Chapter 528 Disdain
Big Spot, Little Spot and the newcomer took turns talking for a long time before they finally told all the news they had gathered.

Just as I was taking a break, the crow flew over again.

I was so happy to see the three of them.

"Hey, you're back!" The crow hopped over to them, "Did you have a smooth journey?"

Xiao Ban hummed proudly, "Of course, is there anything we can't accomplish with the three of us?"

Then he asked, "How about you? How are you doing in the capital?"

The crow actually felt a little ashamed, "We are not as successful as you."

But after saying that, it immediately cheered up again and looked at Xu Muhua: "I stared at that woman and heard her say that she was planning to do it in the next two days. Today, a doctor went to their house and examined her. He said that the baby in her belly would not last for a few more days!"

"It's better this way, otherwise we'd always be worried." Xu Muhua said.

The prince has his own arrangements for this matter. The most she can do is send someone to remind Arong and ask her to pay more attention in the next two days.

Soon the news of Big Spot and Little Spot's new arrival spread, and Xu Muhua's house immediately became a bird's nest. All kinds of birds she knew and didn't know flew over, chirping non-stop, like a vegetable market, making her head swell and buzz!
Finally she couldn't bear it anymore and had to stand up to maintain order.

Let them line up, come one by one, and speak slowly if they have anything to say! In this way, they are all crowded together, with so many mouths, you speak, and it speaks, it's like garbled text.

Before, Xu Muhua asked these birds to help her gather information in the capital, no matter what the information was.

I have collected quite a lot during this period of time.

Then she collected another wave of them. Xu Muhua hoped to rely on her own hands without anyone else's help. She almost broke her pen when she finished writing! When she finished talking about these birds, her thick notebook was almost full!

She couldn't help but sigh: No wonder her hands felt like they were about to break. She wrote so much non-stop, how could her hands break?
But, I am very satisfied with the result!

"It's getting late, let's stop here for today! You all can go back. If there is anything you haven't finished, we can continue tomorrow!" Xu Muhua waved her hand.

Of course, after asking others to do the work, Xu Muhua did not forget to give these little cuties some benefits.

She asked Shi Liu to prepare a lot of food that birds liked and scattered it in the yard, letting them eat whatever they liked.

Pomegranate stood under the eaves, looking at the birds in the yard and sighing silently.

I feel like I have become a bird owner! Look at the birds all over the yard. Even the bird and animal markets that specialize in selling birds don’t have so many! If others saw them, they would be shocked.

The birds that were eating happily suddenly flapped their wings and flew away, as if they were frightened.

Pomegranate was also startled and thought something had happened.

But when he looked closely, he immediately put his hands on his hips and angrily looked at the old man who rushed into the yard: "Uncle, why did you scare them!"

No wonder they all flew away, they must have thought the old man was going to pounce on them and catch them!

Cats are natural enemies of many birds!
The old man didn't feel guilty at all, and said confidently, "I thought these birds were here to cause trouble, so I was kind enough to drive them away for you!"

Of course, Shi Liu didn't understand what "uncle" meant. To her, it was just the arrogant meow of "uncle". From its meowing, it was clear that it had no intention of admitting its mistakes and repenting.

"Uncle, you'd better go inside quickly. If you stay outside, the birds will be scared away and won't dare to land to pick up food. I've scattered so much food, if they don't eat it all, they will have to feed the mice!"

The uncle felt that what Pomegranate said was simply an insult to it!
With its boss here, any mouse would dare to come?

Shi Liu felt that although the old man was powerful, he was just a cat. The palace was so big, and there was no telling how many mice there were.

In the end, Shi Liu grabbed the flesh on the back of the uncle's neck and lifted him up with both hands, "Oh, uncle, you are really too heavy, I can hardly lift you up!" No wonder the empress always shouted at the uncle to lose weight.

This cat is truly the fattest and biggest cat she has ever seen!

The old man's fate was strangling his neck, his hands curled up slightly, leaving only a pair of eyes turning around in dissatisfaction.

Xu Muhua saw the old man being dragged in, looked up, and asked casually, "What trouble has the old man gotten into again?"

The old man was not convinced and meowed.

What does this woman mean? What does she mean by "getting into trouble again"?

Shi Liu put the master down, panting a little. "I was feeding the birds in the yard, and you rushed over to scare them. They were so scared that they dared not come down."

After saying that, he did not forget to add: "My lady, I seem to have gained weight again!"

"Meow!" The old man shouted at Shi Liu with a dissatisfied look on his face.

He also said that it was time for that woman to lose weight again!

Xu Muhua snorted, "Shi Liu, since you know that I'm gaining weight again, you shouldn't feed me too much. A reasonable diet is a healthy diet!"

Not to mention that the old man would go out from time to time to have a bite to eat or something.

Shi Liu looked at the master with an expression of pity, and finally seemed to have made up her mind, "I understand!"


The old man felt that his happy life was gone forever!
"My queen, please keep an eye on the master and don't let him run out again. I have scattered a lot of food in the yard. If it is not eaten up, mice will come tonight!" Shi Liu said seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't go out to scare birds again." Xu Muhua was organizing the information he had collected today without even raising his head.

With her words, Shi Liu felt relieved.

She knew that the master listened to the queen the most.

The old man jumped onto the bed and the low table in a very arrogant manner, and came close to Xu Muhua, pretending to read the book with her. It was a pity that he could not understand anything.

I think I can understand human speech, but why can't I read human writing? This is unreasonable!

It stretched out its thick flesh pads to scratch, but Xu Muhua blocked it with one hand. He originally wanted to pinch it, but withdrew his hand.

The old man looked at her in confusion.

Why don’t you pinch its feet anymore?
"Who knows where you've been and what you've stepped on? Maybe you've stepped on shit! How dirty!"

The old man got furious instantly!

"You've stepped on shit, you've stepped on shit!"

It is a cat that loves cleanliness!

The angry old man ran wildly on the bed and stepped all over it!

Finally, he looked at Xu Muhua triumphantly.

Humph, you despise me, so I’ll let you despise me!

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