"Haha, this guy found the most terrifying one, and he won't be able to survive until now."

In the audience seat, Qian Nuo put his hands on the guardrail and smiled playfully.

Qian Renxue also smiled: "Sister Gu Yue is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger~ No one would have thought that she is the biggest dragon."

"Leader, who is she? She is very strong?"

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were also very curious and continued to read.

"Of course my wife is strong," Qian Nuo said.

"The leader's wife? Isn't this the leader's wife?"

The two were startled and immediately looked down.

In the ring, Ning Rongrong did not pursue him, but just watched the show on the spot.

He believed that Hu Yue would definitely regret it.

Originally, we could have played a few more times, but now that the other party insists on seeking death, there is no point in playing.

"Everyone is moving, but you are the only one who is not moving. Are you looking down on me?"

"Then I'll eliminate you first!"

Hu Yue's angry voice sounded.

"Then have you ever thought that I am the most terrifying one in this team?" Facing the oncoming attack, Gu Yue looked calm. She still stood there without moving at all. Instead, she said meaningfully This sentence makes people think deeply.

Facing Hu Yue's terrifying angry blow, Gu Yue just raised her hand gently and touched the void, then took it very easily.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The harsh sound was forcibly absorbed by a stream of energy material.

"It can't be penetrated! What kind of energy is this? It's so hard!"

Hu Yue was shocked.

Recalling Gu Yue's words just now, I suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling.

Then came the great terror.

"Then let me warm up a little."

Gu Yue moved, deflecting Hu Yue's attack, and a burst of sonic energy directly shook Hu Yue away.

In her hand, a silver spear exuding dragon power appeared, leaping up and sweeping directly at Hu Yue.

A colorful dragon struck Hu Yue, took him away from the ring, and hit the ground.

Just like that, Hu Yue was eliminated with one move.

Hu Yue was forced to unlock the martial soul fusion skill. Hu Liena and Xie Yue rolled on the ground one after another, and did not stop until they hit the guardrail.

Pain came from their abdomens, making them look livid and embarrassed.

"Be so strong"

This scene also shocked everyone.

All eyes were fixed on the tall silver-haired girl holding a silver dragon-headed spear.

It exudes a very terrifying aura.

Even Bibi Dong and others felt that a powerful enemy was coming.

"Who is this guy?"

"Where did that guy find these monsters?"

"The silver spear in her hand must have something to do with dragons. It looks like a top-notch martial spirit! It can also surpass it."

Bibi Dong said with a complex expression.

When Hu Yuefei flew out of the ring, the rest of the Wuhun Team also flew out of the ring neatly in the next second.

Everyone was eliminated.

Only the people from Jiubao Team were left.

The Wuhun team was defeated.

The myth of consecutive champions has also been ended!

This makes Bibi Dong and others very uncomfortable!

The Wuhun Palace has dispatched auxiliary and healing soul masters to start treating the people of the Wuhun team.

"Hiss, so strong! Team Jiubao looks really invincible!"

"It doesn't matter that the girl is strong, the others are just as strong!"

"Everyone has super strong individual combat capabilities!"    "This is a team with no dead ends or weaknesses!"

"But she is so beautiful!"

When everyone in Shrek was shocked and solemn, Ma Hongjun looked at Gu Yue with stars in his eyes.

This left everyone speechless.

Gu Yue, who had good hearing, looked directly at Ma Hongjun with a cold look, murderous intent approaching.

This made Ma Hongjun shiver directly, and his soul was filled with fear.

He quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at each other.

"Team Jiubao wins! Let's go directly to the next round!"

"Team Jiubao vs. Team Shrek!"

Salas felt uncomfortable when he saw his Wuhun team being defeated in a crushing manner, so he didn't even give him a break in the middle and let Jiubao team continue fighting.

This also gave Team Shrek an opportunity in disguise.

If the opponent is given a break, Team Shrek will definitely not stand a chance.

But now, maybe a little bit.

"It's our turn!"

"Isn't there a break?"

The hearts of everyone in Shrek tightened as Dai Mubai discovered this.

"Don't ask so many questions, just go ahead."

"Remember, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"If you lose this game, you will be in third place."

"But this result is already very good. You don't need to put too much demand and pressure on yourself. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it."

Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, and Liu Erlong also realized that compared with the Jiubao team, their team was really on a par with the sky.

The strength is not of the same magnitude at all, and there is no chance of winning.

"By the way, if you can, go up and decide the outcome with one move, just use the seven-in-one fusion technique!"

Yu Xiaogang suddenly reminded.

"If you use this move, you may still have a chance to win the prize, but when the time comes, you will still have to fight against the Wuhundian team."

"Okay, let's try it first. It won't be too late to talk about it after it's over."

Everyone nodded after thinking of this trump card.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have completed their recovery, and the seven of them walked towards the ring under the gaze of everyone.

"This battle is not of the same magnitude at all."

"We lost, our championship was ended, and our three soul bones were about to be handed over to others."

Among the Wuhun Team, those teammates who woke up looked at the two teams on the stage and said reluctantly.

"Do you think Team Shrek can win?" Someone in the team suddenly asked this question on a whim.

The other six people looked at him as if they were a fool.

As if to say, why do you have such strange, unrealistic ideas?

Was your brain damaged?

Do you actually think that Team Shrek has a chance of winning? ? ?

It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"If Team Shrek wins, I will show you a handstand to eat."

"If Team Shrek wins, I'll show you a handstand eating shit."

Just because they were convinced that Team Shrek could not win, they dared to say these words at this moment.

Suddenly many people covered their faces and behaved badly.

"Team Shrek has no chance of winning, not at all."

"Even our martial soul fusion skills with Soul Emperor cultivation were easily defeated."

"Among the entire team, the most terrifying one is the silver-haired girl."

Hu Liena and Xie Yue looked at Gu Yue with expressions of fear and fear.

The moment he fought with the opponent, he felt as if he was an ant and completely vulnerable.

At that time, a thought arose: How could I, an ant, dare to launch a fierce attack on the dragon? Isn't this asking for death? It’s really your own fault! Choose the most difficult one to challenge! (End of chapter)

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