God Realm, Poseidon God Realm.

After receiving the news that the clone was killed, the true form of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, was immediately angry.

At the same time, it also caused a certain degree of mental backlash on him, making his head hurt.

"Damn it, he was destroyed!"

"Damn humans from the lower world, destroyers of order!"

"Not only did he destroy my spiritual clone, he also killed my successor!"

"You and I are irreconcilable!!"

"But this time it's troublesome. The place of inheritance is gone, and the Poseidon Trident is gone. But this problem is not big. I can make another one. It's just that I finally found the right person. I also negotiated with that guy Shura before. Conditions, no, we have to find key benefits.”

Poseidon, the god of the sea, was extremely angry and got up and left his divine domain.

At this moment, the God Realm is preparing for war.

Just to wait for Qian Nuo to ascend to the God Realm and catch them all in one fell swoop.

Shura Divine Realm.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, showed up uninvited.

"Poseidon, why are you here?" God Shura asked.

"My inheritance was killed by Qian Nuo!" "Tang Xiao has completed the Poseidon inheritance, and my high priest has also sacrificed. Our plan has been ruined."

Poseidon, the god of the sea, had a gloomy look on his face, with a cold and murderous look on his face.

"What? We're in trouble now!"

After hearing this, God Shura frowned.

"The inheritor of the Angel God has also completed the inheritance."

"This inheritor of the Angel God is on Qian Nuo's side, and he is also the enemy of our God Realm!"

"Now in the lower world, no one can fight against him."

"This bad idea was yours. Now not only is my descendant gone, but my inheritance is also gone, and my spiritual clone has been destroyed. How are you going to compensate me!"

Poseidon, the god of the sea, said angrily.


"Don't worry, how about I allow you to continue to restore the inheritance place in the lower realm and personally select a more suitable successor for you?" God Shura said.

"Okay, who is this person?" Poseidon, the god of the sea, nodded.

"My successor, Tang San!"

Shura God said.

"Tang San? Don't be kidding me. Wasn't this guy reincarnated into Dou Qi Star? And he's also your successor. What will I, the God of the Sea, do to me?"

"My Shura God's murderous intention is too great, and it will be affected for a long time. I want to use your Poseidon to neutralize it, so I am considering letting him inherit two divine positions."

God Shura pondered for a moment and said.

"Two gods in one body? This is unprecedented, can it really be successful?" Poseidon, the god of the sea, was stunned.

"As long as we all agree, there should be no problem."

"Now I'm speeding up the integration of Dou Qi Star into Dou Luo Star. The system there is more advanced than Dou Luo Star. When the time comes, let Tang San lead the people there to launch a planetary battle against Dou Luo Star. No matter what, we must weaken Qian Nuo's strength."

Shura God said.

"That's all we can do for now." Poseidon, the God of the Sea, nodded.

"This Dou Qi star didn't exist before. Where did it suddenly appear now?" Poseidon, the god of the sea, asked curiously.

"I don't know. I feel that the Dou Emperor above is equivalent to the existence of the God King. It's just that there is no Dou Emperor on the planet currently, but the Dou Sheng is almost a first-class god like you. But in terms of combat effectiveness, it will be stronger than you, and even comparable to the God King of the God Realm." God Shura revealed the results of his research during these times.

"What? It's so outrageous?"

"The presence of such existence on the lower planet is not allowed by the God Realm. This is far beyond our control. Don't we arrange for people to go down and clean them out?" Poseidon, the God of the Sea, asked: "In that case, you How do you make these two planets merge?”

"Don't move rashly. This planet is an important flag for us to deal with Qian Nuo."

"In fact, the fusion was not initiated by me, but the Douluo Star was too powerful and forcibly swallowed up the surrounding small galaxies. I only slightly introduced the Douluo Star into the opponent's orbit of swallowing."

God Shura shook his head and said.

"So that's it." Poseidon, the god of the sea, nodded.

So the two started planning.

"Brother, my mission failed."

In the sky above Douluo Star, Qian Renxue looked at the figure in the sky and said with some frustration.

"You are indeed too weak, but we can develop a secret recipe for your angel clan based on the Haotian Sect's secret recipe."    "Let's go, since we are here, let's go to Poseidon Island to have a look."

Qian Nuo waved her hand and didn't take this matter too seriously.

"Lord Poseidon, he is dead!"

"Even the shadow of the former Lord Poseidon was destroyed by this person!"

"This person is so powerful! Who is he?"

"Kill our Poseidon, he will be our enemy!"

"He's down! Is he going to destroy our Poseidon Island?!"

"It's over! It's over! We're dead!"

On Poseidon Island, many people and the Seven Sacred Pillars showed anger and fear.

All eyes were fixed on the two figures of a man and a woman above.

Everyone is really scared.

Even the gods lost to the other party, let alone people like them.

"If you don't worship the emperor, what do you want to do?"

Qian Nuo, dressed in a dragon robe, stood with his hands behind his back, holding a majestic throne.

The emperor's voice is loud and clear.

It resounded in the hearts of everyone on Poseidon Island.

"You killed our Poseidon! You are our enemy!"

"We will not worship our enemies!"

Although the people below were scared, they were also angry.

"Presumptuous! Don't be rude!"

Surprisingly, the person who spoke was not Qian Nuo, but Sea Dragon Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars.

He was now sweating profusely and extremely frightened. Looking at the man in front of him, his soul was trembling.

If you really anger the other party, you will really destroy Poseidon Island.

Then these people are doomed.

"I'll wait to see the God Emperor!"

They didn't know who the person in front of them was, but if he could kill the Poseidon, he must be a god himself, and he also had an emperor's title, maybe he was the emperor of a country.

In this case, he would directly combine God and Emperor to call each other.

"Haha, God Emperor is a good title."

Qian Nuo said.

"Why did you kill our Poseidon?"

One of the Seven Holy Pillars asked, his eyes filled with anger.

"In this world, strength is the most important thing. Whoever I want to kill does not need a reason?"

"If there must be a reason, it is that we have enmity with the God Realm. Your Poseidon is the heir of Poseidon, so he is our enemy. Since he is an enemy, naturally kill him."

Qian Nuo laughed and said without paying much attention to other things.


"Shut up!"

Hai Long interrupted the man.

"Are you going to destroy us next?" Hai Long asked Qian Nuo.

"If I want to kill you, I can just snap your fingers."

"It depends on whether you want to be my enemy or loyal to me?"

"I have unified the continent and am the emperor of the Wuhun Empire. Now, we are the only empire in the world."

Qian Nuo looked at the seven people.

The decisions of these seven people are decisions about the future of Poseidon Island.

All seven people hesitated.

As soon as Lord Poseidon died, they turned around and joined the enemy's camp. This was too difficult for them to choose.

This is also a time when humanity is tested. (End of chapter)

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