Lou Yuejiao joined the crew and had to learn many new things while filming.

She has never been exposed to these things, even if she graduated from a higher education institution.

The majors that can be studied are completely different from this, but fortunately, the brain is smarter, and everything can be learned easily.

Sometimes you can even draw inferences from one instance.

This way, you can kill some boring time during filming.

"Where's Zhang Tu? Why don't you see him today?"

Lou Yuejiao sat on a folding chair, looked at the sky and said, "I won't be back until tomorrow. What's the matter with the assistant director?"

The assistant director waved his hand and said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. I just want him to bring me something from over there."

"I just remembered it at the last moment. I don't know if he is on his way back at this time or if he has not set off yet."

"Then let me call you and ask." After Lou Yuejiao said that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Tu's number.

Soon Zhang Tu was connected.

"The assistant director wants to trouble you with something, you two should talk about it."

Lou Yuejiao just made a matchmaking move and handed the phone to the assistant director.

The assistant director took her cell phone and walked aside, said something mysteriously, and finally hung up the call with a smile on his face.

He turned around and handed the phone back to Lou Yuejiao.

"Assistant director, looking at your expression, what you asked for should be successful soon." Lou Yuejiao said half-jokingly.

The assistant director smiled naively and said, "Ms. Lou, don't make fun of me. I'm aware of this kind of thing."

"The thing I want is not easy to get, and it is really troublesome for Agent Zhang. I won't disturb Miss Lou's rest here. I'll go over there and get busy first."

During the filming time, no one on the crew was idle, even the artists who were waiting for the scene had to be in good condition at all times.

Therefore, Lou Yuejiao did not dare to be negligent or negligent at this time.

Even though there was no part of her scene this morning, she still had to wait slowly beside the director with makeup on.

This wait continued until dusk, when the scenes of the actors in front were finally finished and it was her turn.

When we arrived at her place, it was already time to eat. In order to catch up with the schedule, everyone continued to work hungry.

Until the sun climbs over the treetops. Today's work finally came to an end.

"We're done. Thank you all for your hard work today. I'll treat you all to dinner." The director greeted, and everyone present cheered warmly.

Lou Yuejiao doesn't like to join in the fun at times like this.

"Director, I won't go now. You all have a nice meal and a drink. I want to go back to my room and take a little rest."

Naturally, the director would not find fault with Lou Yuejiao in this matter. He even asked with concern if he was not feeling well, so he wanted to go back and rest early.

After Lou Yuejiao's repeated explanations, it was just that she had to wait outside for a long time today, which caused her to consume too much energy.

I just want to go back quickly and take a hot bath to relax.

After confirming that Lou Yuejiao had no physical problems, the director agreed.

After returning to the hotel, Lou Yuejiao immediately took out his mobile phone and made a video call with Lu Yanci.

The moment the screen was connected, Lu Yanci couldn't help but ask why he was contacted at this time.

Are you afraid that it will be too late after the show and fall asleep as soon as you get back to the hotel?

"I just finished today's work. The director invited everyone to dinner. I didn't even go because I wanted to make a phone call with you."

Hearing what Lou Yuejiao said, Lu Yanci was very, very moved. "In this case, should I give myself a day off and go to the set to chat with you."

Leaving work and coming here is nothing new for Lu Yanci.

But Lou Yuejiao felt that it was not necessary: ​​"You should just stay in the office honestly. Besides, the Lu Group is a big business, so you can't help but trust it."

"Otherwise, I will file a complaint after this work is over and tell grandpa that you were at work."

"I always want to give myself a holiday, but not only do I fail to do my job well, it also affects me."

Hearing what Lou Yuejiao said, Lu Yanci helplessly shook his head and said, "That's all, this woman just can't work outside."

"When you come into contact with too many people, your heart becomes wild. You don't even want to see your husband."

No matter how sweet Lu Yanci said on the other end of the phone, Lou Yuejiao remained motionless here.

After nearly an hour of video call, Lou Yuejiao came to the bathroom with her pajamas.

The warm water washes away all the fatigue of the day.

You don’t have to get up early to turn on your phone tomorrow, so you can be lazy and sleep a little longer.

As soon as I came out of the bathroom, I received a call from Zhang Tu.

"Tell the assistant director that I have found what he wants, and I will go back tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

Lou Yuejiao responded: "Okay, I understand. I will tell him when I go to work tomorrow."

Zhang Tu added: "In addition, I have some bad news for you. Do you want to hear it?"

Lou Yuejiao has always refused to give face to this kind of thing. Since it is not good news, then he will not listen to it.

Zhang Tu was on the other end of the phone, retorting that she didn't play according to the routine.

Lou Yuejiao shrugged: "Bad news will affect my state after hearing it. Besides, what other bad news can there be for me now?"

Zhang Tu thought about it, and it seemed that he was right. What could be happening now that could excite Lou Yuejiao.

"In that case, I'd better tell you that Lu Shiyao found Huo Ting yesterday. If nothing else, Huo Ting is her agent."

"I think based on Huo Ting's understanding of you, coupled with Lu Shiyao's hatred of you, it is very likely that you will soon be in the same place, tit for tat."

Why, Huo Ting is so powerful that she can add people to this crew at will?

With her understanding of Huo Ting, Lou Yuejiao felt it was impossible.

"Of course this crew has no chance, but you are not the only crew in this film and television base."

"But don't worry, starting from tomorrow, I will be with you around the clock to make sure no one hurts you."

"Lu Yanci entrusted you to me with confidence. If anything goes wrong with you in the process, my life will be at risk."

At nine o'clock the next morning, Lou Yuejiao slept until she woke up naturally, and expected to arrive at the set at ten o'clock.

There is still an hour left, so there is no need to rush.

When coming to the restaurant to eat, Lou Yuejiao did not forget to take a look at today's entertainment news.

She, a weak woman, really has no control over national affairs.

What can be worried about is the gossip and entertainment in the circle.

Opening the front page and taking a look at it, Lou Yuejiao almost dropped her jaw.

Could it be because she went to bed too early last night and missed the show?

Before she joined the industry, there was an idol that she liked for a long time.

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