Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

第160章 1602战队同时动用7位1体融合技!大陆第1辅助VS大陆第1昊天锤!

"The Shrek team's ability to enter the finals depends entirely on luck."

Hu Liena said.

This sentence also won the praise and recognition of many people.

"Oh, isn't this our defeated general? I didn't expect to meet him here. If we lost last time, we won't be able to win this time. You might as well surrender directly to avoid making jokes later."

Ning Rongrong said.

No one from their team went down.

"Huh, just because you failed last time, doesn't mean you will make the same mistake again this time!"

"Do you dare to fight us to determine the outcome?"

When everyone in Shrek heard that the other party was mocking them like this, they immediately became angry. Dai Mubai stood up and said angrily.

"Haha, let's do it then." Ning Rongrong looked at the sisters, but they didn't agree.

Because they possess absolutely crushing strength.

"Haha, just agree, I'm afraid you won't dare to agree!"

"Array up!"

Dai Mubai smiled, and everyone in Shrek also laughed, as if the next step was the most crucial killing move for them to win.

And it will definitely win.

As Dai Mubai's voice fell, everyone began to take action.

Everyone lined up directly, with Tang San standing in the first place.

In the next second, starting from the seventh, all the power was concentrated into the sixth.

The sixth one merges his own power into the fifth one.

Just like this, keep doing it over and over again.

In the end, the second person was Dai Mubai, who gathered everyone's strength and penetrated the first Tang San.

"Mistress, it's up to you!"

Dai Mubai said.

"This is the seven-in-one fusion technique!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

"I remember that this skill was used by a team before. It seems that the Shrek team imitated that team."

"But this is not so easy to achieve. It seems that all this has a lot to do with the opponent's team leader Yu Xiaogang."

In the audience, Yue Guan said to Pope Bibi Dong.

"So that's it. It's really him, Yu Xiaogang."

Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang, a hint of admiration flashed in her eyes.

But when she saw Liu Erlong, a hint of cold anger flashed in her eyes.

This woman took away her Yu Xiaogang.

"Haha, you are not the only ones who know the seven-in-one fusion technique."

"Sisters, we are coming too."

Ning Rongrong smiled disdainfully after seeing Shrek's ultimate move.

Soon, the people from the Jiubao Team lined up like the people from the Shrek Team.

"Then let me lend you a little bit of power to perform." Gu Yue's white jade fingers gently touched Na Mi's back, injecting a ball of power into her body.

Now she is a god, and a very powerful god. If too much power is injected into her, the power of the Soul King will be impossible to bear, and she will definitely explode and die, so she must control it well.

Fortunately, this does not trouble Gu Yue.

Now her control over her own power has reached a very superb level.

In this way, after Naimi received the power, he transmitted the previous one.

It is also the same energy transmission method and process as Shrek Team.

This also surprised everyone in the audience.

"They actually know the seven-in-one fusion technique!"

The members of Wuhun Team, Yu Xiaogang and others were also shocked.

The others were naturally shocked, but not as much as they were.

"They have them too. It seems that we are in trouble now. We have to fight quickly. Xiaosan will smash the Haotian Sect towards them. If they let their fusion skills take shape, then we may have no chance of winning!" Dai When Mubai saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately asked Tang San to take the lead. Seizing the opportunity is also the key to victory!

Although this approach is very shameless, as long as we can defeat the Jiubao Team, then everything will be worth it!

"I see!"

Tang San's left hand appeared, and with all his power pouring in, a huge golden hammer appeared above the arena, sweeping the city with a crazy explosive power.

"Haotian Hammer!!!"

"Is this the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer???"

"It's so big! Impossible! It's impossible for their talented soul sect to summon the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer!"

The whole audience was shocked.

"Haotian Sect promised us not to go out, but now we have gone back on our word. No matter what, we can use this to accuse the other party."

"Trouble the other party!"

The ghost suddenly curled up the corners of his mouth and spoke out his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, I also think the old ghost's suggestion is good. I will take this opportunity to continue to suppress the Haotian Sect."

"If we can capture this kid, maybe we can force Tang Hao's traitor to show up."

Yue Guan also nodded from the side.

The two of them had a very strong hatred for Tang Hao.

But Bibi Dong did not answer immediately, because she knew the real inside story, but these two people did not.

On the other hand, Tang Hao was her benefactor.

But now that she is the Pope of Wuhun Palace, all positions will naturally be on the side of Wuhun Palace.

"Let's see after the game is over."

Bibi Dong hesitated and said softly.

In fact, she was not very interested in Tang San and Tang Hao.

What worries her most now is Qian Nuo.

She must become a god quickly.

After you become a god, you can kill the opponent to take revenge. This is the most discouraging part.

Below, Tang San held the huge Clear Sky Hammer avatar and hammered it directly towards the Nine Treasures team who were condensing energy.

"Taking advantage of others' danger, Team Shrek is really a bunch of villains!"

When Ning Fengzhi and others in the auditorium above saw this, they showed angry expressions.

He shouted the words directly.

The one standing first in the Jiubao team is her precious daughter!

"If anything happens to Rongrong, I will definitely not let you go!" Chen Xin, who was standing aside, looked at the Shrek team with cold eyes.

It immediately made Yu Xiaogang and others shiver.

If victory comes at the expense of their lives, they would rather not take this opportunity.

"Is this the size of your Shrek's belly? It's smaller than I imagined. Unfortunately, you're still too late."

"The mainland's number one martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer, and the mainland's number one auxiliary weapon, the nine treasure glazed pagoda, are colliding. It's just the right time for my nine treasure glazed pagoda to suppress your Haotian Hammer."

"Oh, by the way, now my Nine Treasure Glazed Tower is even more powerful than your Clear Sky Hammer!"

Ning Rongrong said it with a mocking tone.

Under everyone's attention, a fierce light appeared in her hand.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda transformed into a huge true body and led the general to this world.

Buzz! ! ! ! ! !

Nine-colored rays of light flashed, and the golden outer glow exuded terrifying power.

He directly blocked the attack of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When the two weapons collided, a huge impact sound spread out, making everyone feel extremely harsh and uncomfortable after hearing it.

"so hard!!!!"

Tang San was extremely shocked.

Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, looked relaxed. (End of chapter)

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