Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 182 182 The terrifying power of faith becomes a god! Create your own god! Demon! Priesthood

The power of faith of land creatures and ocean creatures gathered in the body of Qian Nuo. The powerful power of faith was refined and squeezed by a force in his body, and finally formed the faith water ball.

Believe that the water polo turns into river pools, lakes, the Yangtze River, and eventually the vast ocean.

"It's not enough, keep absorbing it for me!"

Qian Nuo thought in her mind, speeding up the absorption of the power of faith.

He wants to create his own divine position that surpasses the divine king.

In the end, he was tempered with the power of his own evil and curse.

Everything about his body was undergoing huge changes at this moment.

Nine divine rings appeared instantly behind him.

Nine divine rings enveloped him.

Nine beams of light shone on him.

The ocean's quantitative changes are rapidly undergoing qualitative changes.

Affected by the power of evil and curse.

During the qualitative change, a new power was born. This power not only had all the characteristics of evil power and curse power, but was also more powerful than these two maternal and fetal powers!

It's called magic!

During the transition of faith, a symbol full of demonic nature has been formed.

His own self-created god has appeared!

The Demonic God's Throne!

The ocean of faith spreads out and creates a small world.

The world is huge, and the world is as big as the ocean of faith!

The world inside the body! Creation within the body!

This is also the divine realm of God that only true gods with divine status can possess!

Demon God Realm!

The sky is the power of demons, the earth is the power of evil, and the walls of the world are the power of curses.

This world is beginning to nurture life.

Now it has just been born.

Qian Nuo looked at his own divine throne and divine realm.

Very satisfied.

"From now on, I am the Demon God! The first generation Demon God!"

Qian Nuo laughed.

A crazy idea flashed through his mind.

That is to refine the entire Douluo Star into one's own body, becoming one of the core life planets of this divine domain, and then continuously feeding it!

By doing this, it will truly become the supreme master of this planet!

He has the final say in life and death for a year!

He will also become the only way of heaven in Douluo Star!

"Douluo Star doesn't sound good. After it's absorbed, I'll call you Demon Star! The first generation Demon Star! It's also my main star!"

"When the entire God Realm is refined, how powerful will my magic star become? It's really exciting!"

Qian Nuo smiled excitedly and expectantly.

I can’t wait to execute it now.


In Douluo Star, in the highest sky.

A black wave of divine power surged.

Qian Nuo stood in the light, with a circle of abyss-colored God's Demonic Ring under her feet.

Another eight also appeared around him, all of them were abyss-colored God's Demonic Rings!

After he completes the creation of his own divine position, everything about him will change to match this divine position.

Now his strength is countless times stronger than before!

Behind him, there was a buzzing sound, and a circle of God's Demonic Ring with an even more abyss color appeared.

Let Qian Nuo's demonic power fill the world.

Douluo Star is trembling.

The God Realm was also trembling from this power.

The gods didn't know why, so they naturally looked frightened.

The five god kings discovered that this fluctuation came from Douluo Star, and immediately checked the current situation of Douluo Star.

However, all I saw was a terrifying existence with ten black divine rings standing on the endless sky!

It was Qian Nuo who made them all jealous and afraid!

"He is Qian Nuo!"

"Ten divine rings!"

"How can it be!"

"No! He has a powerful aura of God! He didn't have it before!"

"And the soul ring changed color!"

"Everything about him has changed!"

"This wave of divine power does not belong to any god in the divine world!"

"Did he create his own godly position?"

"A god with ten divine rings shouldn't be at the level of a creation god, right?"

"You're kidding, God of Creation, how can we fight?"

"Unless we also summon the God of Creation!"

"It's over now! Such an evil power! If he wants to be an enemy of the God Realm, the God Realm will usher in a catastrophe even more terrifying than the Dragon God!!!"    "This catastrophe is likely to bring down the whole world. The world of gods is destroyed!!"

The voices of the five great gods trembled.

Qian Nuo was very perverted before.

I originally planned to go down and kill the opponent.

But unknowingly, the other party had gathered nine soul rings, and from the perspective of divine status, he was at the level of a god king.

Although he has no divine status, his strength is terrifying.

So everyone gave up the idea.

Waiting for the other party to come up, however, if you continue to wait, the other party will go against the will of heaven and create your own god!

And it’s such a terrifying god!

"This divine quality definitely surpasses that of the God King!"

"Hurry up and let everyone in the God Realm prepare for the highest level of combat!"

The five god kings made this decision at the same time.

Next, there will be a terrible catastrophe!

The gods in the divine world quickly received the instructions, and all the gods panicked.

Gods who were on missions outside also quickly returned to the God Realm.

All the gods are ready for war, waiting for the arrival of the devil.

At this moment, the five god kings all sensed the danger warning coming from the center of the god world.

They came to the center of the God Realm one after another.

The source of the danger was detected to be from Douluo Planet.

Create your own god, the devil!

As long as a self-created god appears in the lower realm, the center of the God Realm can detect it.

But this demon god does not belong to the divine world.

Unless the other party ascends to the divine realm and takes the initiative to register.


"It is indeed a new god!"

"What level of priesthood does this guy have?"

The evil god king asked immediately.

After calculation, the center of the God Realm exploded a red dangerous color as a warning.

Creator God!

"What! The priesthood is actually at the level of the God of Creation!"

"Now that he has ten divine rings, does he have the power of the Creator God?"

The hairs on the hairs of the five god kings stood up in fear.

"I don't know! Ominous!"

The center of the divine world gave this answer.

It made everyone even more horrified.

Even the center of the God Realm that manages all the gods in the world cannot predict it. It seems that the other party is very likely!

Definitely surpassing the God King!

"Everyone, do we really want to be enemies with such a terrifying existence?"

The goddess of kindness asked in a solemn voice.

This is also what everyone wants.

"If we really want to fight, we can only join forces to summon the God of Creation. However, at that time, the God Realm will become the main battlefield, and the God Realm will be devastated, with heavy casualties!"

"And our God of Creation is not the real God of Creation, but just a thought of Creation left by the God of Creation, and that guy is the real God of Creation."

"Although it may not have reached the level of divine power at present."

The goddess of life spoke.

The thought of having to fight with a person with the priesthood of the God of Creation made her scalp numb and trembling.

This is even scarier than fighting the Dragon God.

The Dragon God had made them so embarrassed when he was just the God King.

Of course, the main reason is that there are too many other soul beasts and mythical beasts.

The Dragon God himself is also powerful.

However, this guy's strength definitely exceeds that of the Dragon God!

"How about we take the initiative to talk to him?"

"Now he is in charge of a planet, so his belly shouldn't be too small."

"Forget about the unification of the land, he actually subdued the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and let him manage the sea area. Now the creatures in the sea area also believe in him."

"Such a terrifying and massive power of faith makes me jealous to death."


"Peace talks? What if he wants to be the master of the God Realm? Will you agree?"

God Shura said with a gloomy expression.

He had planned this guy, and it would be funny if he didn't kill him. (End of chapter)

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