Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 133 133 Destroy God Shura, God Realm Meeting


"Mortal, don't be so arrogant!"

"How dare you challenge the majesty of God, you will regret it!"

"Forget it, if you can defeat me, I will directly pass the Shura God's throne to you!"

God Shura was not angry at Qian Nuo's provocation. Instead, he looked forward to it. With a wave of his hand, Shura God's Sword was already shot at Qian Nuo.

The black gold light flashed, and the black gold spear appeared in Qian Nuo's hand, thrusting towards the Shura Divine Sword in front.

Ding! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After the two weapons clashed, an endless explosion of sound erupted, and the powerful aura knocked Qian Nuo back.

The Shura Divine Sword also flew back, and the Shura Divine King jumped up, holding the Shura Divine Sword, and flew towards Qian Nuo.

The appearance of nine divine rings on his body symbolizes the lofty status of the God King!

The terrifying Shura killing realm bloomed, and the law of killing condensed on him.

"Judgment of Shura!!!"

The huge blood-red long blade fell from the sky and struck Qian Nuo.

Qian Nuo summoned five divine rings above his head to resist.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

However, the next second, a loud bang was heard.

A huge plume of smoke appears.

"Now that you have gathered five divine rings, you are at best a second-level god. It is difficult to defeat me." God King Shura said calmly when he saw this.

But what he didn't know was that there is no harm in smoke.

"He is worthy of being the most powerful person in the God Realm."

"Compared to the evil god king that I destroyed before, he is indeed much more powerful."

"But it's absolutely impossible for you to defeat me."

"My strength cannot be judged by just a few divine rings."

A voice came from the smoke.

The black-gold light was extremely bright, and a figure stood in the center. The appearance of smoke made his figure very mysterious and hazy.

A blast of energy blasted away, annihilating the smoke.

The figure that was revealed was that of Qian Nuo, and the other party was still unscathed.

"No injuries at all. It seems I underestimated you."

"You are truly an outlier."

"Absolute genius!"

"But you have to get together with the soul beast!"

God King Shura narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"Soul beasts, human beings, I don't care at all."

"God Shura, let me show you my power."

"This move will be something you will never forget."

Qian Nuo made a thousand-year-old seal gesture with both hands, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"The field is unfolding, Fumo Yuchu."

His voice was flat.

hum! ! ! ! ! ! !

The next second, the powerful force spread outwards instantly, affecting the entire Shura Divine Realm.

The blood-red figure, holding a butcher's knife, reveals the image of a demon, burning endless karma.

Like the demon king who slaughtered gods, he immediately struck down at God King Shura.

"not good!"

God King Shura's expression changed drastically, and he felt the huge danger of death. Use all your strength to block.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After one blow, the Shura Divine Sword was broken into two pieces, and the endless karma fire was burned out instantly.

At the same time, the long knife had fallen, splitting God King Shura in half.

Countless swords and swords flashed across his body, unable to dodge, and even his defenses were ignored.

In the end, God King Shura was shattered and burned to death by a ball of flames.

"Boring, but still vulnerable."

Qian Nuo came out from behind and used his strength to forcefully swallow the inheritance mark.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the Killing Palace, an unprecedented terrifying aura erupted from Qian Nuo.

Ten red soul rings rose up from his body, which he had absorbed before.

After being integrated into a ball of black energy, it was instantly fused into the latest sixth black-gold solid roulette divine ring!

In the God Realm, Shura God Realm, in the murderous palace, the Shura God King opened his eyes suddenly.


"He actually defeated my clone, and so easily!"

"My inheritance mark has also lost contact. It seems that as the evil god king said, this son has the ability to devour divine inheritance."

"Such variables, if they come to the God Realm in the future, are not under their control. And the rebellious words he said before are already a provocation to God."

at the Supreme Round Table.

The five great god kings gathered here again.

God King Shura told his story.

"Even your first combat force has been defeated. It's unbelievable."

"This boy is now involved with the Soul Beast Clan. Does he want to betray our human race?"

"If this is the case, we will definitely destroy him!"

"It's just that now he has taken advantage of the loopholes in the rules of the God Realm and has not consolidated his divine status. He does not need to ascend to the God Realm, but his strength has long been beyond the level of a mortal. If he never comes up to the God Realm, there is nothing we can do against him. "

"If we get rid of him in the lower realm, our cultivation will be suppressed by the rules of the divine realm and we will not be able to exert our full strength. We will still suffer the loss."

"This child cannot be treated with ordinary eyes."

"That soul beast has a divine status, but unfortunately our divine realm has closed the ascension channel, and she cannot ascend."

The five god kings were discussing, and they all had their own ideas on how to deal with Qian Nuo.

But that was before. Now that they know that the other party is so stubborn, poses a huge threat, and provokes their five god kings, they immediately have the same idea, that is, to get rid of this scourge of mankind!

But when they considered this issue, everyone got entangled.

"Why don't we let the other gods go down to the realm and capture him to test their strength first?"

"By the way, consume the opponent's strength. When the time comes, the five of us will go down together and destroy him!"

The evil god-king speaks his mind.

The God of Destruction nodded: "I think this idea is feasible."

The kind goddess said: "But if ordinary gods are allowed to go down, they will only die. The position of the gods in our divine world is already tense, especially since many gods have died in the previous Dragon God War, and many planes lack jurisdiction and order. It will collapse. If this plan fails, those gods will die, and we cannot find suitable replacements in a short time, which is not good for the God Realm."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what should I do?" God King Shura said.

The goddess of life said: "Why don't we make a compromise? We are gods, immortal and immortal. We have a lot of time, and the time difference between the lower world and the divine world is very big. We can afford to wait. I don't believe that he has never gone to the divine world. With the Silver Dragon King This factor is that the opponent will come up sooner or later, and he will definitely come up, so we are ready in the God Realm to snipe him, and once he ascends to the God Realm, we will attack with all our strength!"

"In this case, the battlefield will be in the God Realm. If uncontrollable factors occur, the God Realm will suffer a lot," the God King of Destruction said.

"There is a formation that can forcibly transport creatures into the chaotic space dimension. Maybe we can move the battlefield to that place."

"Then there will be no need to worry about the God Realm."

The evil god king said.

This formation requires the combined efforts of the five divine kings to activate it. (End of chapter)

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