Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 142 142 The old lover was extremely jealous when they met and started fighting.

When Yu Xiaogang saw the other party's crazy and angry look and these words, his heart skipped a beat, it turned out that the other party knew everything.

But he still continued to play the emotional card, and shed two lines of tears, feeling extremely aggrieved: "Dong'er, it was obviously you who left me first, don't you remember that it was you who told me in person that we had no hope? Back then? I, a martial arts waste, could never be Qian Xunji's opponent. My family also abandoned me because I was a waste. I originally thought that was the end of me, but when I met you, I thought we could stay together forever. Things were getting better, but I didn’t expect that damn Qianxunji to appear and take you away from me! At that time, my heart was so painful! So powerless! So desperate! I thought I would still have a chance to meet you, but Unexpectedly, you brought me even greater bad news. When I was most desperate and wanted to commit suicide, she appeared and took me out of that dark shadow. We got along very well and planned to get married. , Hahaha!!! But I didn’t expect that God’s will is like this! God wants to play with me!!! That turned out to be my sister! Her father separated us! After I learned that she was my cousin, I couldn’t I made a mistake, so where were you when I chose to leave her? You are still here enjoying your treatment as a saint! Do you understand the suffering I suffered? Bibi Dong!!!"

After hearing these words, Bibi Dong instantly recalled the memories of that year. She felt extremely guilty. Her nose felt sore and she wanted to cry. She was a woman with a strong ability to empathize. Her body trembled violently, and finally she killed Yu Xiao. Just shake it off.

"Yu Xiaogang, this is the Pope's Palace, not a place for you to act wild. Let me tell you the truth, even if I gave you the secret of twin martial souls absorbing soul rings without exploding the body, you wouldn't be able to use it." Bibi Dong Turning his back to Yu Xiaogang, he calmed himself down quickly and said slowly.

But her voice was trembling.

This cannot be hidden from Yu Xiaogang now.

Yu Xiaogang understood that his words had an effect.

Just when he wiped the tears from his eyes and wanted to continue playing the emotional card and deepen his attack, he was stunned by the other party's words.

"Bibi Dong, what do you mean?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't realize what the other party wanted to express in this sentence, and asked in a dull voice.

"Tell me clearly what is useless! Just tell me quickly! Don't be stunned!"

Yu Xiaogang impulsively rushed forward and growled at Bibi Dong.

"Haha, you can't help it anymore. Have you exposed your true nature?"

"Let me tell you, after I learned that Tang San possessed the Clear Sky Hammer and was a twin martial spirit, I asked someone to investigate what happened back then, and found that the probability that the other party was Tang Hao's son was very high. So I have arranged for two titled Douluo to lead a team to intercept them on their way to the Spirit Hall to participate in the finals, and kill them to avoid future troubles!"

"Yu Xiaogang, now you know the answer, are you satisfied?"

"You came too late, but if you rush over now, you might still have time."

Bibi Dong raised the corners of her mouth and said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about! Bibi Dong! You are so vicious! What if he is not the son of Haotian Douluo!!!!"

"What if you killed the wrong person!! Have you ever considered my feelings!! You are so selfish!!!"

Yu Xiaogang yelled angrily.

"Hahaha!!! With the Clear Sky Hammer, even if he is not Tang Hao's son, he must be from the Clear Sky Sect. The Clear Sky Sect is also the enemy of my Spirit Hall! Kill him if he wants! I would rather kill ten thousand by mistake. , and don’t leave any surprises!!”

"Yu Xiaogang, I just like to see how sad you are after losing the most precious thing!"

"Are you desperate? Are you powerless? And why am I not! Who understands my difficulties! Yu Xiaogang, are you pitiful? Am I not pitiful? You have no idea how much I paid and how much I sacrificed for you! I connect with me.”

Bibi Dong shouted like a madman, like a possessed person.

Suddenly he stopped talking.

Because there are some things that it would be better not to tell the other person.

This was her saddest memory. She was locked in a secret room by her most respected teacher!

Yu Xiaogang roared angrily: "Bastard Bibi Dong! If you don't tell me, how will I know what happened to you! In the Spirit Hall, with your teacher Qian Xunji, a Titled Douluo, escorting you, why are you so desperate! Stop being hypocritical! I am sincere, but you think I am turning a deaf ear! Bibi Dong, I am so disappointed in you!!!!!!” ˆ ˆ ˆ “Those who truly love me don’t need me to say anything, you will understand!!! "

Bibi Dong said angrily.

"Get out! Get out now!! Don't force me to kill you here!!!"

"Come on! I no longer have a disciple, and I will avenge him with my life!!!"

Yu Xiaogang roared angrily, his soul power surging and his internal energy boiling.

Even though he was very angry, he didn't say anything about Qian Nuo.

The next second, the mutated Luo Sanpao appeared, with nine soul rings appearing on his body!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black!

It's a very standard one.

"Bibi Dong, I want to avenge my disciple!!"

"Take your life!!!"

Yu Xiaogang had murderous intentions, and directly used all his strength, combining his internal power and soul power, and blasted towards Bibi Dong!

"Hey, if you have time to call here, why not go over there and save people earlier."

"Just because you don't have the ability to take revenge, you are too weak!"

Bibi Dong said disdainfully. She had just vented her anger. After roaring out all the grievances she had suffered for so many years, she felt much better. The burden that was suppressed in her heart was reduced. She suddenly felt much more relaxed all over. This kind of Don't feel too good.

A red 100,000-year-old soul ring appeared on her body, and then she waved the gemstone scepter in her hand, directly shattering Yu Xiaogang's attack, sending it flying and hitting the wall.

"Pfft!" Yu Xiaogang's expression changed in shock. He didn't expect that the other party would be so powerful!

Then he immediately noticed the blood line on his hand, found that the suppressing power was weakening, and rushed forward quickly.

"not good!"

Yu Xiaogang immediately mobilized his internal strength to suppress it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was extremely ugly.

"Your disciple is going to die anyway, so it's okay for me to tell you and make you feel powerless, hahaha."

"The secret of twin martial souls not to explode is to practice the first martial soul first, and then absorb the second martial soul after the cultivation level is improved, so that the body will not explode. Okay, get out."

Bibi Dong stared at Yu Xiaogang from a distance and said indifferently.

Yu Xiaogang stood up holding his abdomen, gritted his teeth and looked at Bibi Dong, his eyes were red and bloody, and he screamed hoarsely and harshly: "Bibi Dong, remember this, if my disciple really dies, Now that my sect has been destroyed, I am already a free man, so in this life, I will be with you and Wuhundian, and I will use every method to destroy you!"

After saying that, he turned around and left this place with all his strength.

He cannot die here.

You must leave Wuhun Hall. (End of chapter)

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