Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 113 113 Create the Alliance of All Realms!Ning Fengzhi and others join!

"it is good!"

Soon, Ning Fengzhi ordered someone to call Ning Rongrong over.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, and Shi Jiang had already swallowed three fairy grasses.

Shi Jiang was very excited. He had indeed made the right choice. Joining a wealthy sect would bring him so many benefits!

He has never seen this thing in his life!
"Dad, why did you ask Rongrong to come over?" A cute little girl came over.

He looked at Qian Nuo and Gu Yue curiously.

"Sir, miss, this is Ning's little daughter, Ning Rongrong. She is six years old this year."

"This is Brother Qian, this is..." Ning Fengzhi immediately asked Ning Rongrong to call someone, but he didn't know Gu Yue's name.

"My name is Gu Yue, just call me Sister Gu."

Gu Yue took the initiative to say.

"Call someone quickly." Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly.

"Brother Qian, Sister Gu."

Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly.

"Well, absorb it quickly." Qian Nuo nodded.

Ning Fengzhi took out the Qiluo Tulip and handed it to Ning Rongrong for absorption.

The sooner she gets rid of her flaws, the better.

Ning Rongrong followed her father's instructions. After eating, she began to sit cross-legged.

At this time, strong auras appeared on Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Shi Jiang.

Chen Xin's cultivation level once again achieved a breakthrough and he became a level 99 peerless Douluo!

Gu Rong's cultivation also achieved another breakthrough, becoming a level 98 peak super Douluo!

Shi Jiang's cultivation level broke through to level 96 Super Douluo.

This kind of fairy fate is really infinite!
Today's Qibao Glazed Sect has really become a vast and huge sect!

I really am not afraid of Wuhun Palace anymore.

If anyone in Wuhun Hall knew that Qian Nuo had brought a powerful enemy to Wuhun Hall, they would be furious.

Of course, Qian Nuo will not treat Wuhun Hall’s own people badly.

Of course, it has to be his person.

As for the seven offerings in the enshrinement hall, the other party has always been not easy to get along with this evil man.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was from Wuhun Palace, he would have been destroyed long ago.

Of course, no matter how powerful these people are, in the eyes of an invincible person like him, they are beings that can be killed instantly and are vulnerable to a single blow.


While everyone was happy, time passed quickly. Ning Rongrong, who had absorbed Qiluo Tulip, also woke up. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda on his body had indeed evolved and became the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda!

And Ning Rongrong's cultivation level also quickly broke through the level [-] great soul master!

"From now on, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can change its name to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!" Ning Fengzhi said excitedly.

"You two, do you want to absorb a 10-year-old soul ring?"

Qian Nuo suddenly asked.

The reason why he did this was because he wanted to bring the entire Nine Treasure Glazed Sect under his command.

Don't want to?Then fight until you are convinced.

Everyone was shocked: "10-year soul ring?!"

"You only have one place left, and you can only absorb one."

"And you still have two positions that can absorb two 10-year-old soul rings."

"I can get you a 10-year-old soul beast and sacrifice it directly to become your soul ring. The absorption will go smoothly."

Qian Nuo said.

"How much do you think the young master should give?" Ning Fengzhi asked.

A 10-year soul ring, if it is really possible, I will not miss this opportunity!

"One hundred billion gold soul coins," Qian Nuo said.

"Okay!" Ning Fengzhi nodded.

Four trillion gold soul coins have been spent, and there is no shortage of these 3000 billion gold soul coins!
In this world, there is no inflation of gold soul coins.

Qian Nuo dodged and reached the sea.

He raised his hand and grabbed a hundred sea soul beasts casually.

The next second, he came to a forest and caught a flaming soul beast.He returned to the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.

Chen Xin said: "It is a sea soul beast, but it seems that it is really suitable for you. The aura exuding from their bodies is not 10 years old."

"It's not a big problem." Qian Nuo raised his hand and injected a few beams of energy into the bodies of two sea soul beasts and a flame soul beast.

Quickly improve their cultivation.Time flies.

One day passed.

Early the next morning.

These three soul beasts have all become 10-year-old soul beasts.

Everyone was very excited immediately.

This is it?

What kind of terrible method is this!
Oh my God, it’s so scary!
"Go and sacrifice, otherwise you will die." Qian Nuo gave the order to the three soul beasts.

Under the suppression of the powerful aura, the three-headed soul beasts cooperated obediently.

The flame soul beast was sacrificed to Shi Jiang.

The other two sea soul beasts were sacrificed to Ning Fengzhi.

Just like that, the two began to absorb.

Because it was a coordinated sacrifice, no accidents occurred and the absorption was completed smoothly.

A red 10-year-old soul ring appeared on Shi Jiang's body!

His soul ring configuration is yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red!

Ning Fengzhi's soul ring configuration is yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, red, and red!

Two soul rings!

There are three soul bones floating on the ground.

These are three quick-made 10-year-old soul bones.

Qian Nuo put it away directly.

Today, Shi Jiang and Ning Fengzhi are truly powerful Titled Douluo!

Everyone’s aura is very powerful!
Qian Nuo said: "You four are the strongest of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and I plan to create an organization of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and I am the leader of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. I hope you can join."

"Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms? It sounds like this alliance means a lot!" Ning Fengzhi and the others were stunned and said.

"Yes, in this world, there is more than just Douluo Planet. This planet we live on is just one of them. In the future, I am destined to become the strongest god, traveling through the heavens and the worlds, and whatever comes to my liking. Anyone can join the Alliance of All Realms and follow this king!"

"As long as you agree to join, I will grant each of you a godly position in the future."

"And the 3000 trillion you gave me today should be regarded as the funds for joining the alliance."

Qian Nuo stood with his hands behind his back, floating in the air, and the throne appeared behind him. When he sat down, his invincible aura of being the only one in the world bloomed instantly.

"So powerful!"

"Even though I have become a level 99 peerless Douluo, I am still like an ant in front of this person!"

"How strong is he!"

Chen Xin, Gu Rong, Shi Jiang, and Ning Fengzhi were all shocked!

Could this guy be a god?

To tell the truth, they were moved.

Maybe this will be another new way of living!
"Fengzhi, you are the leader of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, you decide." Gu Rong, Chen Xin, and Shi Jiang looked at Ning Fengzhi.

Without Ning Fengzhi's money, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Gratitude is impossible to forget.

This will only make them more determined to protect the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"On behalf of the Qibao Glazed Sect, I agree to join!"

"Ning Fengzhi leads the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect and has met the leader!"

Ning Fengzhi knew that following this person would be the greatest opportunity for him and his sect. The person in front of him was very human. In the future, he also wanted to see the prosperous times of all heavens and worlds!
"Hahaha, very good! Follow me, you won't regret it in the future!" Qian Nuo laughed and said.

"Leader, on a whim, we want to compete with you to see how far behind we are!"

At this time, Chen Xin said.

"If someone else had said this, I would kill him, but now that you are my own, I will allow your curiosity."

"I just hope you don't feel heartbroken."

"You must know that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world."

"The strongest will have its own strong hand."

Qian Nuo narrowed her eyes, smiled slightly, and said.

"Come on, use all your strength, you only have one chance."

He raised his fingers and hooked his hands at the four people below.

"Okay! Let's show off our shame then!"

The four of them immediately dispatched. (End of chapter)

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