Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 151 151 Bibi Dong told the truth, Hu Liena and everyone were confused!

Noticing the eyes staring at her, Qian Renxue habitually raised her head and looked at the rostrum above, where three people happened to be standing.

Bibi Dong, Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

"Mother." Qian Renxue felt very complicated after seeing her.

She wanted to shout, but held back.

The current situation is not good.

Qian Nuo also noticed something strange about Xiaoxue. She looked up and met Bibi Dong's eyes.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's body and soul were trembling, and she looked extremely frightened.

He immediately looked away, not daring to look at him.

He felt that if he continued to look at each other, he might even be unable to bear the damage to his soul.

too frightening.

This guy is so scary.

"Damn it, this bastard's strength has definitely reached the god level. Why don't the people in the God Realm let him ascend and stay here? When will my empire's hegemony be realized?" Bibi Dong thought unwillingly, Hong The teeth under his lips were clenched tightly, and the hand holding the gem scepter became harder and harder.

Finally, she turned her attention to the trials in various arenas below.

This is the last large-scale selection match before the finals.

The team from Wuhun Palace was also among them.

It's just that when the team opposite them met this team, they were all destined to be killed instantly.

He either surrendered directly or was seriously injured and was carried off the ring.

As long as it doesn't kill, that's fine.

It doesn't matter if I'm disabled.

The Jiubao team's game ended earlier than them.

"It's not difficult at all. The champion of this session is undoubtedly from our Wuhun Palace." In the hall, the seven Wuhun team members who returned after winning the competition, and the three in front, Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan, were discussing.

For them, this victory does not bring them much joy, because this is a destined fact, and no one can make them lose the game.

"If it were based on the situation in previous years, you must be the champion, but this time is different. Two dark horses have appeared, which may threaten you."

At this moment, a cold and domineering queen's voice sounded.

Bibi Dong in front walked over holding a gem scepter.


"Your Majesty the Pope!"

The seven members of Wuhun Team each called out their honorifics, and they all respected the woman in front of them very much.

"Teacher, which two are they?"

Hu Liena asked.

Because their competition arena was isolated from each other by walls, they didn't know what was going on outside.

Only those above can see it.

Therefore, they did not know the performance of Team Jiubao and Team Shrek.

"Team Jiubao and Team Shrek."

"There is a disciple of the Haotian Sect among the latter. The Haotian Hammer is the number one martial spirit in the mainland. Its attack power is very powerful. You must deal with it carefully."

"However, as long as this team is vigilant, it shouldn't be a big problem for you to deal with. Compared to this team, you should be more careful with the Jiubao team."

Bibi Dong said slowly.

"Nine Treasures Team?"

"Nine Treasures, Nine Treasures and Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, are they from this sect?"

"What's there to worry about? This is an auxiliary sect, and the team is definitely not as strong as ours."

Everyone murmured, and suddenly thought of a corresponding force.

But their guess was not wrong. The Nine Treasures team was indeed from the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect. "The teacher said this, he must have a reason." Hu Liena looked at her teammates and said.

Everyone also shut up.

Bibi Dong was very satisfied with Hu Liena, nodded and said: "Everyone in this team is very powerful in combat. In the game just now, they basically didn't expose their martial arts and soul skills and easily faced the opposing team in seconds, and they Their coordination ability is also extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.”

"Wait until the finals start. You all go and watch their games. Don't be careless. This is the most dangerous team to you this year."

Bibi Dong knew one thing, as long as it was produced by Qian Nuo, no one would be simple.

And she also suspected that these people had passed the assessment on the Hell Road of the Killing City and obtained the Killing God Realm.

If not all of them, maybe one of them.

As ridiculous as it feels, it's true.

Because their leader is Qian Nuo, a pervert.

"Teacher, we understand. We'll go take a look later." Hu Liena nodded.

"One more thing, I want to tell you that out of the seven of them, six are soul kings, and they are all intermediate and high-level soul kings. There is one that even I can't see through. She should have some kind of secret method or secret treasure on her body. Covered up.”

"I'll just treat them as a team with all soul kings."

When Bibi Dong said this, her tone became a little solemn.

"What! Six soul kings?!"

"There is another teacher (His Holiness the Pope) that you can't even see through?!"

After hearing this, the seven members of Wuhun Team's eyes widened and they were extremely shocked! It's like seeing a ghost!

"Teacher, are you sure they are not over their age??"

"If they are over the age limit, then they are not compliant! They should be directly disqualified from the competition!"

Hu Liena said immediately.

As the strongest trio of the Wuhun Palace generation, the three of them were given the title of the Golden Third Generation. How hard they worked to become Soul Kings in their twenties, and with the huge resources of the Wuhun Palace. , even so, they felt it was difficult.

Now if the other party surpasses them at the right age, it would be really terrible.

The hearts of the three people seemed to have been hit, and they became extremely heavy and dignified at this moment.

"No, all of them are within the appropriate range." Bibi Dong was experienced and knew it with just one look.

Moreover, even if she was really over her age, she didn't dare to say anything with that pervert around.

If she angers the other party again and kills her directly, her hope of eventually becoming a god will be completely shattered.

The other party said that this was the last chance.

She didn't want to gamble because she was afraid and unwilling to do so.

"In short, you should take care of yourself and be careful."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she turned and left.

Only the seven members of the Wuhun team were left standing stunned in the gusting wind.

"So what if they are all soul kings? We want them to know, and His Majesty the Pope knows, that we can still defeat them!"

Yan said.

The appearance of this sentence has greatly boosted the morale that is now somewhat low.

"Not bad! We are fighting the elite!"

"There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome, and there is no mountain that cannot be crossed! As long as we work together, even if they are soul emperors, we can defeat them!"

Xie Yue also nodded and said.

"We still have martial soul fusion skills! We may not have no chance of winning! We will definitely win!"

Hu Liena took a deep breath, her eyes firm.

She must not let her teacher down!

They must eat up this team of all soul kings!

Let their Wuhun team continue to win the championship!

"The championship belongs to our Wuhun team!!" (End of this chapter)

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