Knowing that everyone needed it, we brought the pots and bowls together.

"Come on, come on, let's have a bowl each to go away the cold. No one else will be here today anyway, so why don't I show you my skills tonight."

The boss was also a warm-hearted person, so the others naturally did not refuse.

"Okay, I wonder what the boss is going to give us to eat?"

"It all depends on what ingredients are in the refrigerator. That's all up to me."

"After drinking the ginger syrup, you guys go back to your room quickly and get some rest. The rain won't stop for a while."

I originally wanted to watch the stars at night, but the rain didn't stop until late at night.

Even if the clouds disperse, the stars cannot be seen.

And after the rainfall, the temperature obviously dropped a lot.

Lu Yanci and Lou Yuejiao stayed on the bed and didn't go anywhere.

"Did grandpa call?"

"You were beaten. You were sleeping at that time. Grandpa asked us when we would go back. The two little guys were looking for their mother."

After Lu Yanci finished speaking, Lou Yuejiao didn't bury her head in his arms.

"These two little bastards don't look for me when I'm at home. Why do I look for them as soon as I come out? I can't get used to their problem."

Listening to Lou Yuejiao's complaints, Lu Yanci felt a bit of envy in his eyes.

"I hope he can look for me. I have been with these two children for a long time, so why doesn't this kid look for me?"

"You don't want to see who gave birth to this child. If you want the child to be closer to you, it should be born from your belly, so don't be jealous."

Even if Lu Yanci was jealous about this matter, there was nothing he could do about it.

Early the next morning, after dawn, a group of people had a simple breakfast at the B&B and prepared to pack up and go back.

Especially Sun Jian, he was still in a hurry to send his children to school, but he had already called the teacher and said they might be sent later.

Fortunately, his daughter's academic performance has always been good, and she is also a good student that the teacher has always liked.

So I didn't blame him too much for this matter.

Hong Feng and his girlfriend went to take back the tents set up in the camp.

With this coming and going, most of the day passed.

"When will the discussion meeting you mentioned start?"

"It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There should be enough time. The finance department said that the money you need has been transferred. You should check it when you go back." Lu Yanci reminded.

Hong Feng didn't expect it to be so fast. He originally wanted to find a chance to ask, but Lu Yanci had already taken care of it.

"So soon, I thought I had to go to your company."

"I was originally going to the company, but it will take you a lot of time to pack these things here."

"I'll ask the finance department to call you the money first. Then the IOU will still have to be signed."

Hong Feng naturally agreed, and a group of people returned to the city center in the afternoon.

Hong Feng and Sun Jian arrived at the headquarters of the Lu Group.

While in the rest area, the two of them were still chatting.

"The Lu Group is actually like this. I used to watch it on TV, but now I come in and see how brilliant it is."

Sun Jian directly used the word "brilliant" to describe it, but in Hong Feng's eyes, this was just an ordinary office building, nothing special.

If it's really special, it might be that it's extremely clean. The tiles are so polished that they can be used as mirrors.

"Two gentlemen, Mr. Lu has finished the meeting and will come down later. Please wait patiently."

The receptionist at the front desk had a gentle and pleasant voice, fearing that the two of them would be impatient to wait. Hong Feng looked at the time and frowned: "Lao Lu told me that the discussion meeting would be held at four o'clock in the afternoon. It's already past three o'clock. Can we make it in time?"

Sun Jian leaned back in his chair: "Don't you think Lao Lu is the protagonist of this discussion? No one dares to use chopsticks."

"It's four o'clock. That's for other people, but it's different for Lao Lu. He can arrive anytime."

Hong Feng focuses on his own hobbies and does not understand these twists and turns.

"I didn't expect you to know much about these things. It seems that I don't have enough knowledge."

While he was talking, Lu Yanci had already taken the elevator down.

"Okay, I understand. I will go home immediately after this is over. I will definitely buy you your favorite food. How are the two babies doing today? Did you miss me?"

Lu Yanci was walking and video chatting with Lou Yuejiao.

In the Lu Group, everyone ranges from Lu Yanci's secretary to the security guard on duty.

Everyone knows that the aloof Mr. Lu is actually a child slave.

Before she has children, she is a wife slave.

It's just that the relationship between the two was not made public at that time, and outsiders didn't know about it.

But after tracing back to the source, we found out that during that time, he was talking alone on his mobile phone.

The few confusing words that pop up occasionally are actually sweet to my wife.

So looking at it this way, this aloof Mr. Lu is actually not that difficult to approach.

After hanging up the video call, Lu Yanci came to Sun Jian and Hong Feng.

"You've been waiting for a long time. Today's meeting has been postponed for ten minutes. Otherwise, it would have ended long ago. There is still enough time. You don't need to drive. Take my car."

After getting into Lu Yanci's car together, the two of them finally knew what a top-notch car meant.

"Which field is this symposium for? Will we be treated as a joke if we go there?"

"Yesterday Sun Jian also said that if we go to the discussion meeting, we might be able to use your reputation to show off our power."

Lu Yanci didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you will understand everything when you get to the scene."

"It's not so much a discussion meeting as it is a big market. There's everyone and everything, it just depends on what you're interested in."

As soon as he spoke, the car had already arrived at the place.

I thought it was in some kind of reception room, but when I got out of the car, I discovered that this was a convention and exhibition center.

Lu Yanci signed his name on the signature board, and there were a bunch of names in front of his name.

Hong Feng didn't even recognize them, but Sun Jian knew them all.

"This one produces chips, this one is a people's livelihood enterprise, and this one is engaged in technology."

"They are all great men who are rare to meet. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to have a few words with them today."

"Okay, stop looking here and come in quickly." Under Lu Yanci's urging, the two of them followed.

When we arrived at the Convention and Exhibition Center, it really looked like a big market.

But before they could take the initiative to talk to others, someone had already come to them.

"Isn't this Mr. Lu? I didn't expect you to actually come. I thought it was just a gimmick and you wouldn't come here in a big way?"

The person who came to say hello was the chip boss Sun Jian just mentioned.

There was another person with him who was engaged in heavy industry and manufactured special equipment for large enterprises.

These two people alone were enough to subvert his cognition.

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