"Report, there's something going on!"

The person running shouted, and everyone looked over.

"What's going on?" Tang Xiao frowned.

Is there any news from the outside world again?

"Dai Tian, ​​the leader of the Star Luo Kingdom, is here in person. He is at the gate of the mountain. Do you want to receive him?" The Haotian Sect disciple immediately tidied up his makeup and said calmly.

"Dai Tian? Why is he here?"

"The visitor is a guest, bring him in."

Tang Xiao nodded.

"Yes!" The disciple left.

"I have collected this map. After I finish chatting with Dai Tian, ​​I will personally set out to search for this Poseidon Island."

"I have a great intuition. This time I go to sea, I will definitely be able to find this island. If I can really inherit the Poseidon, I will not only destroy the Wuhun Palace, but also completely make our Haotian Sect rise!"

Tang Xiao said and put away the map in his hand.

"Okay." The elders nodded.

It was obviously an uncertain question, but at this moment, they were also very optimistic about Tang Xiao's success rate.

Soon, Lord Dai Tian came in, greeted by the disciples of Haotian Sect.

"Sect Master Tang, you're fine!" When Dai Tian saw everyone in front of him, he took the lead in greeting them with his hands in hand.

"Prince Dai, you are well!" A trace of sadness flashed across the eyes of Tang Xiao and others.

The Haotian Sect itself is a supporter of the Star Luo Empire, but because of the Spirit Hall, they dare not continue to support it.

"I wonder why King Dai came here this time?" Tang Xiao went straight to the point.

As the saying goes, no matter what happens, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall.

For the leader of a country to come in person is definitely a big deal.

Dai Tian said in a deep voice: "Then I won't beat around the bush. The reason I came here this time is to invite the Haotian Sect to come out and join us in fighting against the Spirit Hall."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became quiet.

Dai Tian also understood that this would definitely not go smoothly.

"If it's just us, it's far from enough to fight against Wuhun Palace." Tang Xiao said.

Anyone who is not a fool can hear the other meaning of this sentence.

We don’t refuse to go out, but we are not strong enough.

Hearing this, Dai Tian felt happy in his heart. The Haotian Sect really had the idea of ​​​​going out, but he was the only one who had the opportunity.

He quickly said: "We will join forces with the Tiandou Kingdom to fight against the Wuhun Kingdom."

"Behind the Tiandou Kingdom, there is the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect."

"But it's a pity that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was wiped out long ago, otherwise we would have to recruit an alliance to fight against the Spirit Hall together." Dai Tian sighed.

"Who destroyed the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect? Is it really the Spirit Hall?" the great elder asked.

Dai Tian shook his head: "It's not clear yet, but it must be related to the rumored Alliance of All Realms."

"Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms?" Everyone in the Haotian Sect was stunned.

"Yes, this Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms is so, so, so, so, so, so, so!"

Dai Tian kept the story short and carefully explained everything from the initial information he learned to the present.

Nothing to hide.

This is also his sincerity.

"The situation is more complicated than we imagined." Everyone in the Haotian Sect was silent, with solemn expressions.

"We must unite together, otherwise we will never be able to defeat Wuhun Palace. Now it is the time of life and death. If we are still scattered, the whole world will become Wuhun Palace. As for the Alliance of All Realms, we can put it aside first. put."

Dai Tian said.

Now it is necessary to twist all the forces outside Wuhun Palace into one rope, unite all available forces, and jointly fight against Wuhun Palace.

Otherwise, they have no chance of winning.

"Okay, we agreed." "However, you need to delay. I have found a way to become stronger. I will go to sea by then, but it will take several years to come back."

"However, I promise that as long as I come back, I will have the strength to destroy the Spirit Hall!"

Tang Xiao said.

Nowadays, everyone taking care of each other is the most correct choice.

Holding together for warmth is the most concrete manifestation of the weak, and it is also the most useful manifestation.

"Okay!" Dai Tian nodded.

Then everyone chatted for a while, and Dai Tian left.

"Elders, time is pressing. Without further ado, I will go to sea to find Poseidon Island now!" Tang Xiao said, "While I am away, I will trouble you elders to look after the sect."

"Okay, don't worry." The elders nodded.

Soon, Tang Xiao left the Haotian Sect alone and arrived at the coast of the Star Luo Empire as quickly as possible.

A ship prepared by Dai Tianming has been parked here.

And the most awesome leader.

In this way, they set off on their journey to find Poseidon Island.

Time passes quickly.

These days, Bibi Dong went out killing like crazy in order to continuously gain the power to attack the Rakshasa God.

Her life became a two-point one.

Killing and practicing in the secret realm of Rakshasa.

That force also continued to soar, reaching the critical point.

"Come on, come on!"

"Soon, I can become the Rakshasa God. At that time, I can destroy the evil Qiannuo and Qianjia, rule the entire continent, and establish a true great empire of martial arts!"

Bibi Dong's eyes were red and crazy, full of desire and greed. Her ambition was aroused by Rakshasa's evil thoughts, and her negative emotions completely dominated her positive emotions.

The negativity hidden deep in the heart of human nature has completely surfaced.

In the enshrinement hall, Qian Renxue was also taking the seventh test of the Angel God and drew out the Angel Holy Sword.

This angel holy sword is a divine weapon, and it is completely different from their condensed martial soul angel holy swords.

One is heaven and the other is earth.

Qian Renxue draws her sword, but cannot use any soul power or soul skills.

It must be accomplished purely by physical strength.

You can pull it out little by little. Over the past few days, she kept pulling out, and as time went by, she felt more and more that she was almost successful in pulling it out.

"I must quickly become a god and live happily with my brother!"

Qian Renxue heard that as long as she became a god, she could gain the ability to live forever. In this way, she could have a lot of time to travel with her brother Qiannuo.

However, she didn't know that the real life in the God Realm was extremely boring and boring, and she needed to guard her position in the God Realm.

Under normal circumstances, no lower bound is given.

It is almost impossible to complete the getaway.

Unless it is someone like Qian Nuo who has no divine status, or whose divine status is formed without relying on the divine realm.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to completely unify the God Realm and break all the order in the God Realm.

Only the strongest can do this.

Another method is generally accepted, that is to pass on your divine status, so that you can retire and play wherever you want.

This is what all the gods in the divine world are eager for, but the person they need to inherit cannot be weak, nor can they just make up for it.

Otherwise, the order of the God Realm will also be chaotic.

God is not some big cabbage.

Qian Nuo did not accompany him to participate in the divine examination, but had other plans. (End of chapter)

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