muhua cleared his throat. "Well, Dad, Mom, I have a candidate here who I think is quite suitable for big brother. Do you want to listen to it?"

The couple looked at each other, then at their daughter at the same time, and said in unison: "Who?"

"It's the young lady of the Geng family!"

General Xu looked at his wife in confusion, obviously not knowing which Geng family she was referring to.

Mother Xu frowned and asked uncertainly, "The Geng family you are talking about... is it Concubine Jing's family?"

Xu Muhua nodded.

Mother Xu was at a loss for words. "Why are you trying to make connections, kid? Isn't the young lady from the Geng family seeing the young master from the Hu family recently?"

Does she want her elder brother to snatch someone else's bride?

"Mother, the relationship between the Geng and Hu families will not work out. The people of the Hu family are trying to cheat in marriage! The young master of the Hu family already has a bastard son, who was born to the concubine! They want to marry the young lady of the Geng family just to find a shield. If the young lady of the Geng family really marries, she will probably die of illness in no time!"

Mother Xu's face changed. "Where did you hear this? Don't spread it around. If someone hears it, the Hu family will come knocking on our door!"

General Xu looked at his daughter with suspicion and scrutiny in his eyes.

Xu Muhua said calmly, "It was Concubine Jing who told me."

She told him about the encounter between them when Miss Geng entered the palace a few days ago. Of course, some of it was concealed and deleted, and it was artistically processed.

"When I was getting along with Miss Geng, I thought of my elder brother. My elder brother is not young anymore, and we can't keep dragging it out like this. If he marries another lady from a wealthy family, he's afraid that he'll arouse the emperor's suspicion. If she's too low-born, he's worried that she won't be able to be a good mistress in the future. I think Miss Geng is suitable!"

When she mentioned that she had aroused the emperor's suspicion, the couple couldn't help but glare at her. Xu's mother said, "Why don't you tell me how Miss Geng is suitable?"

Xu Muhua praised Geng Zhiqiu so much that even Xu's mother was moved.

The eldest son's marriage has always been a matter of concern to her. If the young lady of the Geng family is really like what her daughter said, it would be appropriate. Although the Geng family has a concubine, she has little presence, and the eighth prince is still young. When he grows up, the position of the crown prince will have been secured.

And to put it bluntly, maybe the prince has already ascended the throne!

If we become relatives with the Duke Cheng's Mansion, the Emperor will probably feel more at ease. After all, the daughter of the Duke Cheng's Mansion is a concubine in the Eastern Palace.


When Xu's mother heard these two words, she immediately became alert, "But what?"

"Mother, this young lady of the Geng family had been engaged before she followed her parents to the capital. But the man later died of illness, and she became known as a husband-killer..." There must be people who would laugh at the fact that the prince of the Chengguo Mansion married such a woman.

Not to mention the ancient times, even in the modern times with open minds, many people still mind. Although she personally doesn't mind, it's her elder brother who marries his wife, and it's the parents who marry their daughter-in-law, so they still have to make the final decision.

The couple was stunned for a moment, and Xu's mother hesitated, "Is that so..." "Mom, I just mentioned this matter, but whether it is appropriate or not still depends on you and Dad. How about I find a chance to get in touch with Miss Geng to see if you are suitable?"

Xu's mother knew that her daughter was not a promiscuous person. Since she mentioned this, she must really think that Miss Geng was a good girl.

She thought for a moment and said, "I'll find an opportunity to get in touch with him."

Hearing her say this, Xu Muhua felt relieved and turned to ask something else, "Dad, have you and big brother decided on a time to return to the border?"

"It's already been decided. You stay in the East Palace and you don't have to come back when the time comes." To avoid giving people a chance to talk about you.

Xu Muhua nodded perfunctorily.

It's impossible not to come back!

What's wrong with her coming back to see her father and elder brother off? Who dares to say no?
As soon as General Xu saw her expression, he knew what she was thinking. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but probably knew it was useless to say anything, so he simply closed his mouth.

Forget it, just come back!
Of course she went to see the old lady when she came back. When the old lady saw her, she didn't care about anything else and was happy. She held her hand and asked her how she was living in the East Palace.

The old lady started coughing after she had just said two sentences, and it took a while for her to stop.

Xu Muhua frowned with some worry: "Grandma, what's wrong with you? Why are you coughing so badly?"

It's not autumn or winter now.

Looking at the old man with wrinkles all over his face, Xu Muhua couldn't help but feel heavy.

Speaking of which, my grandmother is quite old, and when people get older, they are more likely to have problems.

"It's okay. It's just like that when you get old. There will always be some problems from time to time. It might be because you wanted to stay cool a few nights ago and didn't cover yourself with the quilt properly. So when you got up, you felt your throat was a little itchy. It's okay. The doctor has prescribed some medicine. You feel much better now." The old lady patted the back of her hand kindly, reassuring her not to worry.

Xu Muhua was still worried, so she called the nanny who served the old lady and asked her in detail. The answer she got was almost the same as what the old lady said herself, so she was reluctantly relieved.

"See, grandma can't really lie to you!" The old lady glared at her.

"Grandma, you must take good care of yourself. You are the pillar of support for our Chengguo Mansion!"

The old lady laughed at her and said, "Don't worry, I'm still waiting for you to give me a great-grandson!"

Xu Muhua said she couldn't respond to this.

"Grandma, you might as well put your hope on my eldest brother!"

If my eldest brother gets married and has children, they will be my grandmother’s great-grandson!

The old lady is also worried when she mentions this!
"I would like to hold your eldest brother's child, but he is already old and spends all day at the border. I am worried that he will marry a wild girl one day!" The old lady lowered her voice, "I dreamed that your eldest brother married a strong girl and turned our family upside down!"

Then she was awakened with fright!

Xu Muhua was almost amused by the old lady.

"Grandma, don't worry, my elder brother will definitely find you a well-behaved, sensible and considerate granddaughter-in-law!"

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