But in this situation, the only one who can be on an equal footing with him should be Hong Feng.

Pulling him to the side, he whispered: "Look, of all the people on this occasion today, we are not on the same level as them."

"Thanks to Lao Lu for bringing us here today, we would never have been able to see him again in this life."

Seeing Sun Jian's excited expression, Hong Feng didn't feel anything big.

"Oh, then you can continue to be surprised here. I'll tell Lao Lu and go shopping elsewhere to see if there is anything camping?"

Sun Jian was shocked when he heard this: "It's such a good opportunity to meet a big boss, but you are still thinking about camping. Did you live in a tent in your last life?"

Hong Feng smiled perfunctorily, walked to Lu Yanci, whispered something in his ear, and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Lu Yanci didn't care, but reminded him that the convention and exhibition center covers a large area, so don't get lost.

These words were naturally meant to be ridiculing, as he was not a three-month-old child.

Even if you really get lost here, you can still contact me by phone.

In this convention and exhibition center, there was actually nothing that could interest Sun Jian.

Therefore, he followed Lu Yanci from beginning to end, never leaving.

He didn't quite understand even the things Lu Yanci talked about with his business friends.

"Sun Jian, I'm going over there. If it's not convenient for you to follow me, you can take a walk first." Lu Yanci said.

Sun Jian groaned, with a flash of reluctance on his face, but he still accepted it.

However, among the group of people, there was also a woman who did not follow, but came to Sun Jian.

"Sir, what is your relationship with Mr. Lu? It feels like you two are very familiar with each other."

The woman took the initiative to ask, and in an instant she satisfied Sun Jian's vanity and straightened her waist.

"Of course, we are classmates, and we have bunk beds, but the subsequent development is different, and the trajectory of our lives is also different."

The woman looked at Sun Jian with admiring eyes: "Indeed, why don't we go somewhere else and come back later."

This woman is beautiful and has an amazing figure, especially the two big guys under the white shirt, which are almost ready to explode!

And every time you take a step, it will tremble slightly, unlike some women who choose to fill it up and get a fake one in order to have a proud career line.

There must be a difference between the fake and the real thing, and the difference is stiffness!

The woman coughed and folded her black suit jacket that couldn't be buttoned.

"Sir, can we go there?"

Sun Jian agreed repeatedly, and reluctantly moved his eyes away from the woman's chest.

The entire discussion actually started at eight o'clock in the morning. Several waves of people came in and out, and Lu Yanci was the last to arrive.

In fact, he was just going through the motions and didn't expect to see investment opportunities in this.

But he couldn't stand up to so many people, and Xiang Cong was cheating and abducting him in his pocket.

"Mr. Lu, do you think that in the future, whoever controls the most powerful chip will have absolute say in international status."

Lu Yanci did not answer immediately, his expression was serious.

The future of chips is the future of technology, which is the lifeblood of technological development.

But if you want to develop high-performance, low-priced chips, it requires a lot of money.

Suddenly, the cell phone rang, and Lu Yanci took this opportunity to change the topic.

"Sorry, answer the phone." Lu Yanci walked aside. Before he took out his phone, he thought the caller was Lou Yuejiao, but when he came out, he found that it was Sun Jian.

But Lu Yanci still took the trouble to get through.

As soon as the call was connected, Sun Jian's voice came over from the other side.

"Lao Lu, I just received a call from home, saying that something happened and asked me to go back. I won't wait for you. I'm going back first. We can have time to have dinner together another day."

Lu Yanci did not delve deeply into what Sun Jian was going to do.

"Okay, then please pay attention to safety on the road and call me if anything happens."

After hanging up the phone, I saw Hong Feng walking over coolly.

"Lao Lu, where is Sun Jian? I just saw that boy with a woman. Do you want to tell his wife about this?"

Lu Yanci was a little dumbfounded: "Did you see it wrong?"

"Impossible. I don't know what kind of virtue that boy has. Isn't it just because he has some bad money in his pocket?"

"In addition, that girl's looks are pretty good, especially her figure, which is much better than his wife's."

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. Besides, Sun Jian just called me and said that he had something to do at home and was leaving first." Lu Yanci said.

Hong Feng said oh and did not continue the topic just now.

"I don't think there's anything interesting here. I just went to a few booths and looked at the camping stuff. They were all niche brands of low quality. How long are you going to stay here?"

Lu Yanci thought for a moment, then looked at his companions: "They should be going back soon. If you have anything else to do, please leave first."

Hong Feng nodded: "Okay, then I'll leave first. I'm still very grateful to you today. Without you, I wouldn't be able to see such a big world. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

As soon as Hong Feng left, Lu Yanci breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, this kind of exhibition was not very interesting.

After chatting with some business partners for a while, Lu Yanci found an excuse to leave early when he saw that the time was almost up.

On the way back, Lu Yanci bought Lou Yuejiao a lot of her favorite fruits and her favorite desserts.

As soon as I got home, I saw Lou Yuejiao running downstairs in a hurry.

"Something went wrong, something went wrong."

Lu Yanci looked confused: "What happened? Did you get caught by those marketing accounts on the Internet again..."

Before he finished speaking, Lou Yuejiao shook his head like a rattle: "It's not me, it's Liu Yi. He just called me and said he couldn't contact Sun Jian."

"Furthermore, according to the location of his mobile phone, he was in a five-star hotel. She was a little panicked and asked me what to do, but I have never encountered this kind of thing before."

Lu Yanci suddenly remembered what Hong Feng said to him.

What if Sun Jian really left the exhibition with a woman?

So he is now in a five-star hotel...

There was silence between the two for a long time. After reacting, Lu Yanci told Lou Yuejiao to keep quiet for now.

If Liu Yi called again and asked, he would say that it was Sun Jian who went to meet the company's client, and the client was in that hotel.

Lou Yuejiao understood: "This Sun Jian, I didn't see it, he really has a thief's heart and courage."

"No wonder Liu Yi wants to come out to work. How about we go over now and take a look. Even if we don't go, I think Liu Yi has to go over and find out in person because of Liu Yi's current view of Sun Jian."

Originally, Lu Yanci came back in a hurry because he wanted to spend a peaceful night with Lou Yuejiao.

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