Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 180 180 Allegiance to Poseidon Island, Resurrection of Bo Saisi

Sea Dragon Douluo said: "The enemy wants us to join you just after killing our believers. This is ridiculous."

Qian Nuo looked at Hai Long with calm eyes: "So, you want to choose to be my enemy?"

"No, we're not that stupid."

"We have no choice. Whether it's for our people or ourselves, we can't be your enemy."

"We really can only choose to be loyal to you, but not free?"

"We don't want to be your enemy."

Sea Dragon Douluo said.

"If you don't want to be an enemy, it's because you are not strong enough. Once you have absolutely strong strength, you may not be able to do so."

"You have no choice, either I kill everyone here, or you surrender."

"In a world where strength is respected, we are the ones who control the right to speak."

Qian Nuo stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"Okay, we choose to be loyal to you."

Sea Dragon Douluo showed a bitter expression.

Although everyone was very reluctant, they still chose to be loyal in order not to die.

Qiannuo entered the sacrificial platform in the Poseidon Temple, raised his hand and grabbed Bo Saixi's soul that was lost in the golden world.

With the blessing of the divine ring, the reversal technique was activated to revive it.

This scene made the people of Seven Sacred Pillars dumbfounded, as well as Qian Renxue.

"Brother, are you so powerful now? Can you even resurrect the dead?"

"Can we resurrect father?"

Qian Renxue asked in surprise.

"My ability is limited. People who have been dead for too long cannot be resurrected if they cannot find their souls."

"My father's soul died more than ten years ago and has been missing for a long time."

Qian Nuo shook his head.

The prerequisite for resurrection is to find that person's soul.

The body is just a shell and can be replaced at any time, but the soul is the true foundation of a person. If the soul cannot be found, how can it be resurrected?

After hearing this, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with disappointment.

"Don't worry, maybe after I reach the God Realm, I can use the God Realm to find my father's soul, and then I can resurrect him."

Qian Nuo said.

Even if the other party is reincarnated, he can use the inversion technique to restore the other party's memory and return to his original soul.

"Yeah." Since her brother had spoken, Qian Renxue naturally believed him.

"I've seen the high priest!"

The Seven Sacred Pillars said with great joy to the woman in front of them.

Qian Nuo looked at her. This woman was indeed beautiful, more beautiful than Qian Renxue.

She is indeed the most beautiful woman in Douluo.

It's a pity that the other party is from his father's generation, and since the old guy likes him, he will naturally not do such disgusting things.

"Am I dead? Why am I still here?"

"I remember that I was in a golden world. I was wandering in confusion and couldn't find my direction at all."

"Am I resurrected in my current state?"

A trace of doubt flashed across Bo Saixi's beautiful eyes, and he lowered his head to look at his current situation.

It's really amazing.

"It's this emperor who has resurrected you."

Qian Nuo said.

"who are you?"

"Is she a god?"

Bo Saixi came back to his senses and recalled that when he was lost in the golden world, a hand snatched him away. The aura of this person was exactly the same as that hand.

And her eyes also noticed Qian Renxue standing next to Qian Nuo, showing a look of shock.

"Thank you benefactor for saving me!"

No matter what, Bo Saixi took the initiative to bow and thank him.

The only way to resurrect yourself is through God's means.

The man in front of me has a noble aura, and he looks like a god at first sight.

The Seven Sacred Pillars looked strange.

If the other party knew that the person in front of him was the murderer of the new Poseidon, I don't know what expression the high priest would show.

Of course, they won't take the initiative to mention it because they haven't lived enough yet.

Who wants to die if he can live?

"By the way, where is the Poseidon Tang Xiao? Has he ascended?"

Bo Saixi didn't see Tang Xiao, the new sea god, and thought he had ascended. Not only was Tang Xiao’s body dead, but his soul was also wiped out.

He is really dead.

This person will no longer exist in this world, and even his qualifications for reincarnation have been ruthlessly deprived of him.


After hearing this, Qi Shengzhu swallowed his saliva.

No one dares to tell the truth.

"What's wrong with you?" Bo Saixi noticed something strange among the seven of them and asked in confusion.

"In a sense, Tang Xiao has indeed ascended." Qian Nuo said.

"Some kind of meaning? What do you mean?" Bo Saixi looked confused.

"He was destroyed by this emperor."

Qian Nuo said.

"What! Did you kill Poseidon Tang Xiao?"


"It seems we have no grudges against you, right?"

Bo Saixi was shocked, with complicated eyes.

Doesn’t the other party know that he is on Poseidon’s side? Why resurrect yourself?

Now, she doesn't know whether to hate the other person or to be grateful.

"Tang Xiao is a member of the Haotian Sect. The Haotian Sect refused to be loyal to me, so I had people kill him. Tang Xiao is a remnant of the Haotian Sect. Even if he becomes a god, he will come back for revenge as soon as possible. As an enemy, Don’t you think this emperor should destroy him?”

Qian Nuo's tone was calm.

"Your mission has ended. You are no longer the High Priest of Poseidon. You are a free person. You have already died once. Don't worry too much about the things in your previous life. Live your life well."

Qian Nuo said this to remind Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi was stunned and said, "Yes, my mission is over. I have already died once. That happened in my last life. In this life, I am a free man. I should not continue to struggle."

"I just feel very bitter. I didn't expect that the person I have been waiting for my whole life would be killed by you like this."

"But that was the person chosen by the previous Poseidon, the god of the sea. If you kill him, you are equivalent to becoming the enemy of the god of the sea."

Bo Saisi said.

"A mere first-class god, I can destroy him with just a raise of my hand."

"As long as you are loyal to this emperor, the position of Poseidon will be yours in the future."

Qian Nuo said.

"Seriously?" Bo Saixi was shocked.

"I keep my word!" Qian Nuo said.

"Okay! I will be loyal to you."

Bo Saixi nodded.

Everyone wants to become a god, and she is no exception.

No one would want to sacrifice their life for others, including herself.

"Let's go back with me. There is a beautiful woman waiting for you over there in the Wuhun Empire."

Qian Nuo said.

"Who? Is it Tang Chen?"

Bo Saixi asked.

"Haha, if my silly old man hears what you said, he will definitely be very sad."

After hearing this, Qian Nuo said coldly.

But he was mocking Qian Daoliu.

"This emperor comes from the Spirit Empire."

"Martial Spirit Empire. Could it be him! Qian Daoliu!"

Bo Saixi's eyes widened.

"You are an angel god, shouldn't he also be offering sacrifices?"

Look at Qian Renxue.

"If I can resurrect you, I can also resurrect that old man."

Qian Nuo said lightly.


"What about Poseidon Island?"

Bo Saisi asked.

"This emperor will not let any child wander outside. He will merge it into the continental plate later."

As he raised his hand, a void teleportation crack had been opened, and everyone walked in. (End of chapter)

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