"So she must have done this because she wanted me to complete something for her. You should tell the police to check the origin of those photos."

"As long as I can find out how those photos got on my phone, it can prove that I did not have sex with her against her will."

"Of course, I know I am not absolutely innocent in this matter, but I cannot be labeled as a coercion."

"Oops! Okay, I will help you with this matter, but I heard that Liu Yi is already looking for a lawyer. It seems that he wants to settle things with you." Hong Feng added.

Thinking of this, Sun Jian sighed deeply again: "We'll talk about this later. I have to get out of here first, right?"

"I suspect that there is a bigger conspiracy waiting behind Chu Yu. Please tell Lao Lu about this later."

"Let him be careful not to fall into the enemy's trap, lest he be like me and not be able to explain anything clearly."

After understanding Sun Jian's thoughts, Hong Feng immediately found the policeman in charge of the case.

The police judged based on experience that if Sun Jian did not do it intentionally, it was the woman who performed the immortal dance.

The phone has been taken for appraisal, and we want to see how those photos appeared on the phone.

Hong Feng hesitated for a moment and asked the police, if after inspection it was determined that the photos were indeed transmitted to his mobile phone by the woman through other means, what charges would I be imprisoned on?

After all, that woman probably doesn't do this kind of business often.

The policeman handling the case smiled and said, "You are friends with him, so you are here to find out more information for him, but I really can't tell you. Everything will be handled in accordance with the law."

Hong Feng could tell that the average policeman said this just because he didn't want to reveal a single word about the case.

Even if he pressed further, the result would still be the same.

"Okay, I'd like to trouble you, comrade police. This kid must be obsessed with something, and he must be obsessed with it, so he would do such a thing."

As soon as Hong Feng left the Public Security Bureau and before he even got in the car, he saw a white commercial vehicle parked in front of the Public Security Bureau.

I saw a woman in the car through the car window.

Hong Feng didn't pay attention and took out a cigarette case from his pocket, wanting to have one to enjoy himself.

As a result, I didn't know when, but the cigarette box was already empty.

He simply returned to the car and prepared to go home.

On the way back, he called Lu Yanci: "Old Lu, I saw Sun Jian, but the woman didn't see him, so she's probably locked up."

"But Sun Jian told me that that woman is not simple. When the two of them were together, they kept asking about you."

"According to his guess, maybe this woman just wants to get in touch with you through him."

"Fortunately, Sun Jian's mind was not clouded by that incident. He was still very conscious at the critical moment, and he asked me to tell you to be careful."

"But you know I'm not as capable as you. I don't know what to do with that woman."

"Anyway, you know a lot of people, so do your own research. I guess you will soon know the origin of that woman."

Lu Yanci was listening to what Hong Feng said here, and he was already making calculations in his mind.

"Okay, I'll notify you immediately and ask them to investigate. But thank you anyway. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanci immediately called his assistant in.

Leave this matter behind and investigate who Chu Yu is working for.

To be able to make such a sacrifice for a woman, it is estimated that the person hiding in the dark must have promised a great temptation. So that a woman can have sex with a man casually.

After get off work in the evening, some information about Chu Yu was already delivered to Lu Yanci.

Lu Yanci specifically called home and asked Lou Yuejiao to eat at a restaurant where the two of them used to go.

Originally, Lou Yuejiao wanted to refuse, thinking that today was not a special day, so why did she have to eat out? Wouldn't it be better to go home and eat together?

But Lu Yanci said on the phone that it was not just the two of them today, but also Hong Feng.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Lu Yanci handed the investigated information to Hong Feng.

"Look, this woman's background is much bigger than I thought. According to her ability, she can be around several men, but these men are all attracted to her. Among them, the one named Gao can be said to be I abandoned my wife and daughter, but after the divorce, I could no longer contact Chu Yu. I have asked my assistant to follow the clues to continue the investigation to see who else is a victim."

Hong Feng looked at the information and frowned: "Your business world is too chaotic. I've only heard that the entertainment industry is like a big dye vat. It seems like it applies to every industry."

As soon as Hong Feng finished saying this, he was kicked in the leg by his girlfriend Lulu.

"Why did you kick me?"

Lulu winked at Hong Feng, which meant that Lou Yuejiao was in the entertainment industry.

What he just said about the entertainment industry is a big dyeing vat, doesn't it mean that Lou Yuejiao is also included in it?

Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Hong Feng quickly apologized: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, what I just said was just casual, and I didn't say that you were the same."

Lou Yuejiao waved her hand. It was not the first time she heard such words, and there were people who were clean and self-sufficient in any circle.

The kind of people who do anything for profit are not just in this circle.

"I know you're not talking about me, no need to apologize, it's just this woman who has been approaching so many people."

"What is her purpose? It can't be to get all these men to divorce. Just follow her."

Lu Yanci was in a daze while looking at the information. He couldn't imagine that a woman would sacrifice so much just to make that man change from married to divorced.

There must be something else in between that they haven't considered.

"Let's eat first." Lu Yanci said.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Hong Feng took the information and looked at it again.

Suddenly, someone caught his attention.

"Why does this person look familiar to me?"

Lu Yanci turned his head. He didn't recognize that person: "Then think about it carefully. Maybe you have seen him somewhere."

Hong Feng took the photo away and looked at it, and suddenly remembered who it was.

"This person came to me three months ago and asked me to organize a company fitness group for him. He found an unknown hillock."

"I ordered several sets of camping equipment and took about twenty or thirty people from the company with me. I stayed there for two or three days. And I know that this person is also a fan of my sister-in-law."

Lou Yuejiao felt that she was just a foil for the meal today, but she never expected that she would be involved at this juncture.

"My fans, are you kidding me?"

Hong Feng shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I am really your fan. He told me at the time that his criteria for finding a wife were based on his sister-in-law's criteria."

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