Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 150 The 150 Continental Soul Master Elite Competition Begins

"Tomorrow is the continent-wide soul master elite competition. Let's finish the seventh test after watching it."

In Wuhun City, Qian Nuo and Qian Renxue were wandering around. They had not come out for six years. After coming out this time, Qian Renxue went shopping like crazy, buying, buying, eating!

Buy whatever you see, and buy all the delicious food you see.

Anyway, with the big treasury of Qian Nuo, these are just small amounts of money and not worth mentioning at all.

On the way, Qian Nuo said to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue nodded: "Yeah, Xiaoxue knows. I'm also curious about what will be in tomorrow's game."

In the secret realm of Rakshasa, Bibidong practices crazily in order to quickly become a Rakshasa God. Because of the appearance of Qian Nuo, she may become a Rakshasa God earlier than in the original work.

And she herself discovered that that step was really close.

Maybe in the next few days.

Or maybe it was shortly after the end of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition.

When the time comes for her to become the Rakshasa God, the first thing she will do is to kill Qian Nuo and take revenge on the Qian Family, and then she will unify the entire Douluo Continent!

She wants to become the first empress on Douluo Continent to unify the entire continent!

Emperor Wu Bibi Dong!

When she thought of this, she became extremely excited and excited, wishing that such a thing would happen to her immediately.

The next day,

The finals of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition have begun.

There are also other competition areas here.

Everyone is drawing cards and competing against each other.

Originally, Bibi Dong didn't want to come to this bullshit meeting.

But after thinking about it, I came anyway.

Mainly because Yu Xiaogang will definitely be here too.

She wanted to take a look at each other.

But the moment she really saw him, she was disappointed and extremely angry.

The other party was so close to Liu Erlong, a wolf and a pig with hooves!

That wolf-pig trotter even took the initiative to provoke her, which made her very unhappy.

But what surprised her was that Liu Erlong and Flanders were both at the Contra level.

But she didn't care. In terms of level, there was no way these people could threaten her.

The only person who can threaten her now may be Qian Nuo.

She is no longer afraid of even Qian Daoliu.

If there was really going to be a fight, then she would stay away from the Wuhun Palace, especially where the angel statues were. These would be restrained and were her weak points.

As long as these weak points are eliminated, she will really not be afraid of Sendaoliu.

Qian Daoliu is a demigod with one martial spirit, and she is a demigod with two martial spirits.

It's equivalent to one demigod fighting two demigods.

The game is going on below.

Bibi Dong's eyes scanned the entire audience.

Especially when it comes to Tang San of Team Shrek.

This guy is Tang Hao's son and Yu Xiaogang's disciple.

This kid has such a big life, he won't even die.

Then it was transferred to the Jiubao team.

The combat experience of this group of people is very fierce.

The coordination is also very good.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Bibi Dong froze.

She felt a breath of the same origin from all seven girls.

The murderous intent in these girls is very strong, and it cannot be accomplished by killing just one or two people. When she thought of this, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Qian Nuo disappeared for six years and brought back this team.

Could it be that in the past six years, the other party went to the Killing City and obtained the Killing God Domain from there?

"Impossible, what level are they at? How can they possibly complete the Hell Road? Not to mention a hundred consecutive wins is already a headache."

"Could it be that the King of Slaughter is threatened by Qian Nuo?"

Bibi Dong, who had a headache, suddenly thought of this terrible result.

According to Qian Nuo's terrible thing, maybe it really is.

Qian Nuo can defeat her easily. Now she is not afraid of the King of Slaughter. In a real fight, she is confident that she can kill him.

But Qian Nuo can easily suppress her or even kill her, so it is not impossible for the little king of killing to be suppressed by the other party.

If this is really the case, then the Killing City is likely to be controlled by the other party, and it will be entirely up to them who they want to fight.

This is a big cheat!

It’s just that you can cheat on a hundred consecutive wins, so how can you cheat on Hell Road?

"It seems that if I want to know the specific answer, I need to find time to go there in person."

"By the way, it seems that the Killing City has not had much contact with us in recent years, even the supply of food. Could it be that the other party has found a new food supply chain? Or maybe the entire Killing City has already Not here anymore?"

Following this clue, Bibi Dong suddenly realized something very bad. Because he was too busy and was too busy practicing to become stronger, he had forgotten about the Killing City, so he always Not paying too much attention.

Now it was because of Qian Nuo that she was reminded of it. The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. It was really full of loopholes.

"With Qian Nuo here, I can't take action against the Jiubao team members. If I can capture one of them, I can figure out the situation."

"Well, I don't believe they will keep it and not use this killing power. As long as I use it, I will be able to discover the drawbacks." Bibi Dong thought in her heart. Regarding Qian Nuo, the shadow in her heart was very big. This is the most critical period for her to become a god, and she doesn't want to continue to cause trouble.

Let’s wait until she becomes a god.

"But aside from other things, these women's talents and martial arts are very good. They belong to the top group. If they can be used by my martial arts hall, this will naturally be a very good thing."

Bibi Dong looked at the people of Jiubao Team with a little envy.

And she also found that her golden generation Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan were no match for each other.

Although this has the tendency to boost other people's ambitions and destroy one's own prestige, this is the truth and what is said from the bottom of my heart.

Nowadays, Shrek Team, Nine Treasure Team, New Kamikaze Team and Tiandou Royal Team are also fighting separately.

Because it is still the Tiandou Kingdom, the name of the Tiandou Royal Team academy has not been changed, and the team number has also been retained.

When Qian Nuo completely unifies the mainland in the future, all the academy numbers of these former empires will naturally be changed.

Bibi Dong's eyes continued to scan the audience, and suddenly she spotted two people.

It was Qian Nuo and Qian Renxue that she least wanted to see.

The two were eating together and watching the show.

Bibi Dong also hasn't seen Qian Renxue in six years.

It has become so big now.

However, the next second, after carefully sensing the other person's aura, her pupils suddenly shrank together and her expression changed drastically.

With her current demigod cultivation, she can tell the opponent's strength at a glance even if the opponent does not deliberately emit aura.

Now Qian Renxue has actually reached level ninety-six titled Douluo!

Already entered the super Douluo sequence! ! ! ! !

"How far has her angel god assessment progressed?"

"My cultivation improved so quickly!"

"I don't seem to be twenty years old this year!"

It has to be said that Bibi Dong was both shocked and envious. (End of chapter)

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