Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 161 161 Broken Step! Shocked the whole audience! ! The Clear Sky Hammer was trampled to piec

Seeing that a simple hammer could not break the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower, Tang San immediately changed his attack and used the random cloak hammer technique.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

Each hammer burst out with more power than the previous hammer.

Although this hammering method is not truly complete.

However, the total damage caused by the explosion is still very terrifying.

Facing these attacks, Ning Rongrong calmly integrated the five soul rings into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower, and a colorful light shot out from it.

When Tang San was about to swing the hammer for the last time, it hit the hammer.

The terrifying impact encompassed all the power Tang San had just unleashed.

Among the soul rings that Ning Rongrong absorbed, there was one that had the effect of absorbing attacks from outsiders and converting them into his own energy, which could eventually be condensed into a bursting point and shot out before returning it to the opponent.

Now, this blow was the total damage of all Tang San's previous hits.

The Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand was shaken and flew away. Tang San was also knocked back, flew backwards, and landed on the ground.

Roll over to your teammates.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer hit the ground, making a dull sound.

"Even the Haotian Sect's unique skill, the Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique, is no match. It seems that the position of the mainland's number one martial spirit is about to shift."

Bibi Dong said with some surprise.

"Nine Treasures Glazed Tower"

Everyone looked at the huge nine-story pagoda with fear in their eyes.

This is really an uncomfortable result.

In Wuhun City, at an inn near the competition venue, there was a beggar man drinking tea.

The man's hand holding the teacup stopped in mid-air, looking ahead in disbelief.

"The Clear Sky Hammer has been defeated. This is not a good thing."

The man Tang Hao looked downcast.

Unexpectedly, the Clear Sky Hammer would still be placed in the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

This will greatly affect the status of the Clear Sky Hammer as the number one martial spirit in the mainland.

This is not what he wants.

He has also been protecting the reputation and status of the Clear Sky Hammer for so many years.

He didn't expect that he would eventually be broken by his son.


"Are you OK."

On the ring, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San who rolled in front of him and immediately asked with concern.

The scene just now also shocked them.

Unexpectedly, the Clear Sky Hammer, the number one player in the mainland, would be defeated by the support of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

It's really unbelievable.

"I'm all right."

Tang San pushed himself up, he couldn't fall down at this moment.

"It's no longer possible. Our strength has been exhausted and we can no longer fight. Xiaosan can only rely on you in the future."

"Don't force yourself. There's no shame in losing."

Dai Mubai and others looked pale, and after leaving these words, they left the stage one after another.

They didn't want to become Tang San's burden.

"Stop being brave. You have no chance of victory. Surrender quickly. The championship belongs to our Jiubao team."

"This is an undoubted fact!"

Ning Rongrong said.

On the contrary, the people of Jiubao Team are more relaxed.

"I carry with me the expectations of the entire Shrek. I will not surrender. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!"

"Come on hammer!"

Tang San said in a low voice.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer on the ground returned to his hand.

"Although your defense is strong, I have also found your weakness!"

"As long as I dodge that attack, that's all!"

Tang San used the Ghost Shadow Tracking Step to rush over.

"Haha, let's change forms." Ning Rongrong smiled mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" Tang San was stunned. The next second, Ning Rongrong and Zhang Min switched places.

"Switch positions? How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Your seven-in-one fusion skill is only superficial and incomplete. It not only consumes a lot of money, but also cannot replace personnel. But our complete version will not have these defects. Not only can the main control personnel be replaced at any time, but also powerful power can be exerted. , the consumption is very evenly matched and will not be wasted.”

Ning Rongrong said lightly.


After Zhang Min became the master of the seven-in-one, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower also disappeared, and then transformed into a huge unicorn horse!

The true form of the Qilin Horse!

"Just use this trick to end this boring battle."

"Soul skill, Broken Step!!"

As soon as Zhang Min finished speaking, the sky trembled, the air tore apart, and the surrounding space was sealed, making Tang San a targeted target.

A huge unicorn hoof fell from the sky, ripples appeared in the air, and the explosion was very harsh.

This scene is like the ancient unicorn coming to the world.

The momentum is huge, surpassing the Clear Sky Hammer.

Shocked the whole audience.

The more advanced a person is, the more powerful they feel the Qilin Horse!

It is definitely a super top soul beast!

"Haotian Hammer, random cloak!!!"

Looking at this scene, Tang San felt a hint of fear in his heart, but he still forcibly overcame this mentality, brandished the huge Clear Sky Hammer, jumped up suddenly, and faced the Qilin's hooves falling from the sky, Smashed it with all his strength.

This was a blow with all his strength. If he couldn't break it, there was nothing he could do.

Because he no longer has the strength to support it.

In this scene, although Shrek will lose, Tang San's figure has already been imprinted in everyone's hearts. Everyone will not laugh at him, but will only admire him.

Because the other party did not escape, but moved forward bravely.


Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A louder sound sounded than before, and a powerful impact hit the audience stage. Some people with low cultivation levels were forced to retreat.

In the arena, the huge unicorn horse stepped on the Clear Sky Hammer with its hooves, and both sides maintained such support.

Tang San struggled to hold on.

However, the next second, he discovered that a powerful force invaded the Clear Sky Hammer.

Then I heard, click, click, click.

This voice came from the Clear Sky Hammer.

Looking up, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The head of the Clear Sky Hammer cracked.


The next second, it exploded and turned into broken flowers that filled the sky.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Haotian was shattered by the hammer"

Everyone was shocked.

The Clear Sky Hammer actually broke! ! ! ! !

"No, how is that possible?" Tang San's eyes widened.

The next second, the huge unicorn hoof fell towards him.

"No! Don't! This kick will kill someone!" Yu Xiaogang yelled immediately.

Even the Clear Sky Hammer was shattered, let alone Tang San's mortal body.

Tang Hao behind him was also shocked. The Clear Sky Hammer was trampled to pieces. If this spread, it would definitely ruin the reputation of the Clear Sky Hammer!

This is a very serious matter.

For a moment, he had murderous intentions towards the members of the Jiubao Team.

He wanted to rush over and resist.

But it was too late.

There was simply no time.

Because no one would have thought that the Clear Sky Hammer would be trampled to pieces.

"No! If Xiaosan dies, I will definitely destroy you!" Tang Hao was angry.

However, at this moment, Qilin's hoof stopped on Tang San's head.

Didn't really step on it.

Eventually it dissipated.

This scene also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Tang San fell to the ground, unable to fight anymore because his soul power was exhausted. (End of chapter)

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