Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 183 183 The demon god ascended and encountered an unexpected situation on the way, Dou Qi St

"If his ambition is really that big, then we will have no choice but to fight hard."

"But if the other party dominates the God Realm in a peaceful way, for the sake of peace in the God Realm and in order not to cause disaster to all living beings, we may not be able to let him do it."

"After all, that is a being with ten divine rings."

"The universe is huge, and the crisis is not necessarily limited to the current one. There may be even more terrifying ones than now. If there is a ten-ring god sitting in charge, we will be under a lot less pressure by then."

The goddess of goodness and life made her point known.

No one refuted.

If this person's cultivation level is within the range that they can suppress, they will definitely not make such a cowardly decision after careful consideration.

But the other party has passed the stage that they can control and suppress, so they can only work hard on peace talks.

Naturally, the latter is the most important.

Nothing is impossible to negotiate, it just depends on whether both parties are willing.

"Let's talk about it. Let's see what this person does next."

"It is better to put the gods in the God Realm on alert first. Now that he has created a god, he cannot take advantage of the rules of the God Realm. Sooner or later he will be able to ascend to the God Realm."

"We have to be fully prepared."

The God King of Destruction and the Evil God King spoke.

Only God King Shura chose to remain silent.

"For today's plan, this is the only way." In the end, he nodded in agreement.

Now, even if Tang San inherited the Shura God, he still wouldn't be able to defeat the opponent.

It's too late.

If this is the case, then those who know the current affairs are heroes.

However, a planet as high-level as Dou Qi Star might be able to use it.

If the high-level to peak fighting saint on the opposite side is equivalent to a god-king level existence, then what about the fighting emperor?

It's a pity that there has been no new Dou Emperor in that continent for three thousand years.

In this case, no one can compete with it.

Douluo Star.

Above the highest sky, Qian Nuo, who had become the devil, felt more comfortable than ever before.

"This is the god's position, a brand new power, really extraordinary."

"Finally let me condense the tenth divine ring."

Qian Nuo looked at his current physical condition with some excitement.

Very strong!

In itself, opening the nine divine rings can instantly increase his strength ninety times!

The appearance of the ten divine rings now is only one more than the ninth divine ring, but this last one is completely a qualitative change.

After opening the ten divine rings, his strength will soar a hundred times!

The energy difference between each of these last ten times is like the sky and the earth.

Huge difference!

"God Realm, are you ready for my baptism?"

Qian Nuo looked up at the sky.

In a flash, he flew towards the divine gate above the sky, which only the true god who inherited the divine throne could sense.

That is the divine door leading to the divine world.

Now, no one can restrain him anymore. Even if he goes to God Realm, he can return to Douluo Star at any time.

After he conquers the God Realm, he will come back and refine the Douluo Star.

However, just when he entered the divine gate to receive the light, his expression suddenly changed at a startling glance.

He saw that in the vast universe, there was a huge planet, quickly approaching Douluo Star, and there was a strong devouring and attracting force on it.

"What kind of planet is this? This scene is happening. Is it because of my appearance?"

Qian Nuo's expression changed drastically.

So, he decisively stopped continuing to ascend.

Douluo Star has been regarded by him as his own property, his own Demon Star.

If it were hit by this planet, Douluo Planet is much smaller, how could it withstand such a great force?

It will definitely be hit and explode.

So, he dodged and came to the sky above this huge planet.

With spiritual insight, I was surprised to discover that there was life inside this huge planet!

And there are many of these lives! very many!

The number is not even comparable to that of Douluo Star!

Moreover, the cultivation level of the people above is much higher than that of Douluo Star.

If Douluo Planet is a low-level planet.

That huge planet in front of us.

Is this completely at the level of an advanced planet? ! "Ha ha ha ha!!!"


"This planet can also be refined by me and enter the divine realm!"

"But you can't move on now."

Qian Nuo laughed.

After he is done with the God Realm, he will come over to this planet to have a look.

But now, as the main god of Douluo Star, he can no longer let this superstar continue to move forward.

In his hands, a powerful force appeared, the power of the devil, turning into a huge black hand.

This is one of his super artifacts, called the Demonic Hand.

It is derived from the deification of the black hand that he is best at.

Now this giant hand has directly turned into a super artifact, which can also be said to have surpassed the existence of a super artifact.

It is above the super artifact!

The huge black hand evolves infinitely, with seemingly no upper limit, and soon becomes larger than the entire superstar.

This scene can shock countless people.

The huge demonic hand enveloped the advancing superstar.

In an instant, the entire Dou Qi Star entered a dark age.

People all over the world were dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Why did the whole world go dark all of a sudden?

The seven ancient tribes were shocked.

People from all forces were shocked.

Northwest Continent, Wutan City, Xiao Family.

"What's going on? Why did the sky turn dark instantly and it felt like the world suddenly lost its light?"

"This is the first time I've seen this weird image."

In the Xiao family, there is a mansion and a pavilion. The girl Xiao Xun'er originally planned to bask in the sun here. Suddenly, the whole world turned dark without any warning, which made her frown and extremely surprised.

She mobilized her fighting spirit, bloomed in her eyes, and with a flash of fire, she could clearly see the world after the darkness.

This is different from the dark night. In the dark night, at least the light of the moon shines. It is not absolute darkness, but now it is completely complete darkness.

I can't see my fingers.

"Miss, I don't know either, it just happened in a moment."

"Could this be an ominous omen?"

At this time, a shadow emerged from the darkness, stood respectfully beside Xiao Xun'er, and reported.

They are people from the seven ancient tribes.

I came to Xiao's house because I had a mission.

Ordinary small families would naturally not let them come over, just because the current Xiao family is the descendant of the ancient eighth clan, the Xiao family.

Originally, they were not the seven ancient tribes but the eight ancient tribes.

It's a pity that the Xiao family is gone, so it can only be changed to seven.

Moreover, according to the current situation of the Xiao family, the strongest person in the family is a great fighting master. No one can imagine or think that they will return to the ancient eighth family in the future to revive.

"Let's see what the family says."

Xiao Xun'er pondered.

On the other side, also in the northwest continent, a young man in blue who was hunting in the Warcraft Forest was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

"It's dark, it's not good, I have to find a place to hide."

"Now that I am at the critical moment of continuing my position as Shura God, I must not allow any accidents."

The boy's pupils were purple and he could see around him clearly.

Quickly find a cave and sit cross-legged.

He is the reincarnated Tang San!

He is several years old now.

But his cultivation level is already that of a nine-star fighting master.

However, in order to take revenge, God Shura will naturally not let the other party become a fighting saint before inheriting, because it is too slow.

Having the status of Shura does not necessarily mean that you will have the same divine power.

Therefore, God Shura planned to wait until Tang San reached the level of Great Dou Master before passing on the title of God Shura.

Now Tang San has finished putting on the Shura Divine Costume.

The whole person's murderous aura is also very terrifying. (End of chapter)

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