Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 171 171 Poseidon Island, High Priest Bo Saisi! What a nice view! The most beautiful woman!


"So strong!"

After the four of them put on the 100,000-year-old soul bone suit, their soul power soared rapidly.

All of them broke through level ninety and became titled Douluo.

Qian Nuo summoned four hundred thousand year soul beasts and asked them to offer sacrifices.

After absorbing the 100,000-year-old soul ring, they will become true titled Douluo.

Finally, the titan title power! Baihe’s title will be sealed quickly! The cow roars and is titled Royal! Yang Wudi's title was broken!

Level 95 Power Douluo Titan!

Ninety-fourth level Speed ​​Douluo Baihe!

The ninety-fourth level Imperial Douluo howls!

Level 93 Douluo Yang Wudi!

Qian Nuo's thoughts moved slightly, and he emitted spiritual power, allowing the titled Douluo from the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance to come and gather.

Soon, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, Shi Jiang, and Dugu Bo also arrived.

The four Titans greeted them.

Now there are nine titled Douluo here.

And they are all top-notch.

Including Qian Nuo, there are ten.

But he is not in the Titled Douluo sequence.

"This time I have asked you to come here for only one purpose, and that is to destroy the Haotian Sect." Qian Nuo said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Tai Tan and others were extremely excited.

"Leader, the spies we sent out have found the address of Haotian Sect." Ning Fengzhi handed a document to Qian Nuo.

"Don't look any further. This time, you will lead the team and we will fight quickly. As long as there is no one related to the Haotian Sect, no one will be spared."

"Now that we've done it, let's eradicate it completely." Qian Nuo raised his hand to stop it, but did not take it over to take a look. He was still very satisfied with Ning Fengzhi's work.

"However, we must be polite first and then fight. Let them surrender and be loyal to the Alliance of All Realms. If there is a voice of opposition, I will fight."

Qian Nuo said again.


Nine people surrendered.

They appear on the scene, with a ninety-nine-level peak peerless Douluo leading the team, and the Haotian Sect will be destroyed.

On the huge island, a large ship passed by.

After floating on the sea for so long, Tang Xiao successfully found Poseidon Island.

In front of them, there was a huge blue island.

Looking from a distance, you can see the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers on the island, a holy place for spiritual practice.

"This map did not deceive me. I actually found it."

"That's the legendary Poseidon Island!"

Tang Xiao took out the parchment map and looked at it, very excited.

Immediately ask the boat crew to speed up.

He felt distressed if he was delayed for even a second.

However, at this moment, his eyelids kept twitching.

There was an inexplicable uneasy feeling inside.

"It should be an illusion, caused by me being too excited." He used this to explain this feeling.

Soon, the boat arrived at the edge of the island and was stopped by someone.

Poseidon Island is filled with the power of faith of endless believers.

Under the statue of Poseidon, the god of the sea, kneeled a beautiful young woman in silver robes and a silver crown.

The beautiful young woman slowly opened her eyes and murmured: "The destined heir mentioned by Lord Poseidon has arrived."

Her eyes were complicated.

Looking behind him, a ball of water appeared.

A ship appeared in the ball, and Tang Xiao's figure on the ship was very clear.

Seeing his appearance, Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment.

Because this person looks like Tang Chen.

Could it be the other person's descendant?

If it was true, maybe she could find the Tang Chen lover she longed for through this person.

In her heart, she was always thinking about the other party.

It's been like this all these years. "Great sacrifice, a man calling himself Tang Xiao came outside. Do you want to drive him away?" In the sea canal, a white shark appeared and turned into a beautiful female figure and asked.

She is none other than the Demonic Great White Shark.

Bo Saixi's light and sweet voice sounded: "Let him come in. He is the successor appointed by Lord Poseidon. You must not be rude to him."

"Ah! Heir to Poseidon!!" Demonic Great White Shark was shocked.

"I know." He turned into the demonic great white shark again and dived into the sea, quickly exiting.

Outside, the demonic Great White Shark appears again.

"What's the result?" Tang Xiao asked, standing on the boat.

"You can go in, but others can't. You can let them go back." Demonic Soul Great White Shark said.


"Then how do I go back?"

Tang Xiao hesitated.

If she were facing someone else, Demon Soul Great White Shark would immediately scold him for talking so much nonsense, but the other person was Lord Poseidon's appointed heir, so she didn't dare.

He quickly said: "When the time comes, someone will take you back. Besides, you came here to accept Lord Poseidon's test. You won't be able to go back for a while. They can't get in here, and it's a waste of time to stay here."

"That's it, okay then."

"You should go back first. By the way, tell Lord Dai that Poseidon Island has been found. Let them find ways to delay the time. After I complete the inheritance, they will rush back." Tang Xiao looked at the helmsman and warned.

This helmsman is a soul saint.

It definitely has a lot to do with Dai Tian.

"I understand, Sect Master Tang. You can go ahead." The helmsman nodded.

Tang Xiao nodded and got off the boat.

The helmsman drove the boat, turned around and returned.

"Let's go in with me." Demonic Great White Shark looked at Tang Xiao along the way. She couldn't understand why Lord Poseidon would choose this land human as his successor?

High Priest Bo Saixi was waiting, watching Tang Xiao come in, they looked really alike.

"This is the high priest of our Poseidon Island."

Demon Soul Great White Shark took the initiative to introduce.

Tang Xiao looked at the woman in front of him and was also stunned.

Like a fairy, I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life.

For a moment, even he, the leader of the sect, was stunned.

After quickly reacting, he saluted: "Tang Xiao has met High Priest Bo Saixi, and I took the liberty to come here. Sorry for disturbing you!"

"Well, where do you come from?" Bo Saixi asked.

Tang Xiao said: "Haotian Sect!"

"It's really the Haotian Sect!" Bo Saixi's heart moved slightly.

"Let me ask you, what is the relationship between Tang Chen and you?" Bo Saixi asked.

Tang Xiao was stunned: "The high priest knows my grandfather?"


"That's right, it's been so many years."

"Sure enough, she has a child with someone else."

Bo Saixi felt a little sour inexplicably, thinking in despair.

Bo Saixi asked: "It happened in the past, where is your grandfather?"

She remembered that the other party told her that she was also looking for the inheritance of the gods.

Until now there is no news.

"Grandpa disappeared many years ago. Our Haotian Sect has searched all over the continent but there is no news. We all think that our ancestor may have unfortunately died during the examination for the divine position." Tang Xiao said sadly.

"No, no, how could he die? Absolutely not!" Bo Saixi couldn't accept it for a while.

However, reality is indeed dead.

But he didn't die in the assessment, but in Qian Nuo's hands.

It's a pity that they couldn't find it before and they won't be able to find it in the future.

Seeing Bo Saixi's reaction, Tang Xiao immediately understood that the beautiful priest in front of him must have an inexplicable relationship with his ancestor Tang Chen.

But it's enough for him to know it, there's no need to say it out loud.

Maybe after saying it, the taste will change.

Bo Saixi said: "Come on, put your hand on this stone statue, Lord Poseidon will give you an assessment." (End of Chapter)

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