The four of them all summoned their own soul bone armors, and in an instant, their strength increased by leaps and bounds!

Martial spirits were summoned one after another.

"Soul bone armor form! The nine treasures turned out to be colored glaze!"

"One day."

Ning Fengzhi also summoned his own Nine Treasure Glazed Tower, giving powerful BUFFs to his teammates.

"Haha, so strong! This is the amplitude brought by the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, Titled Douluo level! It is indeed the best in the mainland!"

Gu Rong and Chen Xin, the two people who had received the BUFF bonus for the longest time, felt even more empathetic at this moment.

Shi Jiang also felt very powerful.

The strength, defense, and mental strength are all so strong, and the speed has also been greatly improved!
"Soul Bone Armor Form! Nine Layers Fire Sword!"

Shijiang sacrificed his martial soul's true form, holding the ancient fire knife in his hand, and used all his strength to activate the strongest move.

All the strength in his body was mobilized crazily and unreservedly.

"Soul Bone Armor Form! Bones Divine Dragon!"

"Soul bone armor form! Kill both gods and demons!"

Gu Rong and Chen Xin also began to use their true skills to sacrifice their martial souls.

Gu Rong transformed into a huge black-bone dragon, and a red and blue figure appeared on Chen Xin's body. A huge long sword with the power of gods and demons was unsheathed, and they shot towards Qian Nuo.

"Nine days, Zhenhai Glazed Light!"

Ning Fengzhi also used his ninth soul skill, which was the only attack skill among his nine soul rings, not counting those in his soul bones.

Four powerful attacks came to Qian Nuo at extremely fast speeds.

"Your attacks appear to be very strong, but in fact they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. They are full of flaws and are vulnerable to a single blow."

Qian Nuo, who was sitting on the throne, said calmly, not panicked by this powerful attack.

The next second, his finger tapped on the handle of the throne.

A black and golden roulette wheel appeared in front of him instantly.

Directly block this seemingly powerful attack.

Bang! ! ! !

A huge sound appeared, but it did not make the Black Gold Roulette show any signs of retreating.

The black gold roulette smoothly resisted this attack. In the next second, you could see that all the energy was sucked into the roulette.

"What, our attack was absorbed!"

"What the hell is this?"

The four of them turned pale with shock.

Immediately after it was absorbed, a golden light rushed directly towards the four of them.

"not good!"

The four of them worked together to resist.

However, after only holding on for a few seconds, the defense was ruthlessly crushed.

The light bombarded the four of them, sending them flying backwards. They were immediately released from the soul bone armor state, and they rolled on the ground in great embarrassment and even vomited blood.

"Ah! Father, Grandpa!" Seeing this, Ning Rongrong became anxious.

"Rongrong, don't come over, we're fine."

Chen Xin covered her chest, forced a smile and said.

Their hearts at this moment were filled with terrible and frightening emotions.

And it still can't be erased.

They were all shocked by Qian Nuo's power, and he was shocked by the critical attack!
They are all so powerful!

Working together, even if they meet the so-called demigods, they have a chance of killing them, but in front of Qian Nuo, they can't even get through a round.

"The gap is actually so huge!" Ning Fengzhi's voice trembled.

If they are really enemies, they will definitely die!
No wonder the other party could trade 10-year-old soul bones and soul rings to them so calmly.

Because the opponent has sufficient and absolutely invincible strength!
"Could he be a god?" Gu Rong's voice trembled.


Everyone was shocked!

If this is really the case, it would be really terrible! ! ! !
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, inside the main hall.

Qian Nuo sat in the main seat, Gu Yue sat in the second seat, and Ning Fengzhi and four others sat on both sides below.

Ning Fengzhi asked: "Leader, what are your plans next? What is the order of our Alliance of All Realms?"

"This king plans to unify the entire continent first."

“Then open up the ocean and explore the ocean.”

"As for the order of the Alliance of All Realms, there is currently only one order."

"That is, no betrayal. If I know that someone betrays the alliance, I will kill him personally and destroy his soul so that he will not be able to live another life."

Qian Nuo said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hair stood up. Unify the continent.
Qian Nuo said: "However, not everyone can join the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms. They must pass the assessment. You have the right to recommend but not the final decision-making power. If the recommended person fails to meet the standards in my assessment, he will not be able to join Ten Thousand Realms Alliance." World Alliance."

"Yes!" The four of them nodded.

"Next, I plan to start with the Tiandou Empire and make it the first imperial base of my Ten Thousand Realms Alliance."

"My subordinates can have a good chat with Emperor Xue Ye, how about you let me come out and persuade the Tiandou Empire to surrender?" Ning Fengzhi took the initiative to volunteer, so that he could get the first credit first.

Qian Nuo shook his head: "No, I plan to destroy all these royal family members. Replace them with a group of my own people."

"Hiss! Everything is destroyed!" After hearing this, everyone took a deep breath of cold air.

This news is terrible.

After all, their Qibao Glazed Sect is the backer behind the empire.

But now that their position has become this, they can only stand on the side of the Alliance of All Realms.

Qian Nuo said: "My people are already taking action. It won't be long before you can see the results."

"Leader, how should we deal with your relationship with Wuhun Palace and the current Pope Bibi Dong?"

"Are you separated?"

Ning Fengzhi asked this question that everyone was confused about.

Qian Nuo said: "My feelings for Wuhun Palace are actually not deep. As for Pope Bibi Dong, I will deal with it personally in the future. As for other titled Douluo, as long as they surrender obediently, they can survive."

Currently, the person he cares about most in Wuhun Palace is Qian Renxue.

When Qian Renxue becomes a god, Qian Daoliu will sacrifice him.

When the time comes, the six major worshipers will also complete their guardianship tasks. As long as these six people are wise, he doesn't mind taking them under his command, otherwise, they will only perish.

As for the rest of the elders, the same is true.

In the future, exploring the sea and unifying this continent will require a lot of manpower.

There are also more future explorations of the world, which also require manpower.

If these people can avoid killing, it is natural not to kill them.

Of course, if Bibi Dong had some sense, she wouldn't necessarily kill him.

As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to attack him, everything will be peaceful, otherwise go to hell.

In his eyes, Bibi Dong was just an ant that could be easily crushed to death.

How could an absolute strong man care about the eyes of ants?
Qian Nuo said: "Do you have any recommendations for candidates? Now that the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance has just been established, we are short of senior talents."

"What about the Haotian Sect and Tang Hao? And the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect master?" Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment and said.

These are all three sects, and they are also one of the few sects with titled Douluo.

In terms of quality, it is indeed better than many others.

Qian Nuo said: "Tang Hao is indeed a talent, but he is very rebellious. If you meet him, you can try to recruit him. If you hate me because I am from Wuhun Palace, then just kill him."

Tang San, the time traveler, was an unstable factor.

He planned to find an opportunity to kill him and destroy his soul at the same time to avoid future troubles. (End of chapter)

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