Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 134 134 In the blink of an eye, 6 years later, Ning Rongrong and others are on the road to h

"This location is really good."

In the palace of the Killing City, Qian Nuo calmed down and sat on the throne, where he could fully see everything in the Killing City.

Originally, the death of the King of Slaughter would make the Slaughter City unable to operate, but because of his involvement, this shortcoming was made up for.

"Such a sinful place can be left here. In the future, all those who have made mistakes in the empire can be thrown in to fend for themselves. This place is bound by the rules of God Shura, so there is no fear of running away."

"By the way, that guy Tang San will destroy this place, but through the poisonous method, Bloody Swan Kiss. ​​Now that the entire Ice and Fire Eye is in my hands, I don't need to worry about him poisoning me. That pool of water, Just go and have a look."

Qian Nuo murmured and suddenly felt something, so he spread his powerful spiritual thoughts.

The dimensional space hidden in this area was soon found.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the terrifying power penetrated the node.

A black passage appeared, which was the road leading to hell in the original book.

"Forget it, let them kill more people to gain experience."

"From now on, this is a killing prison, and the road to hell will never be opened again. Anyone who comes in will have no chance of getting out."

A bloody light flashed in Qian Nuo's eyes. He planned to build this place into the largest prison in the Spirit Empire in the future.

The kind that can't go out for life.

Unless he takes a fancy to it.

However, he has very high standards and is generally looked down upon.

Alone, he walked into the road to hell.

The road to hell, endless darkness.


It really felt like I was in hell.

But this is not really hell.

The real hell is thousands of times more terrifying than this place.

Qian Nuo walked all the way.

I found the BOSS of the first level, the dark gold three-headed bat king. This guy only has [-] years of cultivation, and he is a scumbag in front of Qian Nuo.

Seeing Qian Nuo's appearance, the dark gold three-headed bat king wanted to attack him.

However, the next second, he was pinched by a huge black hand.

"A soul beast that is only [-] years old should be so arrogant in front of this king."

Qian Nuo said lightly, raised his hand, condensed a ball of black light and penetrated directly into the opponent's body. This soul beast was a very rare type.

is good stuff.

"Help you upgrade."

Qian Nuo continuously injected dark energy, forcing the opponent to absorb it.

In the roar of pain, the dark gold three-headed bat king was forced to improve his cultivation.

Fifty thousand years. Seventy thousand years. Eighty thousand years. Ninety thousand years. One hundred thousand years!

The terrifying aura of one hundred thousand years bloomed.

It wants to resist and get rid of the shackles of the black hand, but how can it understand that a person can lift you up and can naturally control you easily.

Black hands pinched its neck and picked it up.

Just pinch its three heads.

The dark gold three-headed bat king twitched and struggled all over.

In the end, his head was crushed and he died.

It turned into a red soul ring and was absorbed into Qian Nuo's body.

There was also a [-]-year-old soul bone that was also collected.

Then he moved forward quickly.

When he encountered a mirror battle, he was fighting against his own clone.

It's just a pity that its status is too high, and the mirror directly broke.

Soon, Qian Nuo arrived at the second level BOSS.

This is a ten-headed blazing sun snake.

But now there are only nine heads left, and the combat effectiveness is naturally damaged.

However, in Qian Nuo's eyes, whether he was harmed or not, having one more head or one less head would not make him feel much.

The ten-headed blazing sun snakes wanted to attack.

Qian Nuo slapped him away, and also injected dark energy to forcibly increase his age by one hundred thousand years. He then killed him, absorbed the soul ring, and swallowed the inner elixir.

It feels okay.

Keep walking forward.

Soon a spring appeared.    This is the source of the destruction of the entire Killing City in the original work.

Qian Nuo injected a bit of her own power to fix and protect the spring.

The next step is foolproof.

He knew that the blood-red nine-headed bat king in the third level had been killed by him, so he went straight out of here without any hindrance.

It was also at this time that he obtained the Killing God Domain.

"The God of Death can come in and use his soul skills. It seems that we need to control this place."

After Qian Nuo closed the Hell Road, he returned to the Killing Palace in a flash.

Now that he has regarded this place as his own, he naturally cannot let those killing gods come in and leave whenever they want.

So he put up a barrier.

for the next six years.

Gu Yue took Ning Rongrong and others to practice killing in the killing city.

Six years have passed.

They are also twelve years old.

Everyone grows into a capable person who can stand alone.

They went through a [-]-game winning streak.

The second phase of the mission was successfully completed.

Arriving at the Killing Palace, I saw Qian Nuo sitting on the throne.

"I've met the leader!" The women knelt down on one knee.

"Unknowingly, six years have passed. By passing the Hell Road, you will be able to obtain the Killing God Realm and leave the Killing City."

After Qian Nuo finished speaking, he waved his hand and a black hole appeared in front of him.

After six years, the intersection of Hell Road opens again.

And this place can be fully utilized by him to train his subordinates.

The sinners who are arranged here will become stepping stones in the growth of his subordinates.


The girls entered and six years passed.

After six years of brutal training.

The six girls' cultivation has reached the realm of Soul King.

Ning Rongrong's cultivation level is the fifty-ninth level Soul King, and he is the tallest person in the team besides Gu Yue.

They have completely lost their girlish frailty and turned into sharp blades.

In Hell Road, Qian Nuo newly deployed soul beasts to guard the checkpoint.

There are three levels as before, but now the soul beasts in the three levels all start out one hundred thousand years old.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to ask them to kill three hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Their test is to avoid their attacks or withstand the pressure within the specified time.

Anyway, it varies from person to person.

If the person coming in is a titled Douluo or a high-level cultivator, then the test question is to kill or defeat three hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Gu Yue did not pass this test together.

She is already an invincible existence in the world. She has brought six girls with her in the past six years, so the next step is for them to try and walk on their own.

"You have increased the difficulty of the Hell Road several times. Can they pass it?" Gu Yue asked.

"So unsure of them? They have been brought up by you in the past six years." Qian Nuo said with a slight smile.

"Of course! Their cooperation is already flawless."

"You will definitely be able to obtain the Killing God Realm through the Hell Road. Not long after you leave, there will be this continent-wide elite soul master competition. Let this Nine Treasures team shine and shock the outside world."

Gu Yue had a trace of expectation in her eyes.

"If I haven't gone out for six years, what changes will happen to the outside world?"

Qian Nuo said calmly: "No matter what changes happen, everything will calm down when I return."

"It just so happens that the people in the Killing City have almost been killed. This time we can send a large number of people in to fatten them up for our future disciples to kill."

Qian Nuo grinned, and a picture appeared in front of him.

This is the scene after Ning Rongrong and the others entered the road to hell.

The two of them just watched quietly. (End of chapter)

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