"That little mouse is gone. You should be glad that you are not from another force. Otherwise, you would be dead now, my evil mother. Don't be so smart. I am keeping you now just because I don't want to kill you. Don't step on me." Nose and face.”

Qiannuo looked at the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which is now one of the branches of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, on a back hill playground of the Jiubao Glazed Soul Master Advanced Academy, and murmured to himself.

At this time, he was wearing sunglasses, lying comfortably on an old man's chair, and quietly looking at the six girls in front of him who were undergoing devil training.

Gu Yue, my beloved wife, is now leading the training of these six girls. He is a hands-off shopkeeper.

This is a very beautiful landscape painting.

Due to excessive exertion, the sweat secreted by the bodies of these six trained girls completely soaked their clothes, exposing their white skin tones, forming a very beautiful panoramic picture of the human body structure.

The six girls were panting heavily and had reached their limit. They had been training continuously these days. Although their bodies, muscles and psychology had been able to withstand it, the amount of training in the future would continue to increase, which also forced them to continue. Re-adapt to the new high quality and high requirements, devil training.

"It's so tiring, so hard, and painful. I really want to give up... No! I can't give up. I have to persevere. As long as I persevere, I can become a strong person. These days of training have a great impact on my physical vitality and psychology. It’s a huge help, I must stick to it!”

At this moment, the hearts of the six girls were filled with pain and fatigue, but also with excitement and expectation. Their emotions were very complicated. They were extremely happy when they thought about the results they would get after working so hard.

Moreover, after these days of training, combined with the use of some medicinal baths, their soul power cultivation and physical strength have also been significantly improved by a quantum leap.

This kind of improvement would have been impossible to achieve outside for who knows how many years, but now it has only been achieved in the past few days!

This is already a very good opportunity for them, the most important turning point in their lives, and it is also the beginning.

So no matter what, no matter how painful or tiring they are, they must persevere and never let others look down upon them!

As women, they also want to be heroines and war goddesses. This is also their dream as girls!

Who says women are inferior to men!
Not only are they powerful, but they also have to surpass the so-called male gods of war.

Gu Yue stood in front of the six people, looking up at the sky.

She saw the performance of the six people, and she was very satisfied.

She said: "Okay, now that noon is coming, you can finish your training and go take a medicinal bath. After taking a bath, you can go to have a meal. After the meal, rest for two hours before continuing to exercise."

"I'm going to take you out for practical training in the afternoon. I want you to see blood for yourself. Only those who have seen blood can become truly strong! Of course, this is also the beginning of becoming a strong person! This blood is not the blood of soul beasts, but the blood of soul beasts. It’s human blood!”

Gu Yue said slowly, with a hint of mystery.

When she said these words, the six girls were stunned.

They were not fools, so they naturally understood what the captain said.

"Sister Gu Yue, do you want us to kill someone?" said a purple-haired girl.

The other girls also became a little nervous upon hearing this.

They were indeed trained by devils and were very powerful. They had also killed soul beasts to obtain soul rings, but they had never actually killed similar people.

When humans kill their own kind, they feel very nervous when they first start, or even before they start.

This is a human weakness and a shackles of genes on us. Hearing this, Gu Yue smiled mysteriously, nodded and said, "Yes, I want you to kill people with your own hands."

In her opinion, humans are dispensable, after all, she is from the soul beast clan.

In the past, humans often killed their soul beasts, but now it would be more interesting to let her dominate humans and kill her own kind.

If it weren't for her husband Qian Nuo, she actually didn't have a good impression of humans at all.

Perhaps in this world, the only two humans he feels good for are Qian Nuo and his sister Qian Renxue.

After hearing the definite answer, all the girls turned pale, including Ning Rongrong.

Their hearts beat faster.

"If you feel that you can't accept it, you can raise it now and I will let you leave this team. A person who doesn't even dare to kill is not qualified to be a strong man. He is also not qualified to enter my Nine Treasures team!" Gu Yue He glanced indifferently at all the girls present, his voice showing no mercy at all.

Only by experiencing cruelty can they live a better life.

"Sister Gu Yue, you underestimate us too much. Since we have chosen this path, there is no way we can look back. We will definitely complete your mission and kill the people you assigned. Tell us who we want to kill!" The person in question is Ning Rongrong. Although he is an auxiliary soul master, he has undergone Qiannuo's devil training and the transformation of his body by fairy grass, and he has created his own independent killing skills.

Now she is a combat-type soul master with extremely strong individual abilities.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go looking for good people for no reason. What I want you to kill this time are sinners who have committed heinous crimes and committed serious crimes. Your target is the desert hunting ground, where there are many such people. , As for who to kill, you will naturally know when we get to that place in the afternoon." Gu Yue's seductive red lips were outlined, and she gave up on this issue a little.

For a moment, I didn't know who to kill, but I was looking forward to it, which immediately made the girls feel itchy in their hearts, and they wanted to rush to the desert hunting ground now.

"Okay, you guys go take a medicinal bath!" Gu Yue said.


Gravity nodded and headed into the room.

Someone had already prepared a medicated bath for them in the bath room of the room. They only needed to take off their clothes and soak directly in it.

Run the soul power guidance method to absorb it and temper your body.

Strengthen the soul and sublimate soul power.

"Ah Nuo, what do you think about their training subjects this afternoon?" After the girls left, Gu Yue came to Qian Nuo's side, lay in his arms, and said sweetly, talking to Qian Nuo just now. The appearance is completely the biggest contrast.

This is what modern society calls a contrast bitch.

Qian Nuo said: "I don't have any opinion. It's better to let them get blood early, so as not to suddenly drop the chain at the critical moment and drag everyone down. Although this doesn't have much effect on me. But they They were bred from my hands, so they can’t embarrass me. If they embarrass me, I will punish them severely.”

"Hehe, how do you want to punish them?" Gu Yue winked. The tone seemed to contain another meaning.

"This is the punishment." Qian Nuo patted Gu Yue's beautiful buttocks. Attached to her ear, Xie Mei said.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yuexiu immediately blushed, rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "You are such an immoral person." (End of Chapter)

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