Under the operation of the beautician, the two people quickly entered a state of relaxation.

During this period of time, Lu Shiyao could be said to be mentally and physically exhausted, but Huo Ting's life was not much better.

Since she stopped working with Lou Yuejiao, her work and life have become a mess.

But she couldn't blame others, after all, Lou Yuejiao had offered her an olive branch.

She rejected him personally, even if she later asked for another chance, but in that case the decision-making power was no longer in her hands.

Huo Ting thought she would never have anything to do with the Lu family again in her life.

Unexpectedly, after leaving Lou Yuejiao, she would become so close to Lu Shiyao.

The beautician carefully placed a hydrating mask on her face, and used very gentle fingering to remove the air bubbles under the mask bit by bit.

At the same time, a very melodious and lazy music was played.

"Miss Lu, Miss Huo, time the facial mask for twenty minutes. I will come to clean you for the second time later."

Lu Shiyao responded, and Huo Ting remained silent. In fact, she could afford such a beauty treatment herself.

Even if her work is not as developed as before, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

"Miss Lu, there is no one here anymore. Just say what you want to say."

Lu Shiyao opened her eyes and looked at the dim yellow crystal lamp on the roof.

The lights shine like countless shining diamonds. Mesmerizing.

"I want you to be my agent, but regarding the content of my work, I must personally confirm it before I can proceed to the next step."

Huo Ting didn't understand. She turned her head and looked at her: "Why did Miss Lu want me to be your agent? With your background, you should be able to find someone better."

"The one that suits me is better, otherwise I would go directly to Zhang Tu. In the circle of agents, there is no one better than him, but I don't look for him, only you. Don't you understand?" ?"

Huo Ting said nothing. It was obvious that Lu Shiyao was not looking for her because of her work ability.

It must have been because he had a close relationship with Lou Yuejiao, and he wanted to use her to get close to Lou Yuejiao.

And not in this capacity as a relative of the Lu family.

"The company has given me a long vacation recently, and I don't have any work arrangements. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for Miss Lu."

Lu Shiyao laughed like a silver bell. Both of them had eight hundred thoughts.

She didn't believe that Huo Ting had developed a delicate mind without practicing it for so many years in the workplace.

Otherwise, she would have been eliminated from this circle long ago, how could she still be qualified to sit here and talk to her.

The helplessness she expressed was just a tactful rejection.

For her, there is no benefit in doing anything to hurt Lou Yuejiao.

"I heard that Miss Huo wants to settle here, but the houses here are very expensive."

"Although the prices are affordable in places that are too remote, they are completely different from life in the city center."

"I happen to know a real estate developer. He will open a property next month and said he would leave me a large flat floor of 200 square meters."

"Of course you know that I'm used to living in villas. I don't really like the large flat floors, but I haven't refused yet."

"If Miss Huo can help me gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, consider this a meeting gift from me. How about that?"

Buying a house has always been a concern for Huo Ting. The reason why she took this job was because she heard others said that she could make more money.

It was only after she entered the industry that she discovered the drawbacks.

In other words, every job has a bright side in the eyes of others. As for the dilapidated side, only you know it. She worked so hard for so long that the money she saved was not even enough for a down payment on a small apartment.

Not to mention the down payment for a large flat.

Huo Ting began to waver in her heart. Who should she be a manager for? What if she was the manager for the granddaughter of the Lu family?

If she performs well, it will help her career in the future. If she performs poorly, it will help her career in the future. With the Lu family's wealth, they would not deduct her remuneration.

"Miss Huo, as long as you nod and agree to me, you can live a life that others only dream of." Lu Shiyao continued to seduce.

"Can I think about it?" Huo Ting answered with her remaining sense.

Lu Shiyao closed her eyes, hummed softly, and stopped asking any more questions.

The room was silent except for the ticking sound of the pendulum.

The twenty-minute timer rang when it was up, and the beautician walked in quickly from the next room.

Gently peeling off the layer of silk protein mask on their faces, the remaining essence was still attached to their faces.

The beautician uses gentle fingertips to slowly rub the remaining essence deep into the skin and wait for absorption.

A complete set of care lasts four or five hours.

Huo Ting was even more unceremonious and slept in the beauty salon. When she woke up, she found that Lu Shiyao had already paid the bill and left.

The beautician asked softly how her rest was going. Huo Ting felt that her whole body was relaxed and she was no longer as tired as before.

However, she still remembered that before she fell asleep, she agreed to the conditions given by Lu Shiyao, and she suddenly became her manager.

"Miss Huo, when Miss Lu left, she specifically asked me to hand it over to you."

The staff at the beauty salon brought over a white envelope with no writing on it.

When he opened it, he found a note and a set of keys to the security door.

There was an address written on the note, and Huo Ting knew where it was. Although it was said that the market would not open until next month, people who had inside information had already visited the house.

This Miss Lu really keeps her word and does what she says.

Huo Ting whispered in her heart.

She held the key tightly in her hand, hesitating whether to go over and take a look at her new home tonight.

After so many years of saving money and living frugally, it doesn’t have to be so hard now.

"Thank you, but this is my last beauty treatment in this store. Starting next month, I will go to your branch in Dongjiang."

"But as long as I have the chance, I will come here again. I hope you will still be here next time I come again."

In service industries like beauty salons, there is a lot of employee turnover, and Huo Ting doesn't come here often.

But she would see unfamiliar faces every time. As for those familiar faces, they would have changed jobs the next time she came.

Back in the car, Huo Ting suddenly felt that her car should be replaced. When she bought it, she only wanted it to be able to protect her from wind and rain and make it convenient to go to work.

There is no consideration at all of the added value brought by the brand of the car.

Now the car no longer fits her identity.

But it’s too late to buy a car today, I still have to drive it to its new home to take a look.

Driving on the road in a small polo, Huo Ting even drove an F1 car.

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