Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 140 140 Team Shrek is defeated! Yu Xiaogang approached Bibi Dong

Nami waved the hell witch's cane in his hand, and a yellow spirit ring appeared.

"The first soul skill, Hell Demon Tentacle! Control!"


The next second, the arena floor cracked.

A breath of death appeared.

From the cracks, black tentacles that seemed to come from hell emerged, binding Tang San and Xiao Zi's hands, feet, and bodies.


Tang San and Xiao Zi's expressions changed drastically. They tried their best and couldn't get rid of the restraints.

It's unbelievable!

Liu Xueqing and Zhao Lili rushed over.

A full blow hit Xiao Zi.

The two planned to eliminate the old witch who had transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast first.



A powerful force hit Xiao Zi's stomach, causing her to vomit a mouthful of blood, scream, and fly out.

Soon he flew out of the ring and hit the fence.

"Xiao Zi!! Damn it!! You dare to hurt Xiao Zi, your crime is unforgivable!!!"

Tang San was extremely angry when he saw that the sister he cared about the most was injured.

He clenched his left hand suddenly, purple thunder flashed, and a hammer appeared.

It was his second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer!

"This is the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"This boy comes from Haotian Sect!"

"Could he be Tang Hao's son?"

In the stands above, the moment Salas saw the hammer, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he became excited.

This news must be reported!

Maybe we can catch Tang Hao!

With an angry blow, Tang San shattered the tentacles on his body and rushed towards Liu Xueqing and Zhao Lili.

Both the ghost shadow and the purple devil pupil appeared.

The two women who noticed Tang San's strangeness were not careless at all and took retreat as an opportunity to advance.

"Nine treasures, Yu!"

The next second, two rays of light fell from the sky.

Protect the two women.

"It's the black soul ring again!"

"This person from the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect is actually the Soul King!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the black ten-thousand-year soul ring appearing on Ning Rongrong's body.

boom! Bang! ! ! !

Tang San was unable to catch up with the agile Liu Xueqing, and finally hit the Clear Sky Hammer on Zhao Lili.

Zhao Lili, on the other hand, used her soul skills to protect her body, plus the body protection of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, forming a double layer of protection to forcibly resist the overbearing Clear Sky Hammer attack.

However, his body also flew out suddenly. When he was about to fly out of the ring, a tentacle appeared from the ground behind him, forming a grid, catching it, and quickly brought it back to the Jiubao Team. .

The person who took action was Naomi.

"Thank you sister."

"This guy is a twin martial soul. This hammer is very destructive. It seems that it doesn't have a soul ring attached. What kind of martial soul is it?"

Zhao Lili said.

Nami said: "You're welcome, sister."

"This is the Clear Sky Hammer." Ning Rongrong said, "This Tang San is from the Clear Sky Sect."

"Haha, I didn't take it out a long time ago, but I'm taking it out now. He's the only one left in the whole place. Even if he has the Clear Sky Hammer, the first martial arts weapon in the mainland, he can't turn the tide of the battle."

"Sisters, come together, kick him out of the ring, and end the team as soon as possible!"


Liu Xueqing, Zhao Min, Ji Yan, Zhao Lili, and Naomi attacked directly.

Ning Rongrong blessed them with soul skills that enhanced speed, attack, and defense.

In an instant, the black soul rings on his body appeared one by one!

The whole audience was shocked!

So many black soul rings!

What the hell is this woman! !

"Here, there is such a monster in Jiubao Glazed Sect, we must report it!"

Salas looked solemn.

The battle below was fierce. Tang San used various soul skills, combined with his own Xuantian Technique, to fight back and forth with several women, but he was suppressed all the time. "Phoenix Falling Strike!" A black soul ring appeared on Ji Yan's body, and the fifth soul skill was activated. The Sky Phoenix Pearl in her hand appeared and instantly fell on Tang San, sending him flying out and falling outside the ring. .

Since then, Team Shrek has lost.

"Jiubao Team, damn it!"

In the stands, Yu Xiaogang suddenly looked gloomy when he saw this slap in the face.

The expressions on their faces were very disappointed with Tang San and the others.

Not even one person from the Jiubao team was eliminated.

It's really bad!

"Although we lost, the Shrek team has enough points and can definitely enter the finals. It's not a big problem."

At this time, Flender behind him stepped forward and said.

"This is the first time for our Shrek team, and it is already considered a great success."

"Yes, Xiaogang, don't put too much pressure on the children."

Liu Erlong also said.

"We didn't know that such a Shrek team would suddenly appear."

"Hey, forget it, go see the children quickly." Yu Xiaogang sighed.

"You can enter the finals, take a good rest."

"When the time comes, let's go to Wuhun City to do something together."

In the VIP room, Qian Nuo looked at the seven girls who had returned victoriously, smiled slightly, and said.

"This time's Shrek team is generally the same, but Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills surprised us."

"That Tang San is not simple, he actually has his own soul skills."

"And that human being who took the form of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, are we going to capture him and turn him into a soul ring?"

After the girls sat down, they were all discussing this battle.

"I already know that the soul beast that has been transformed for [-] years is just a spider spirit. It is nothing to worry about. I will accept her as a soul ring later."

Qian Nuo said lightly.

"Since the alliance leader has already made a plan, that's fine." The girls nodded.

The battle between Shrek and Jiubao spread to many places, letting everyone hear about the power of this female team.

It makes some people who have not seen it with their own eyes regret it very much.

Shrek, who had been winning streak all the way, was eliminated.

Soon, the battle outside ended.

Teams that can enter the finals will naturally go to Wuhun Hall to participate in the finals.

Ning Fengzhi is now the acting head of the Tiandou Kingdom. For the teams that appear in his country, as long as they perform well, they will naturally receive big rewards.

After the rewards were completed, the Kingdom team was allowed to take the teams that entered the finals and escort them to the Wuhun Kingdom to participate in the finals.

In Wuhun City and the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong was also surprised when he learned about the dark horse appearing in the Nine Treasures Team this time, as well as the appearance of the Clear Sky Hammer.

So she arranged for Yue Guan and Gui Mei to lead the team there, killing Team Jiubao and Shrek Tang San on the way.

The plan emerged.

"Your Majesty, there is someone outside looking for you."

"It's an elder from Wuhun Palace named Yu Xiaogang. He's waiting in the back living room."

At this time, a woman came in and reported.

"Yu Xiaogang, why did he come suddenly?" Bibi Dong thought with a complicated look in his eyes.

He said slowly: "I understand, please step back first. Do not tell any third party about this matter, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Yes!" The woman nodded and retreated.

Bibi Dong left the throne and walked directly towards the back living room.

Soon I saw a man in black with a short haircut sitting on the table, drinking tea.

For some reason, when she looked at the man in front of her, she felt a strange yet familiar feeling.

And he always felt that after so many years of not seeing each other, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have become different.

There is a powerful energy in him.

So she took a closer look and was shocked and unbelievable.

"Ninety-five level peak titled Douluo!"

"How is this possible!" (End of chapter)

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