Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 141 141 Meets Bibi Dong and the quarrel begins

"Bibi Dong, long time no see."

Yu Xiaogang used his inner strength to make his voice deeper, suppressing as much as possible the unmasculine and unmasculine voice.

He didn't want to be seen by the person in front of him, otherwise he would be ridiculed in his heart.

His difficulties do not need anyone else to pity him.

Now he has stood up.

Although he lost what a man is most proud of, he gained a powerful strength that he never dared to imagine in his life. From a certain point of view, it was very worthwhile.

If there was an opportunity to bring back what he was most proud of, and to exchange all his own strength for it, he would refuse it without hesitation.

Because only after tasting the powerful strength, do you understand that losing is a difficult choice.

Looking at the woman in front of him, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

"Elder Yu, you have become different."

Bibi Dong looked at the man in front of her and spoke slowly, with the same complex look in her eyes.

She doesn't know why, but she always feels that the current Yu Xiaogang is not the one she once knew. There seems to be something missing, but she can't tell.

"After so many years, we are all adults, and people will change." Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong with your cultivation, not your martial spirit?" In the end, Bibi Dong couldn't hold back and asked.

"Not long ago, I encountered some opportunities. My martial soul mutated again. I successfully broke through level 30. After that, I continued to practice and finally achieved something. Until now, I feel like it was a dream. Unfortunately, this is not a dream. This is a real thing."

Yu Xiaogang slowly raised his hand. At the bottom of his wrist, there was a black blood line. As her internal strength has grown stronger over the years, she has become better at suppressing this blood line, but she still cannot erase it. , which was what upset him the most.

This thing can only be suppressed, not erased, which makes him very upset. It is just a fuse. If one day, he is seriously injured or neglected, then this suppressed blood line will soar, and suppress The more powerful it is, the longer it is suppressed, and the more it accumulates, and when it rebounds, it will definitely kill him.

As the saying goes, every wrongdoer has his own debtor. He plans to wait until his cultivation continues to reach a higher level, then he will find the damned bastard from back then, let him relieve himself, and kill him by the way! To avenge blood hatred!

Because the wrist was facing him, Bibi Dong did not see or notice anything unusual about his hand. Then he saw Yu Xiaogang put his hand away and put it behind his back.

Regarding Qian Nuo, he didn't want to mention it to Bibi Dong.

"Can the martial spirit mutate a second time?"

"It seems like you have a really good opportunity. Congratulations."

Bibi Dong was very curious about what the opportunity was, but she did not ask.

"What do you want from me when you come here this time?" Bibi Dong changed the topic to the main topic.

She didn't believe that Yu Xiaogang would come looking for her for no reason and no purpose.

Yu Xiaogang said: "I do have one thing. I have a disciple who is a twin martial soul. You are also a twin martial soul. I came here this time to ask you about how to correctly absorb the soul ring. "

"Oh, is that Tang San, right? Clear Sky Hammer, you have to know that the Clear Sky Sect is the enemy of my Spirit Hall. Oh, by the way, he might also be the son of that guy Tang Hao, right?"

"Yu Xiaogang, you are so courageous. As the elder of Wuhun Hall, you actually accepted an enemy's son as your disciple. You are so majestic!"

After hearing this, Bibi Dong sneered and said, very sinisterly, which made Yu Xiaogang frown slightly.

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and understood the other party's attitude, but he didn't want to give up, so he played the emotional card: "It's Tang San, but Dong'er, that's a matter between Wuhun Palace and Tang Hao, Xiao San has nothing to do with it, It shouldn't involve the child." Hearing the other party call her Dong'er, Bibi Dong trembled all over, and memories quickly appeared, but the subsequent memories also made her very unhappy and angry, and a powerful aura erupted from her body. , and bumped directly towards Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang's pupils suddenly shrank and he immediately used his soul power to resist.


But even so, although he is very powerful and has the strength of a ninety-five-level titled Douluo, Bibi Dong is a double ninety-nine-level peak Douluo, and can even reach the level of a demigod by using the power of Rakshasa. In front of Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang was like a witch.

The next second, he was knocked back several meters before he stabilized.

Yu Xiaogang was extremely shocked that Bibi Dong was so powerful!

Even with all his strength, he was unable to resist directly and was knocked back so many meters.

Maybe he didn't know the difference between Titled Douluo before, but now that he has become a Titled Douluo, he knows it.

Just from such a simple force to force him back, he could see that the gap between him and Bibi Dong was still too big.

Could it be that the other party is a peerless Douluo?

At this moment, such a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, which made his hair stand on end!

If that were the case, it would be really terrible.

You know, there are only three peerless Douluo in the world.

Now that Bibi Dong appears, there is one more person.

"Yu Xiaogang, please pay attention to your identity. You are not allowed to call me Dong'er. Please call me His Majesty the Pope! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"As for Tang San, let's not talk about it!"

"As an elder of Wuhun Palace, you want to cultivate an enemy's son. Do you want him to seek revenge from my Wuhun Palace when he grows up?! You are simply seeking death!"

Bibi Dong's tone was extremely cold.

How much I loved Yu Xiaogang before, I am so cruel now.

"Dong'er, no, I am his teacher, and I understand him. As long as I am here, it is impossible for Xiao San, and I am actually training Tang San to be a member of my Spirit Hall in disguise. You have misunderstood me. Yes." Yu Xiaogang said righteously and shamelessly.

"I told you, don't call me Dong'er again!!!"

"Huh, do you think I will believe your lies?"

"Go away! Get out of here!"

Bibi Dong's body was trembling, her eyes flashed with murderous intent, she ducked and came directly in front of Yu Xiaogang, stretched out her hand and pinched the other person's neck.

Yu Xiaogang did not resist. He planned to continue playing the emotional card because he knew Bibi Dong very well and was a sharp-tongued person, so he bet that the other party would not kill him. He was just angry now. As long as he spoke, he would be able to Gradually influence her.

So his eyes were reddish, and he looked at Bibi Dong's eyes very sincerely, and said: "Dong'er, you are more beautiful than before. Dong'er, do you really want to be so heartless? Dong'er, don't you remember our past?" Are you okay? Dong'er, I've been thinking about you all these years."

"What nonsense are you talking about! You and your sweetheart are on good terms! You will still remember me!!"

When Bibi Dong heard what the other party said, her heart really softened, but when she recalled the scene when she saw the other party getting married to that woman, she felt extremely painful inside, and she immediately roared. (End of chapter)

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