"You people are just mean. You don't like to listen to nice things. You have to be beaten to understand the difference in strength between yourself and the real strong people, and then you can be obedient."

Demon God Qiannuo's tone was cold.

A demonic ring enveloped the Blood Knife Saint, and the spell was reversed.

It does not reverse the opponent's cultivation, but simply reverses the body.

Soon, the soul body that was originally an illusion now became a physical entity.

Life energy and vitality are more intense.

This is something only living people can have.

"Great! I'm really resurrected!"

The Blood Knife Saint felt the return of his body and the strength of his physical body.

Only when the physical body and soul body are combined can his true power be exerted.

Under the same realm, it is difficult or even impossible for a soul body to defeat an opponent of the same realm with a physical body.

"The Blood Knife pays homage to its master!"

After feeling happy, the Blood Knife Saint immediately saluted.

"Take me to find Xiao Xuan."

Qian Nuo said.

"Yes." The Blood Knife Saint nodded, turned around and took the lead.

In the deepest part of the Sky Tomb, a terrifying existence is hidden here.

And this person is none other than Xiao Xuan that Qian Nuo is looking for.

He is also the descendant clan leader of the Xiao clan, one of the eight ancient clans! Ancestor Xiao Xuan!

At that time, he was the number one person in the world.

In a duel, no one is his opponent.

Even if the other clan leaders join forces, they are no match for him.

With one person, he trapped three strange fires in his body and used them forcefully.

This method can be described as bold and audacious, and one cannot help but admire it.

Ordinary people, if you don't have skills similar to the Burning Art, if you want to integrate multiple kinds of strange fires into your body, you are just seeking death. Not only will you not succeed, you will also explode and die.

This is the behavior of a madman.

But even such a ridiculous thing made the guy in front of me do it.

If the other party hadn't gathered the entire clan's blood pulse to attack the Dou Emperor in the end, he would have been surrounded and attacked by others.

Nor will he perish.

There is even a high chance of success.

But unfortunately, he was attacked by a sneak attack and seriously injured.

In the end, the enemy teamed up to kill him while you were sick and wanted to kill you.

However, at the most critical moment, he split a remnant soul and entered the sky tomb. Unfortunately, he could not leave this place for the rest of his life.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something and turned around to look at the black corridor ahead.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "A big terror is coming, who will it be?"

"No, no one can enter here more than Dou Zun. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to surpass Dou Zun. Otherwise, the tomb will not only drive away, but also collapse."

"But obviously not, maybe I'm overly concerned."

Xiao Xuan thought to himself.

There was no unusual movement in the sky tomb.

The power of the Tomb Soul is very powerful.

The two have been balancing each other over the years.

Suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Two people appeared in front of me.

What shocked him the most was the man in black.

He is very familiar with this person. Isn't he the Blood Sword Saint?

Isn't this guy dead?

Why is my whole body now filled with the breath of life? Is this because I have been resurrected?

But if he is resurrected, he should be driven out of the tomb.

It seems that this matter is more complicated and strange than I imagined.

After all, Xiao Xuan was an old figure on the road, and he quickly calmed down.

"Which lord is coming?"

He was the first to ask, so that he would have the upper hand at all times.

This is his character.

"Haha, Xiao Xuan was a great hero of Douqi Continent. Unfortunately, he had a bad fate and still fell." In the darkness, a sarcastic voice sounded.

The person who spoke was none other than the demon god Qian Nuo dressed in black.

"As expected, the other party knows about me. This aura is so evil. Could it be that he is from the Soul Clan? The Soul Emperor?"

Xiao Xuan frowned, but he was ruled out in the next second.

If it is really the Soul Emperor, it is absolutely impossible.

It is absolutely impossible for the opponent to enter the Heavenly Tomb if he is a Nine-Star Fighting Saint. Once he enters, the Heavenly Tomb will definitely tremble violently.

Moreover, the place where the Heavenly Tomb is located belongs to the ancient clan, and it was not opened manually. The Heavenly Tomb needs to be opened automatically, otherwise even if Emperor Hun Tian and Gu Yuan force it open, they will not be able to do it.

If he really did this, he would notice it immediately.

But now he doesn't, unless the opponent advances to become the legendary Dou Emperor.

However, the next second, he saw clearly the voice of the speaker.

This person is not the Soul Emperor, nor is he anyone he knows.

"Who is your Excellency? Could it be that you are from the Soul Clan?"

Xiao Xuan's expression changed slightly. If the other party was really from the Soul Clan, he probably came here just for his own soul.

But he is not afraid at all, because here, he can exert his fighting power in his heyday.

If a fight really breaks out, and the opponent is not the Soul Emperor, he can completely suppress it, kill it, and stay here forever.

Even after the other party died, he directly wiped out the soul as well.

This is the biggest and most fatal blow to a person.

After all, the soul is the foundation of a person. After reaching this realm, everyone knows this.

Even if you don’t reach this realm, you will still know.

This is a reminder from the soul to itself.

"Haha, I am not from the Soul Clan, but the Soul Clan is my subordinate."

Qian Nuo said.

"Just now, I also took over the Ancient Clan. Now the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan are one family."

"As long as I'm here, they won't rebel, and they won't dare."

Qian Nuo's voice was calm, but what he said was very shocking.

Too confident.

Xiao Xuan, as a man who was at the ceiling level thousands of years ago and almost stepped into the Dou Emperor. Although he can suppress the Soul Emperor and others, it is because of his strength, but to outsiders, the strength of these people is at the ceiling level. exist.

But now he has been subdued?

Xiao Xuan almost blurted out, are you sure you are not here to joke with me?

But seeing how confident the other party was, he still didn't say this.

"Who is your Excellency?" Xiao Xuan asked.

"I come from a foreign land and transcend this world. I am the founder and leader of the Alliance of All Realms."

Demon God Qian Nuo said.

"Foreign land!? Transcendence!?"

"Could it be that you are Emperor Dou!"

Xiao Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

He has been looking for why those Dou Emperors from thousands of years ago disappeared inexplicably.

Did he die or something?

But there is no specific answer so far.

The other person who said that might be the Dou Emperor of that era.

He wanted to know where those Dou Emperors had gone.

"I am not Dou Emperor, but I am stronger than Dou Emperor." Qian Nuo said these words, like dropping a hydrogen bomb on a calm lake and exploding instantly!


"Not Dou Emperor! But stronger than Dou Emperor!!!"

Xiao Xuan was extremely shocked.

"Are you willing to join our Alliance of All Realms?"

Qiannuo didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

This was the reason why he came to look for Xiao Xuan today.

"But I am already dead and cannot leave the tomb in heaven."

He blurted out, but the next second, Xiao Xuan felt something was wrong, because he remembered that the person in front of him was stronger than Dou Emperor.

Maybe there really is a way to resurrect this remnant of his soul.

As long as you are alive, you are not truly dead. (End of chapter)

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