Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 170 1704 The allegiance of a single-attribute clan!

"Sir, man, we brought it to you!"

In the headquarters of the Alliance of All Realms, in the main hall of the alliance leader, Shijiang led four people into the place and saluted the figure on the throne in front of him.

"Damn it, let us go!"

The four of them were struggling.

Qian Nuo looked at the four people and said lightly: "These four people are the heads of the four single-attribute clans?"

"Yes, they are Tai Tai, the leader of the Li Clan, Yang Wudi, the leader of the Po Clan, Bai He, the leader of the Min Clan, and Niu Ao, the leader of the Yu Clan."

Shijiang cupped his hands and said.

"Well, please step back first."

Qian Nuo waved.

Shi Jiang leaves.

There were only five figures left in the hall.

As for Gu Yue, she was going to train Ning Rongrong and the six others, and use the fastest speed to raise them all to the level of Titled Douluo.

Moreover, the Alliance of All Worlds is building a venue that will be helpful for training.

People in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance are quite busy now.

"Are you the leader of the Alliance of All Realms?"

Tai Tan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's me. I'm the one who killed Tang Hao. You should thank me."

Qian Nuo said, raising his hand and swiping in the air, erasing the power of the Titled Douluo that restrained the four people.

The four of them were horrified.

When they heard that the other party had killed Tang Hao, they all had mixed emotions in their hearts.

"Damn it, you actually killed the master! What about the little master!" Titan gritted his teeth.

This made the three people beside him frown.

Qian Nuo sneered: "I have been kneeling for a long time, and now it is difficult to even stand up. A man who abandoned you, you still call him master? As for Tang San, of course he was killed by me myself."

"If you want to avenge them, then take action, but this also means that you have chosen death. I will kill you and let you go down to accompany them."

After hearing this, the other three people immediately stopped the impulsive Titan.

"Old orangutan, please calm down. Even Tang Hao is no match for him, do you think we are? Even the titled Douluo just respected him so much, but together we are no match for him alone!"

"Tang Hao, you won't even lose your life. If you really want to do this, don't blame the brothers for looking down on you!"

Yang Wudi, Baihe, and Niuwei suddenly said in a deep voice.

They were very angry with the Haotian Sect and wanted to destroy each other.

This ruthless sect!

Abandoning them like this caused them to be hunted down and suppressed by the people of Wuhun Palace for so long!

This time, at a time when the empire was undergoing drastic changes, they finally came together again.

No one wants anyone among them to die.

After being told this, Titan did calm down.

"Leader, why did you ask us to come?" Yang Wudi said in a deep voice.

"Submit and be loyal to the Alliance of All Realms. I can give you a chance to destroy the Haotian Sect." Qian Nuo said calmly.

It turns out he didn’t kill them.

But if you really want to kill them, Shi Jiang alone is enough.

Because it's really powerful.

Destroy the Haotian Sect!

To be honest, they were really moved.

Taking a deep breath, Bai He stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "What will happen if we refuse?"

These things must be asked clearly.

"You have to know that sooner or later, this alliance leader will unify the entire continent and create a truly unified and centralized empire."

"If you don't join, you will only be destroyed."

Although the words Qian Nuo said made people very angry and disliked hearing them, due to the gap in strength, no one could refute them.

Unify the entire continent?

The four of them took a deep breath of air.

What a terrible ambition!

Now the world is divided into three parts, and the Three Kingdoms stand in harmony!

No one dares to call himself emperor!

However, the man in front of him wants to become the new emperor!

Unify the entire continent? This is something that has never been done before! In the most prosperous period, there were the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

"Will the Alliance of All Realms, or rather you, abandon us like the Haotian Sect?"

Niu asked in a deep voice.

"No, if you join the alliance, only the betrayers will be eliminated, and there will be no abandoners." Qian Nuo said.

"As a meeting gift, as long as you join, I will give each of you a soul bone suit and help you break through the title Douluo. I will also set up a hall position for you to serve as the hall leader."

"If you join now, your status will be high. If you join later, your status will be low."

"You make your own choice."

Qian Nuo said.

All four people were moved.

"I dare to ask the leader, my martial soul is born with a flaw and I will never be able to break through the title Douluo in my life. Is there anything that can be done to make up for it?"

Yang Wudi asked immediately.

"Yes." Qian Nuo said.

Just this word made Yang Wudi feel determined.

"Brothers, no matter what, I can't refuse his offer. I choose to join!"

"I, Yang Wudi, am willing to lead the entire Po Zhi clan to join the Alliance of Allegiance to the Ten Thousand Realms!"

Yang Wudi was the first to say.

"Yang Wudi pays homage to the alliance leader!"

He got down on one knee.


The other three people saw this and looked at each other.

The conditions offered by the Alliance of All Realms were indeed impossible for them to refuse.

The three of them also followed suit and knelt down on one knee.

"I, Bai He, am willing to lead the entire Min clan to join the Alliance of All Realms!"

"I am willing to lead the entire Yu clan to join the Alliance of All Realms!"

"I, Titan, am willing to lead the entire force clan to join the Alliance of All Realms!"

At this moment, even Tai Tan, who had the heart of a master and a servant, had no thoughts of revenge for Tang Hao and the others.

After all, what the three brothers said was right, it was the Haotian Sect that failed them first.

They want revenge!

Let Haotian Sect know what a stupid decision it was to abandon them in the first place!

As long as the Alliance of All Realms treats them well, they are willing to become each other's servants!

As long as the Alliance of All Realms is willing to vent their anger on them, everything will be fine!

"Very good, from now on you are members of the Alliance of All Realms."

"These four sets of hundred thousand year soul bone suits can help you break through the Title Douluo!"

"Yang Wudi, this one is the Qiluo Tulip. It is an immortal herb. It can help your martial spirit repair the defects and damages. Just eat it directly."

Qian Nuo was in a good mood, and took out four sets of hundred thousand year soul bone suits, as well as a golden fairy herb, which fell into the hands of the designated targets.

"Thank you, leader!"

The four of them were overjoyed.

White Crane, Ox Howl, and Tai Tan were extremely excited and their breathing was rapid. This was the first time in their lives that they saw a hundred thousand year soul bone, but now there were six of them for the first time!

It’s so crazy!

They don't know where the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance got so many hundred thousand year soul bones, but they understand that from this moment on, their hearts are really leaning towards the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

No one on the mainland can do something like this!

This is truly treating them as one of your own!

The four of them were excited and very moved at the same time!

He also has a deep determination to serve the Alliance of All Realms completely.

Three of them quickly put on their soul bones piece by piece.

Yang Wudi ate the Qiluo Tulip and started refining it.

Soon, the soul-breaking gun that defied his martial soul was filled, and this feeling was profound.

Immediately afterwards, he also quickly put on the 100,000-year soul bone suit! (End of chapter)

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