After Qian Renxue heard this, her eyes were filled with stars of admiration.

"Wow, brother, what a great dream! Can Xiaoxue follow you to rule the heavens?"

Qian Renxue said shyly.

Qian Nuo said: "Yes, but you are still too weak now. You can only be used as cannon fodder, so you have to keep getting stronger, although no matter how strong you are, you can't surpass me."

"Okay, Xiaoxue knows~ Xiaoxue is really weak now~ Xiaoxue will definitely become stronger in the future, and Xiaoxue's becoming stronger will start by becoming an angel god!" Qian Renxue held her brother Qiannuo's arms with both hands. His eyebrows narrowed into a crescent shape, very happy.

Time flies by.

Another few days passed.

The various spies who secretly investigated the reasons for the demise of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would disappear unknowingly when they went to the sect's address, and eventually lost contact with the forces behind them completely.

Here at the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance branch, people from the Jiubao Glazed Sect are quickly constructing architectural plans for it. These architectural plans are very modern and were drawn by Qian Nuo based on the memories in his past life. As for the specific size and structure Those are done by the designers and architects of this world.

And on this site, there are also barriers he has set up. Only the people whose breath he has left can enter and exit freely, and the rest cannot enter or exit.

On this day, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect also officially announced that from now on the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would be renamed the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.

As soon as this news came out, people across the continent were shocked.

In the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xueye heard the news: "Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, could it be that Sect Leader Ning broke the shackles?"

These days, he is also very troubled because many princes and princesses have died inexplicably, and other people involved with the royal family have also died inexplicably. This makes him feel a huge sense of crisis, anger, and grief, so he has been unable to sleep. .

Now that this news came out, he decided that he could no longer withstand the pressure and planned to go directly to the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect to ask Sect Leader Ning for advice.

So he immediately asked people to prepare horses and go there.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the Supreme Throne, frowned after learning the news: "Interesting, could it be that the destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was really the work of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect? We all underestimated his power. Strength and ambition!”

"Your Majesty, the person we arranged to go out to check on the situation of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has been unable to be contacted. It is likely that he has been discovered and silenced."

"Your Majesty, the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect is very ambitious. They have already threatened us. Can we implement the soul hunting plan in advance? Take advantage of the moment to catch them off guard?"

At this time, Ju Douluo Yue Guan and Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, who were below, immediately stood up and spoke.

This is also what they are worried about. Once the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect accomplishes this, they can use this as an excuse to legitimately launch an offensive against the opponent.

"There is no need to rush. Our primary goal now is to capture the Tiandou Empire. There is news over there that many members of the royal family have died recently. Even the other princes and princesses of Xue Ye have died. We are asked to arrange the Wuhun Palace. People lurked in and took control of the scene. This was a good opportunity. Of course, the speed was many years faster than I expected."

Bibi Dong pondered for a moment, and instead of being led by the two, she expressed her own opinions.

As for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the sect that caused her beloved Yu Xiaogang pain and abandoned him, she would actually eliminate it in the future, but she didn't expect it would come so soon.

But this can be considered a good thing.

"Ghost Douluo, you are good at stealth operations. Use the fastest speed to go to the original address of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect in person to see if you can check any information. If not, or if you find something wrong, return immediately. , don’t hesitate, my intuition tells me that this matter may not be as simple as it seems.”

Suddenly, Bibi Dong looked at the evil man who exuded a ghostly aura and gave instructions.

"I obey!" Gui Mei cupped his hands and nodded.

"Elder Ju, please go and personally arrange for trustworthy people to be secretly sent to the Tiandou royal family." Bibi Dong looked at Yueguan again.

"I obey!" Yue Guan cupped his hands and nodded.

"Go." Bibi Dong said.


The two left and went to do their own things.

"I have to hurry up, there are changes on this continent."

"Will it have anything to do with you? Bastard."

A figure suddenly appeared in Bibi Dong's mind. It's Qiannuo's.

"You have a 10-year-old soul ring in your hand. It seems I have to find a way to get it." Bibi Dong thought.

But what she didn't know was that the evil breed she thought had already trained their enemy, the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, and made him a member of his group.

During these days, Qian Nuo would take Gu Yue to play in different places around him, unless he was supervising Ning Rongrong's devil training.

Gu Yue said that she wanted to go to school to study and have fun.

So he asked Ning Fengzhi to take action and establish an advanced academy for soul masters in Jiubao City.

For people in this world, building a school is a simple and quick thing to do.

It took half a month to get it done.

Enrollment will begin in the next half month.

At the same time, Gu Yue and Ning Rongrong both went inside to study.

Moreover, Ning Fengzhi also plans to let Jiubao Liuli Advanced Soul Master Academy participate in the next continent-wide soul master elite competition.

So now we have to select the best seven people to start devil training.

They plan to use this competition to completely establish the reputation of the Nine Treasures Soul Master Academy!
As for Gu Yue, no one knows how strong she is, so she is the captain of the Jiubao Team.

Moreover, after some intense screening, the remaining six people who stood out were all girls.

There are seven members of the Nine Treasures Team, all of whom are girls.

Captain Gu Yue, deputy captain Ning Rongrong, and the other five female members are still undergoing the most cruel devil training together.

As long as you don't die, practice towards death.

And their instructor is Qian Nuo.

During training, Qian Nuo was the most terrifying and stern instructor.

No one can be lazy under her nose.

Of course, Gu Yue was watching the show from the sidelines.

Because her strength is also invincible in front of these people.

The reason why she joined the team was to experience life.

During their training period, something happened before.

For example, it was the ghost who was sent out by Bibi Dong to gather information.

He followed the shadows and sneakily arrived at the original place of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Looking from the outside, everything inside was very peaceful.

He sneaked into the shadow of a Nine Treasure Glazed Sect disciple and lurked inside.

Suddenly, I discovered that there was a barrier here!

Moreover, the scene that appeared in front of him also shocked his outlook.

What was once a grassy valley has now become a bustling metropolis!
There are many high-rise buildings, surrounded by many antique buildings and ponds, and the garden vegetation is also very well done.

The inside and outside are completely two worlds!

He didn't dare to come out, so he just hid in the shadow and watched.

He thought that he had not discovered it and had exploited the loopholes in the formation.

However, what he didn't know was that every move he made was being watched. (End of chapter)

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