Chapter 529: Putting aside the dosage is just hooliganism

Xu Muhua was not angry at all. "Uncle, if you really stepped on shit, I would have to let Wu'er catch you and use your snow-white fur to mop it clean."

"You bad woman!"

"You are the bad kitty!"

Xu Muhua laughed and pulled the old man over, ignoring his struggle and resistance. He kissed him hard on the face and coaxed him, "I'm just teasing you! How could I dislike you? And, I know you like to be clean, so you will definitely not step on shit."

"You still said that!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say any more. Tell me where you went today? Where's Huzai?" Xu Muhua originally wanted to hug the old man for a while longer, but he really couldn't bear it!
Holding the old man is like holding a stove!
After a while, she couldn't help but put the old man aside.

The old man immediately looked at Xu Muhua with a look that showed he had been let down.

Xu Muhua turned a blind eye.

Wait for winter, when winter comes, Grandpa will become her favorite hand warmer again!

"It ran to the zoo."

Tiger Cub is a lonely tiger. He is too big to go anywhere he wants like the old man. He can only go to the zoo to communicate with other animals of the same type, such as the lion.

I heard that the tiger and the lion have now become brothers.

"So where have you been? I haven't seen you today."

"Isn't this my uncle trying to find a solution for you?"

Xu Muhua raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Just kill that old man!"

Xu Muhua immediately became interested, "Have you found any good solution?"

The old man raised his head proudly, but unfortunately he was too fat and even so his neck could not be seen.

"I found a nest of poisonous scorpions in the cold palace."

Xu Muhua was stunned for a moment, but soon understood.

Poisonous scorpions, can they kill people?
"Can this poisonous scorpion kill people?" Not necessarily. It seems that it depends on the species. She doesn't understand this!

If you want to take action, you must kill with one blow, otherwise you will be in big trouble.

The old man said lazily, "If one can't kill him, then use two. If two doesn't work, use three. If three still don't work, use four. You can have as many as you want. Are you afraid that you can't kill him?"

These words choked Xu Muhua.

Yes, no matter what kind of poison it is, it is just hooliganism regardless of the dosage.

"Can you bring the poisonous scorpion here for me to take a look? I'll talk to it and see if this can work." Then she asked worriedly, "Uncle, can you do it? You must not let those poisonous scorpions bite you, I don't know any medical skills."

As for the veterinarian, I don’t know if he can be saved.

The old man gave her a disdainful look and said, "Do you think I'm some kind of idiot?"

If they try to bite it, it will crush them to death with one foot!

"I'm just worried about you, why don't you appreciate it?" When she said this, the old man immediately gave in and lowered his head, rubbing his head against her.

"Uncle, you have to be careful and not get too arrogant, understand?" Oh, with Uncle's temper, she was really worried that he would suffer a disastrous defeat someday.

If something really happened to the old man, she would be heartbroken.

The old man felt the care and worry coming from her, and meowed obediently to show that he understood.

Xu Muhua smiled and touched its head, then stroked its fluffy tail.

Tiger played until very late before coming back.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengye had someone pass the message down, otherwise, if an animal as dangerous as Tiger Cub were running around in the palace, it would probably have been killed by the guards at the first moment.

The next day, Xu Muhua reminded Pei Shaorong to keep an eye on Pei Zhen, because she was ready to take action at any time.

Pei Shaorong didn't ask her any more questions after hearing this, but nodded to indicate that she understood.

Xu Muhua focused all her attention on her elder brother's marriage proposal. She had already had the gifts sent out of the palace and had given instructions.

Soon, the news that Duke Cheng’s Mansion came to the Geng family to propose marriage and wanted to marry Miss Geng to the prince spread quickly!
At first, some people were surprised and shocked, but when they thought of the old lady, they understood and became more convinced that the old lady was seriously ill!

The Geng family was already worried about the Hu family's affairs, and Mrs. Geng was so worried that she couldn't sleep well at night. She was afraid that her daughter's marriage would be affected by this incident, and she didn't know when she would be able to find a suitable marriage.

After all, if you keep dragging it on like this, you’ll really become an old maid!

Now that the Duke Cheng’s Mansion came to propose marriage sincerely, the Geng family of course agreed!

Only a fool would refuse!

As for the fact that the prince of Duke Cheng is always at the border, and if there is a war in the future he will have to go to the battlefield...that's nothing. If every girl is worried about this problem and refuses to get married, then wouldn't all soldiers be unable to get married?
Besides, Dayong had not seen any war for many years, and it was estimated that there would be no major wars in the next few years. As long as their daughter married and gave birth to a child, other problems would not be a problem!
Of course, there were many people secretly laughing at him, saying that Xu Rui picked up a woman that the young master of the Hu family didn't want.

But the people who said this were still a minority. Everyone knew that the Geng and Hu families had that intention. But before they could go any further, the Geng family discovered something was wrong. If that was the case, what was there to say?

"I never thought that Zhiqiu would end up getting engaged to your elder brother!" Apart from Geng Zhiqiu's parents, the person who was happiest about this matter was Concubine Jing.

After the marriage was settled, she immediately brought Geng Zhiqiu into the palace, and then also invited Xu Muhua over.

As soon as she sat down, Concubine Jing took her hand affectionately with a smile on her face.

Geng Zhiqiu, who was sitting nearby, blushed immediately, and his eyes and eyebrows seemed to be filled with spring.

She didn't expect that she would find such a good marriage in the end.

Although she had only met Master Xu once, she had heard about him a long time ago.

She didn't think that those who marched and fought were bad, on the contrary, she thought they were the most admirable people, because they were the ones who protected Dayong and its people.

She...she is not afraid of the hard life in the future. When they get married in the future, she and the Duke's wife will definitely take good care of the Duke's Mansion so that he will have no worries at the border!
Xu Muhua also smiled and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Madam Queen. I fell in love with Sister Zhiqiu the first time I saw her. I felt that she and my eldest brother were a perfect match!"

Geng Zhiqiu's face turned redder and he lowered his head even more.

No wonder, no wonder she always felt that Concubine Xu was too enthusiastic towards her that day. It turned out, it turned out that she was thinking at that time... Geng Zhiqiu felt as if his face was burning, so hot!

She stood up suddenly, with a red face, and said quickly: "Aunt, Concubine Xu, I, I will go and see if Xiao Ba's handwriting is finished!"

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to say anything, she walked out as if she was escaping.

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