But now that technology is so advanced, one has to be wary of whether the photo was prepared by this woman in advance.

In short, both of them have problems, and this matter cannot be settled hastily.

"You two come with us," the policeman said.

Seeing her husband being taken away, Liu Yi didn't even ask if he could be released on bail.

"Forget it, the relationship between Sun Jian and I that lasted more than ten years has finally come to an end."

"Mr. Lu, I hope you can agree to what I asked you to do before. I don't need a very powerful position. As long as I can raise my daughter, I will be satisfied."

Lu Yanci thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will arrange it for you as soon as possible."

Lou Yuejiao didn't know how to comfort her at this time.

I originally thought that if they could come faster, they could nip the matter in the bud.

But he didn't expect Sun Jian to act so fast.

"Liu Yi, what are you going to do next? Are you going to divorce him?"

Liu Yi nodded heavily, looking very determined.

"Actually, I have wanted to do this for a long time, but before this, I could never find a suitable opportunity."

"I also know that Sun Jian cannot divorce me easily. After all, he still has to maintain his status as a good husband and father."

"But I know that I must seize the opportunity of his cheating to complete the second transformation of my life."

"Maybe in your opinion, I am very sophisticated, but I cannot tolerate him doing such a thing that ignores my feelings."

After leaving the hotel, Lu Yanci and Lou Yuejiao sent Liu Yi home first.

Then we walked back under the moonlight. The car was quiet, not even the music was turned on.

"Is it true that if a marriage lasts for a certain number of years, something unexpected will happen?" Lou Yuejiao asked.

Lu Yanci, who was concentrating on driving, did not immediately give an answer when he heard what she said.

Instead, he thought about it in his heart and realized that he and Lou Yuejiao would not be together for a short time.

But he never thought about separating from her. Everyone is different, and everyone's attitude towards marriage is also different.

Don't use other people's examples to apply to yourself.

"You won't be tempted by any man outside, and naturally I won't have thoughts about any woman. You know that for so long, I can't control only you."

Hearing Lu Yanci say this, Lou Yuejiao's cheeks suddenly turned red again.

He said this once in her ear that night.

"You don't have a door to your mouth. You say everything outside. I'm really afraid that you won't tell our little secrets in front of so many people in the future."

Being criticized by his wife, Lu Yanci felt very happy.

"I told the truth. Why can't I tell the truth now?"

"Drive well." Although the tone was strange, Lou Yuejiao's face was full of gentleness.

It was already past midnight when she got home, and Lou Yuejiao was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes.

He simply fell on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I was woken up by Liu Yi's phone call.

After a night of thinking, Liu Yi decided to hire a lawyer to handle her divorce case. After all, she had been married to Sun Jian for so many years, even if she had no job or income.

But she took care of the children at home, took care of the elderly on both sides, and maintained the normal operation of the family, which also cost a lot of energy.

However, there is no clear comparison between these and material money, so you have to find a more powerful lawyer.

To gain more property for her, it would be best if Sun Jian could leave the house and leave his house, car and savings to her.

Lou Yuejiao has never fought this kind of divorce lawsuit.

The only thing she could do was to recommend a few better lawyers, hoping to achieve Liu Yi's wish.

After Lu Yanci got up, he received a call from Hong Feng. He found out about it belatedly.

I was also surprised why Sun Jian could not control himself so much and actually slept with a woman he had only met once.

"But this kid is in really good shape. He's already quite old, and he can still make that woman do what he wants. Do you have time today? Do you want us to go take a look? Maybe he was deceived by that woman. It’s over.”

Hong Feng's conjecture was reasonable, but Lu Yanci didn't have time to go.

"I have a very important meeting in the company today and I can't leave. If you have time, please go there on my behalf to see what's going on."

"Okay, I know. Don't worry. I'll go over and have a look in a while. If he's missing something, I'll bring it to him. I also want to see how pretty that woman is and how she can make him You can’t control it like that.”

As soon as Hong Feng spoke, Lulu next to him covered his mouth.

"Sure enough, you men are all the same. You eat from the bowl and look at the pot. One woman is not enough. You have to have one, two, three or four. You don't have to worry about your body being unable to bear so many. It seems that you have to pay the public food again tonight."

Lulu's words directly scared Hong Feng.

"What kind of public food? What kind of public food? Don't say anything out loud, or you'll make others laugh."

After the other party hung up the phone, Lu Yanci came to the bedroom and saw that Lou Yuejiao had no intention of getting up.

"I have a meeting this morning. I have to leave first. I'll bring you whatever you want to eat tonight."

Lou Yuejiao thought for a while and said, "I want to eat Dongcheng's pan-fried buns, freshly made from the pan, and then have a duck blood vermicelli, is that okay?"

"No problem, I'll bring it to you tonight. It's still early, so you can just sleep a little longer."

Indeed, Lou Yuejiao was still a little sleepy, so after Lu Yan resigned, she turned over and continued to sleep.

After Hong Feng had breakfast, he came to the police station.

I also met Sun Jian, but as for that woman, I haven’t seen her yet.

"Really, why can't you control yourself so much? You also have a family. Have you considered Liu Yi when you do this?"

At this time, Sun Jian's intestines were filled with regret, but what's the use?

Moreover, that Chu Yu obviously threw himself into her arms. How could he waste this initiative that came to her door?

I don’t know when the photos on his phone were taken.

What's more, the phone is always in his hand, how did this Chu Yu send the photos?

Sensing something was wrong, Sun Jian immediately said to Hong Feng: "Hong Feng, considering our relationship over the years, you must help me with this matter."

"I think this matter was a trick played by that woman on me, and she asked me many times in the hotel how my relationship with Lao Lu was."

"Even if my brain is confused, I still know that she is drunk and has no intention of drinking."

"Of course I also know that such a beautiful woman would never sleep with me willingly."

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